big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1357 I can’t swallow that breath!

Chapter 1357 I can’t swallow that breath!

Looking at Xiao Jiu with a happy face, Qin Mo secretly cursed himself for not being human.

I feel like I have a dirty mind.

At this moment, Gao Yao came over and said, "Master, please report urgently!"

Xiaojiu glanced at Gao Yao and walked away obediently.

Qin Mo couldn't help but sit up straight when he looked at the information Gao Yao handed over. He took it over and took a look. He was relieved at first, but then he frowned deeply.

"Su Yun raided Yancheng and died in battle. Only 3 of the [-]-strong army survived. It hurts, it hurts so much!" Qin Mo couldn't help but sigh.

Gao Yao also frowned and said: "Blindness has damaged hundreds of thousands of elites, which has already damaged Daqian's vitality. If this happens, what should I do if Yizhi goes south?"

"It's true that his vitality was hurt, but it wasn't as serious as you thought. Yi Zhixie did get up, but it wasn't easy for him to go south.

Daqian's military equipment is far better than that of the Northwest slaves. If they dare to come, there is a high probability that they will be defeated.

If I were him, I would continue to move westward and conquer more and wider areas.

Or disturb the celestial phenomena.

They hold tens of thousands of Dagan prisoners in their hands and are already qualified to negotiate with Dagan.

A smart person will definitely ask for the recipe for gunpowder, or a craftsman.

As long as they set conditions, the passive ones will be Da Gan.

Even if Da Gan disagrees, they will find a way to ask for a batch of armaments.

And this condition is likely to be met.

Once the response is taken, the battle will be over in a short time. In the next few years, Daqian will change from expansion to defense.

The northwest slaves who had captured so many weapons were, to a certain extent, qualified to compete with Da Gan. "

After saying that, Qin Mo thought of Li Xin. This guy probably didn't expect that the trap he left would trap so many people.

That's over a hundred thousand people.

Although this matter had nothing to do with Qin Mo, looking at the numbers on the paper still gave me a toothache.

He has fought with many of these people.

Gao Yao said: "Is there nothing we can do?"

"There are many ways!" Qin Mo said: "The Daqian navy is unique in the world. If it were me, I would lead the fleet along the coastlines of the two countries and make camp step by step.

After all, Yi Zhixie is the invader, and Dashi is a country where politics and religion are integrated.

There must be many rebels in private. Try to find these people and slowly grind them to death.

Not only that, we are also famous as teachers and have a lot of face.

After we win the battle, we will take over Dashi as rescuers. Do you think they will welcome it?
At worst, we'll have a divine right to do it. I'm very familiar with this trick! "

Having said this, Qin Mo paused, "The second method is more cruel and kills indiscriminately. The smallpox virus will always be retained. All of us have been vaccinated against cowpox.

Let the people from the Espionage Department spread it, and it won't take long for smallpox to spread in Yuezhi and Dashi, and then take advantage of the opportunity to send troops. It is only a matter of time before we win this battle!
The third method is to assassinate the senior generals of the Northwest Slaves. In fact, people from the Espionage Department have already infiltrated the Northwest Slaves.

During the celestial phenomenon, I guessed that Lao Liu would definitely have ideas about the countries in the Western Regions, so I made plans in advance.

These three methods have obvious advantages and disadvantages! "

"Master, what if the imperial court asks you to lead the army?" "I haven't taken care of all the countries in Nanyang, so I have time to take care of which one!" Qin Mo said: "Of course, if they summon me, or send someone to invite me in person, I really need to go there.”

At this critical moment, if he refuses, someone will definitely make a fuss about it.

Gao Yao didn't want Qin Mo to take risks. In recent years, there have been tough battles at Daqian Airport. Wasn't that battle a victory for Qin Mo and Ding Ding?

Even if the Gaoli Peninsula was recovered, it was Qin Mo's idea, and everything was within his plan.

How many years will it take for you to let go?
The situation in the Western Region collapsed like this!
Sure enough, if you take too big a step, you will easily lose your temper!
Qin Mo stood up and walked towards the shore.

Not long after, he arrived at Xiao Yurou's exclusive office and placed the information in front of her.

There was an ice cube in the room and cold drinks on the side, but the fragrant sweat still dripped down Xiao Yurou's chin.

"have a look!"

Xiao Yurou rolled her eyes at Qin Mo, "Can you let me finish what I'm doing?"

"This is more important!" Qin Mo smiled and sat across from him, picked up the cold drink on the side and drank it in one gulp, and even burped!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yurou gritted her teeth, "Then I drank it!"

"Do we still need to argue so much?"

"Why isn't it necessary?" Xiao Yurou snorted. These days, she and Qin Mo were innocent, but this guy was becoming more and more out of character.

But, every time when the critical moment comes, this guy seems to have worries and often messes with her heartstrings, which makes her feel particularly uncomfortable.

"I'm here all day and night to help you with your official documents. It's better for you to travel around the mountains and rivers every day and walk around shirtless. Do you think you're in good shape?"

Qin Mo pointed at his eight-pack abs, "You said you liked it last time!"

"Nonsense, when did I say that!" Xiao Yurou gritted her teeth angrily, but she had no choice but to argue with the bastard. She rarely won.

She simply shut up and picked up the paper and read it. When she saw it, her expression changed, "The emperor will definitely call you to lead the army!"

"What should I do if I don't want to go?" Qin Mo moved the table in front of her, then rested his head on her thigh and glanced up, unable to see her face.

The thin gauze clothes reveal the fair and rosy skin, and the fragrance penetrates directly into the nose.

The fire that had just been kissed by Xiao Nineteen was about to explode at this moment.

Seeing that Qin Mo was also sweating profusely, she picked up a plate of cattail fans and gently encouraged her, "You're sick!"

"I am young and strong, and you make me sick? Who are you looking down on?" Qin Mo said with a bitter smile, "This is too obvious!"

"Then there's nothing we can do!" Xiao Yuju said, "Just wait for the emperor's order. Once you leave, I guess the imperial court will send someone to take over the matters related to Lingnan.

If you win this battle again, you will really push yourself into a corner! "


Qin Mo rubbed his temples.

"If it doesn't work, you can go support Prince Cheng and go there as a deputy general. As long as the first achievement is Prince Cheng's, there's no need to worry too much!" Xiao Yurou said, seeing Qin Mo's frowning face, she became angry again. It’s funny again, “Don’t come here anymore, we are your people everywhere in the world, as long as you want to win this battle, just use your words.

Your brother escaped death, and you are happier than anyone else. You are not a person who is greedy for credit. What does credit mean to you?
Wouldn't it be better to give these credits to your brothers?

You just can't swallow the breath in your heart, how can I still know?

If you are not happy and scold me back, why are you being stubborn with me?
I'm not your wife! "

(End of this chapter)

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