big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1358: Change your lipstick next time!

Chapter 1358: Change your lipstick next time!

"Can't you comfort me?"

"If you're unhappy, stop tossing me. I still have a lot of official documents to deal with and I don't have time to comfort you!" Xiao Yu said judo.

"You just said you are not my wife, then whose wife are you?"


Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, then laughed dryly, but then he felt that the fire was about to explode, "You said that, and I got excited!"

Before Xiao Yurou could react, she was picked up and her vision immediately went dark.


The pink fist hit Qin Mo's back. He resisted at first, but slowly the fist turned into a hook and directly hooked Qin Mo's neck.

Qin Mo felt like a cow chewing peonies.

When the peony was chewed until it was soft, he did not swallow it, but looked at her with a smile.

Those misty eyes were watery.

The lips are extremely moist and shiny.

"I feel much better after being comforted by you!" Qin Mo raised his eyebrows, lay down again, and said with a sigh of relief: "You're right, I just can't swallow that suffocated breath, but you're right , I have a lot of ideas, at least I can give the credit to Yong Meng and Dabao.

I can just be a little transparent! "

Xiao Yurou sat upright in a daze, biting her red lips, "Qin Mo, you are nothing. If you touch me casually, I will never help you with these chores!"

"Tianxin said he would come over to sleep tonight!" Qin Mo glanced at her sideways.

"This time, make the floor!" Xiao Yurou remembered that a few days ago, when Tianxin fell asleep, she was almost bullied to death by this bastard!

"Okay, I'll take Tianxin with me!" Qin Mo stood up, stretched, and licked his lips again, "Don't wear lipstick next time, it's too greasy!"

"What does it have to do with you if I put on my lipstick!" Xiao Yurou was so angry that she was unlucky to meet such a guy. She could be pissed off by him eight hundred times a day.

"Next time, try something that's not too greasy. It's best to be a little fresher. Otherwise, I'll get nauseous after eating it, which will affect our relationship!" After saying that, Qin Mo patted his butt and left!

"No, I'll just use greasy ones!"

After Qin Mo left, Xiao Yurou took out the mirror. At this time, the lipstick on her lips was gone.

I originally wanted to use peony lip balm, but by some strange mistake, I ended up using honey lip balm instead.

He said that this lipstick is very good and tastes sweet to the heart!

Thinking of this, she patted her face and said, "You are really dizzy."

After Qin Mo walked out of the office, he thought to himself that it was actually very simple to avoid this trouble. For example, going to the sea to go to the Southeast Asian countries would take at least three or four months.

He couldn't even find anyone else. There was a reason for the incident, and the court couldn't blame him.

After winter, basically there will be no war.

But you can only escape for a while, not forever.

The problems there still have to be solved.

Yuezhi, with its large rocks added up, has a huge territory, and most importantly, it is rich in underground resources.

If they want to fight for it, then Ming Dynasty and Da Qian will definitely have a battle within ten years.

This is not what Qin Mo wants to see.

He called Chai Rong, Dou Yiai, Du Jingming and others over and gave them the information.

Du Jingming couldn't help but shake his head after seeing this, "This is the biggest defeat in more than 20 years. It is even more humiliating than when Nanfan forced Princess Jing'an to get married. The commander died in the battle. More than [-] people were killed in the battle, and tens of thousands were captured. It's simply ridiculous. !”

Dou Yiai crossed her arms and said, "Su Yun is too rubbish. If you let me go, I guarantee that I can beat Yi Zhixie and cry for father and mother!"

Chai Rong looked at Qin Mo, "Right now, Duke Zhu is ill and recuperating at home, and the others are either out guarding or are old.

The only ones who can lead the army are King Heng, Duke of Longxi County, and then you, Brother Qin!

None of the other young generals are qualified to serve as the head coach of the first army.

The Duke of Longxi controlled Longxi.

As soon as King Heng left, the capital became empty.

So the thing that will least affect the overall situation is to let Brother Qin go on an expedition! "

"Not bad!" Du Jingming nodded and said.

Qin Mo also nodded. Chai Rong's qualifications are not very good, but he has grown step by step over the years by his side.

At present, both his vision and strategy have made great progress.

It may be a bit unsatisfactory as a coach, but as a general, it is more than enough.

"Let's wait for someone from the court to come. I probably won't be allowed to be the coach. After all, Uncle Cheng and Uncle Li are both there. In terms of seniority, they have to be ahead of me.

After all, Uncle Li is the Grand Governor of Celestial Affairs, in charge of celestial affairs, and has 30 to [-] elite men under his command. It would be inappropriate for me to steal his limelight! "Qin Mo analyzed.

“It’s true that we can’t steal the limelight.” Du Jingming said: “Not only must we not steal the limelight, but we must also give credit to ourselves, forget about the credit, and win this battle.

Jingyun, you are the undefeated God of War in the hearts of Dagan people. If you lose, we will lose half the battle against the Northwest slaves in the future! "

"Old Du, you're exaggerating, that's not true!" Qin Mo said embarrassedly.

"It's not a big deal, and you don't think about your current influence. Those people in Lingnan call you a saint. If you lose, what will you make them think?
Everyone has to have a mental breakdown?
So you have to win! Du Jingming said: "I know you don't care about this, but people are like this. Once you reach a certain height, even if you want to come down, there will be countless people pushing you up."

Either don’t get up in the first place, or once you get up, don’t get down! "

Qin Mo sighed, "He is too good, but that's the only bad thing about him!"

Du Jingming felt a toothache, this guy was so good at pretending.

But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed true.

The credit for any co-authorship belongs to you alone, and the good deeds are also yours, so why do you need others to do it?
"I'm paying attention, Lao Du. If I leave Lingnan by then, you have to help me take care of this place!" Qin Mo said.

"Xiao Chai, you stay in Lingnan, Xiao Dou come with me!"

"Brother Qin, I, I also want to go on an expedition with you!" Chai Rong said.

Qin Mo patted him on the shoulder, "I'm not here, so you have to guard me. My whole family is here, what if someone is watching them?
Going on an expedition is nothing more than killing a few more enemies. It doesn't mean much to you and me! "

Chai Rong nodded helplessly. Dou Yiai was a reckless man and a fierce general. It would be unrealistic for him to guard such a large family.

He has to do this kind of delicate work.

"That's right, you have to protect Lingnan!" Qin Mo smiled, and then kicked Dou Yiai again, "Bitch, if you dare to bring me a bunch of big rocks and Yuezhi this time, If you come back, I will kill you!"

Dou Yiai held her butt in aggrieved tone, "You are deeply in love, you can't help it. Can you blame me?"

Qin Mo glared at him. This bitch had no brains, but even he envied his energy.

When a man lives like this, isn't it a kind of unrestrainedness?
I want to marry as many wives as I want.

Drink in big bowls and eat meat in big mouthfuls.

Killing enemies at will, having a group of brothers, and a happy family, this guy is even cooler than him!
(End of this chapter)

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