big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1359 Qin Mo, a saint!

Chapter 1359 Qin Mo, a saint!

At the same time, Beijing.

News of Su Yun's death in battle spread, and anxiety spread among the people.

Although Cheng Sanfu and Zhang Jing captured two cities in a row, the impact of the main force's loss of 10,000+ men was difficult to reverse.

Those who originally thought about going to the Western Regions to make a fortune, all dared not say a word, even if all their goods were smashed on their hands, it would be better to go there and die.

And in the capital, rumors were spreading.

Some people say that the weapon in Yi Zhixie's hand was secretly leaked to Yi Zhixie by Qin Mo.

Although no one believes it, rumors don't need any support.

The disciples of the New Confucianism were attacked invisibly. Ji Zhisheng led the New Confucianism to pursue the victory.

However, Ji Zhisheng didn't think it was Qin Mo's doing.

"Clan leader, now is the best opportunity to suppress the new students!"

"Yes, Patriarch, if our Ji family wants to get out of the current predicament, we must regain our position as the hegemon of the mainstream hegemony theory!"

"Why, do you think the current situation of the Ji family is not good?" Ji Zhisheng looked at them, "Or do you think the person above is a fool?

Have you all forgotten why we came here as a family and why we forced ourselves to change?

I know what you're thinking.

But now we are in an era of innovation that has not happened in a thousand years. Our Ji family's theory has firmly occupied the position of hegemony for thousands of years, but it has become a stepping stone in just three to five years.

Doesn't this explain the problem?
This shows that the teachings of our Ji family can no longer keep up with the times. If they cannot keep up with the times, they will naturally be eliminated.

You are all younger than me, how can you still be complacent about the glory of your ancestors? "

Everyone in the Ji family was speechless and lowered their heads in shame.

"Let me tell you, there are many people spreading rumors wantonly outside, and I know it very well." Ji Zhisheng said coldly: "We are scholars, not conspirators. You know who Qin Mo is.

Although I also hate that guy, it doesn't mean that we should do such things to add fuel to the flames without conscience.

Some people are jealous or even resentful of Qin Mo, but that's because Qin Mo is too provocative.

Wherever he is, others are overwhelmed.

You don’t even think about it. The Northwest slaves are currently winning consecutive battles and there are no generals in the court. Who can they rely on?
What good will it do to Da Gan if Qin Mo is tortured to death?
You and I have lived under the wings of Daqian. Is it possible that one day, when the slaves from the northwest come calling, we will have to kneel down to welcome them? "

Speaking of this, Ji Zhisheng raised his voice.

There was silence in the huge hall, and everyone's expressions gradually became serious.

"We can regard Qin Mo as our opponent, but in the face of great right and wrong, we have to learn a lesson. Qin Mo deserves credit for our Ji family's survival.

If he hadn't brought the Ji family back to the right path, you and I would have become sinners through the ages.

The sage has something to say, there is kindness for kindness and there is resentment for resentment, we have to admit this.

In the future, if anyone dares to talk about Qin Mo's rights and wrongs in the academy or outside, don't blame me for using my family's methods to kick out such a ruthless person from the family! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was so frightened that they knelt on the ground, "Clan leader, calm down!"

Ji Zhisheng's prestige now far exceeds that of before, and he is even said to be a semi-saint.

He reorganized the Ji family's teachings and taught everyone without distinction. He was even praised as a sub-sage by the literati.

But Ji Zhisheng never dared to admit this.

How can anyone live to be a saint?
The only one who can live to be called a saint is the emperor.

"This is the first time I'm warning you, and it's also the last time!" Ji Zhisheng stood up, flicked his sleeves, and left.

When he came to the study, Ji Zhisheng calmed down, took out the key, opened the safe, and took out the books inside.

This book is clearly a book of new learning.

Turning over a page, it was filled with notes written in small regular script.

Over the past few years, he has been studying this theory carefully.To be honest, it had a great influence on him. There is also a shadow of Confucianism in this new learning, but it is more all-encompassing.

Every door is perfect.

There are scriptures that explain the principles.

There is a way of studying things that can be learned and applied.

Even medicine.

Students of Xinxue do not read the whole theory of Xinxue, but specialize in academic fields and specialize in one category.

For example, if you want to pursue an official career, you should read Jingyi.

If you want to do farming or homework, study the method of investigating things.

If you want to do business, learn arithmetic.

Those who study medicine should study medicine honestly. Every industry has its own leader.

There are numerous scholarships available for each subject.

They all started with a million taels. With these scholarships, it is difficult to think of outstanding talents.

Once they come up with the results of their research, they all share the results, but in order to protect the results, they even have an internal protection agency.

We attach great importance to talents.

Therefore, the burst of energy crushed the Ji family theory to the ground within three to five years.

and accepted by the mainstream public.

Take medicine as an example, the German publican Zan Ying was also one of the founders of the new science.

Since the founding of Daxinxue, we have conquered smallpox first and then wind-cold. Nowadays, difficult and complicated diseases that were difficult to treat in the past have become much easier now.

The most intuitive thing is the child’s survival rate.

In the past, a family would have six or seven children, and it was a big deal if one or two survived.

But now, of the six or seven children, four or five can survive.

Not to mention the newly learned agricultural science, Daqian has had good harvests of grain every year, and the national treasury has enough grain to feed the whole country for more than 20 years.

Therefore, new learning is the science of governing the world in the true sense.

The changes in Ji family theory are not thorough enough, and more essence needs to be absorbed.

Thinking of this, Ji Zhisheng decided to operate on Junzi Liuyi.

After drafting a rough outline, Ji Zhisheng put down his pen, sighed and said sincerely: "Qin Mo, you are a saint, I am not as good as him!"

Qin Mo said before that he would push him to become a saint. Now he has half a foot on it, but he has no courage to take another step.

At first, he hated Qin Mo, but now, he is only grateful to Qin Mo.

This is a sudden awakening after a big break, and it is also a transparent way to find the direction of life.

"I'm convinced, don't worry. If someone touches you, I'll be the first to refuse. Who says you can't be a saint while you're alive?

I give you a push! "Ji Zhisheng murmured.

At the same time, the county man's residence was changed.

Lin Rong handed over a water glass, "It's just right for you because of the cold. You need to drink more hot water!"

Li Xin opened the cup and saw that it was full of wolfberries.

"Wait at home, I'll be back soon!"

"The court won't let you go back and clean up the mess, right?" Lin Rong looked worried.

"Don't worry, it shouldn't be!" Li Xin said this, but he didn't know what he was talking about. He checked Li Yue's tone and had no intention of looking for Qin Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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