big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1360 Splash Dirty Water!

Chapter 1360 Splash Dirty Water!
What makes Li Xin even more anxious is that Li Yue now wants to pass the blame.

I want to dump this big pot on him.

"We don't want to be rich, we just want to live a peaceful life!" Lin Rong said.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Li Xin smiled, turned around and got into the carriage.

Not long after, Li Xin came to Tai Chi Palace.

At this time, the atmosphere in Tai Chi Palace was dull, with many people standing there.

Li Shilong's face was even more ugly.

"Weak minister, please see Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" Li Xin bowed to pay homage.

Li Shilong waved his hand, "Everyone is here, let's talk about how to respond to Yi Zhixie now!"

"I think we can't compromise!" Gongsun Wuji said: "If we agree to Yizhixie's conditions, the troubles for the slaves in the northwest will be endless in the future!

The Northwest slaves are too far away from the Central Plains of Daqian, and there is also the huge Nanfan in the middle. Even if the Northwest slaves do not conquer the Nanfan, it is still easy to conquer the celestial phenomena.

Thousands of miles away from the Central Plains, such a distant front line did not stand in the imperial court.

Once the war breaks out, the imperial court will be dragged down.

The waste of manpower and material resources will inevitably bring down the court!

Therefore, I have the courage to ask Your Majesty to send a commander to take charge of the Western Regions and command the three armies.

They captured our people, and we also captured the people of the Northwest slaves. It was just a matter of large numbers and small numbers.

Let's fight with the opponent first, and then wait until we accumulate strength and send out soldiers. If we can't defeat him this year, we can go all out to capture Yizhixie next year! "

As soon as these words came out, many people nodded. Gongsun Wuji said this from a certain country.

Yu Boshi also said: "I think Zhao Guogong's words are reasonable!"

Li Shilong looked aside, "Xuanling, what did you say?"

Dou Xuanling came out and said, "I think it is reasonable. Since the slaves in the northwest have become a problem, we should not think about peace and common prosperity. If we agree to Yizhixie and hand over the gunpowder formula, then there will be no peace."

Even if you don't hand over the gunpowder formula and give them a piece of supplies, it will only endanger the enemy and cause more soldiers to be harmed.

So, never compromise! "

Dou Xuanling originally went to his hometown, but he still couldn't take that step in his heart. Because of Dou Jianming's matter, he always felt that he had done something wrong.

So last month, he returned to the capital and was summoned back to the court by Li Shilong, but he no longer held a specific official position.

At this time, Liu Yifu came out and said: "I think it is better to give them a batch of inferior materials to rescue our soldiers.

At that time, Ji Shi Dan had not yet returned, and under the instruction of the Qin Prince Consort, he gave inferior weapons to the two countries.

This weapon brought Ji Taoshi Dan back to his heart, and then played a huge role in the Battle of Beinu.

Using obsolete weapons in exchange for the lives of our soldiers is not unreasonable and reasonable, and it will not cause a lot of harm to us! "

"Inferior weapons, they are weapons, they can also kill!" Yu Boshi snorted coldly, "The reason why Qin Mo dared to give it is because there are troops stationed in the two countries, and the military strength of the two countries is far weaker than that of Dagan.

Coupled with the return of Japan to Qian, the Bohai Bay Navy is close to the two countries and can strategically suppress the two countries at any time.

This is the fundamental, you have to figure it out! "

"I don't agree with Mr. Yu's statement." Liu Yifu said: "That's tens of thousands of people, isn't it as good as some obsolete weapons?

If you come back, you can become a viable fighting force at any time. The most important thing is to consider what the people in the world say.

If the imperial court is reluctant to part with these weapons, wouldn't it chill the soldiers?
Who will dare to work for the imperial court in the future?

What this damages is the reputation of His Majesty and the Prince! "

With this big hat pressed down, Yu Boshi didn't know what to say for a while.This is the truth, but Yi Zhixie, who owns firearms, has won consecutive battles. If he continues to give them more weapons, the consequences will be disastrous.

As Gongsun Wuji said, the battle line is too long and is not conducive to the court.

Seeing that the atmosphere was gradually becoming tense, Li Shilong said: "Liu Yifu's plan can be used as a backup plan, and negotiation is still the main focus at the moment.

Most importantly, who is going to negotiate! "

He glanced at everyone, and many people lowered their heads.

This is not a bad thing.

It's okay if you do it well, but if you don't do it well, you will be scolded to death.

"Your Majesty, I think it would be best to let the reformed county man go!" Liu Yifu came out again, "The reformed county man knows the situation in the Western Regions best, and it was the reformed county man who led a large group of troops to garrison the two countries.

If this were not the case, Yi Zhixie would not be allowed to succeed. This time it is not Yi Zhixie who wins consecutive battles, but Yi Zhixie who we are killing in a big way.

Therefore, I believe that the county man has an unshirkable responsibility for this matter! "

When the words came out, everyone was shocked.

Many people looked at Li Yue standing aside.

Each of them had very different expressions, and even felt chills in their hearts.

Li Yue frowned, "Liu Yifu, what do you mean? What does this matter have to do with my elder brother?"

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, is Wei Chen wrong?" Liu Yifu said: "The reformed county man went there with elites and a large number of weapons, but failed to destroy Yi Zhixie. Isn't it his fault?
Back then, Yi Zhi stabbed Da Gan in the back, which was a shame for Da Gan. Shouldn't the reformed county man avenge Da Gan?

If he hadn't returned to China and resigned from his post in the Western Regions, leaving the two garrison areas unattended, how could Yi Zhixie take advantage of the situation? "

"Shut up!" Li Yue scolded: "My eldest brother has done so much for Da Gan. Among the potatoes, sweet potatoes and peppers you are eating now, which one was not brought back by my eldest brother?

My eldest brother feeds the world by himself, do you know?

Every time he came back, he brought back a lot of gold and silver, which made the country stronger. "

"One code is another code, merit is merit, fault is fault, Wei Chen has not denied the intention of reforming the county man!" Liu Yifu bowed even lower.

"Then what do you mean?"

"I think it would be most appropriate to let the reformed county man negotiate."

Li Xin sneered in his heart, it was so interesting, all the dirty water was poured on him.

This younger brother of his is really good at it.

I just don’t know what Father means.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Li Xin.

Even Li Shilong couldn't help but look at him.

Li Xin came out of the queue and knelt on the ground, "I am guilty!"

Li Yue quickly ran down and helped him up, "Brother, what are you doing? Get up!"

"Your Majesty, Your Highness the Crown Prince, it is my fault that I failed to save Da Ganxue, a national disgrace. It is my fault that I failed to destroy the Northwest slaves in one battle like Qin Mo did.

I am willing to accept the punishment! "With that said, Li Yue knelt down again!
These words struck Li Yue's ears with unspeakable harshness.

If Li Xin was guilty of not starting a war, then if Su Yun led so many people and still lost the battle, wouldn't it mean that he wanted to confiscate his family and exterminate his family?

This soft knife made Li Yue feel extremely uncomfortable!

(End of this chapter)

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