big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1361 Take the blame!

Chapter 1361 Take the blame!
However, seeing Li Xin being so aggressive, Li Yue had no reason to be angry. Instead, he helped Li Xin up again, "Brother, what are you talking about?"

Li Xin smiled bitterly and said: "If you are wrong, you are wrong. I am willing to go to the Western Regions to negotiate with Yi Zhixie!"

"Brother, you."

"Okay, stop arguing. Now is not the time to ask questions." How could Li Shilong not see that Li Xin was taking the blame?
It was his idea to let Su Yun be the coach.

And he also understood the reason why Li Xin didn't go there.

While he was there, Yi Zhixie had no chance.

If he had gone back in time, Yi Zhixie would not have succeeded.

"Negotiations must be negotiated, and wars must be fought. How to negotiate, how to fight, let the Ministry of War issue a charter." Li Shilong said and looked at Tang Jian, "Honglu Temple must also come up with a charter."

Tang Jian stepped out, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

He cursed in his heart.

Originally, Honglu Temple did a good job in managing the Western Regions, but now it is not doing well. Not to mention that once it returned to the pre-liberation period, it destroyed all the previous management strategies.

Xu Jingzong was already very considerate when he took the credit before, but now that he has made such a huge mistake, he is still asked to wipe his ass.

It's head-scratching.

He still misses when Qin Mo was in the capital. If Qin Mo was here, everything would be done properly. He only needs to follow Qin Mo's plan.

It’s a no brainer at all.

"Everyone, please step aside and stay as county men!" Li Shilong said.

After everyone left, Li Shilong walked up to Li Xin and said, "Don't blame yourself. This matter has nothing to do with you. You don't need to take any blame on yourself!"

When he said this, he also glanced at Li Yue.

Li Yuegan smiled and said: "Yes, brother, my father is right, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

When he said this, Li Yuexin also brought it up.

Li Xin took the initiative to take responsibility, which made his situation much better. Otherwise, he would have been in big trouble.

"Whether it's wrong or not, people in the world naturally have a strong balance in their hearts. If I say it's not true, it won't count. It's up to the people of the world to say it!" Li Xin said with a look of shame.

But in Li Yue's opinion, these words were even more harsh than what he had just said.

"If you were asked to lead troops, would you be confident?" Li Shilong asked.

"This" Li Xin hesitated for a moment and said: "Whether it is negotiating or leading troops, I will not shirk it, but I ask myself that I have no commanders. Even great generals such as Su Yun have failed. If I were to lead troops, I am afraid that The winning rate is even lower.

It's not that Wei Chen is afraid of death. If Chen's death can bring peace and make Yi Zhi bow his head, I will die now.

But I am afraid that I will make trouble for the strong and strong soldiers! "

The smile on Li Yue's face couldn't be stretched.

These words were no longer harsh, he felt his face was burning!

Li Shilong also knew Li Xin's talents very well, and going to sea was no better than marching to fight.

To be honest, even if he personally leads the soldiers now, he doesn't dare to pat his chest and say that he will definitely win.

The world is changing too fast, and the way of fighting is also different from what it used to be.

"Then you go and negotiate!" Li Shilong thought for a while and decided to send Li Xin out. Firstly, it could reduce the people's fear, and secondly, it could also alleviate Li Xin's 'fault'.

Even if the fault is his own, there must be no missing steps in the process!
"Yes, Your Majesty!" Li Xin quickly knelt down.

Li Shilong held his hand and prevented him from kneeling down, saying, "I've wronged you!
"It is the duty of a minister to share the worries of the king!" Li Xindao.

Li Shilong sighed, "Let Dou Xuanling accompany you. When you get to the Western Regions, tell him that if they don't let him go, Qin Mo will be in charge. Then they won't have the final say!"

Li Xin smiled bitterly in his heart, was he threatening Qin Mo?
However, the weight of this sentence is really heavy. Just ask those foreigners and see how many of them are not afraid of Qin Mo.

The legend about Qin Mo is widely spread around the world.

Every three-year-old child in Dashi knows that there is a three-headed and six-armed Qin Mo in Dagan who can eat children!

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Li Xin stood up, "Wei Chen, please leave!"

"Go!" Li Shilong looked at Li Xin's back. After Li Xin left, he immediately turned to look at Li Yue.

Li Yue was a little embarrassed when Li Shilong saw him, and he knelt down quickly, "Father, my son is guilty!"

"Su Yun was defeated so completely. I killed hundreds of thousands of elites. Do you know how frightened the outside world is right now?
Nan Fan had just returned to work and suffered such a huge defeat. If Cheng Sanfu and Zhang Jing hadn't found some face for me and came back, how could you have given me any face?

Today, your eldest brother is still scapegoating you. What will happen after your eldest brother?Who will scapegoat you? Li Shilong said: "Do you want me to issue an edict to sin against myself?" "

"I don't dare!" Li Yue pressed his head to the ground, feeling unspeakable fear in his heart.

"Do you know how to consolidate people's hearts and consolidate the prosperity of Daqian?"

"You know, only by crushing the Northwest slaves with an unstoppable force can we avenge our shame and consolidate the prosperous age of Daqian!" Li Yue said.

"Fortunately, I haven't lost my head yet!" Li Shilong said: "Go and write a letter to Jingyun. This trick is so big that not many people can contain it!"

Li Yue was extremely reluctant, but at this moment, he couldn't help it. "Yes, I obey my orders!"

"Go on, I want a big victory, a hearty victory!" Li Shilong waved his hand in annoyance.

He knew that Su Yun was not as good as Qin Mo, but he didn't expect that the gap was as big as a natural chasm.

The lessons learned from 10,000+ elites are too painful.

The entire Daqian army was only about [-] strong at this time, and only one-sixth of it was gone at this time.

The most important thing is that these elites are all made with money.

Including supplies, this battle directly caused Daqian to lose 3000 to [-] million taels.

If this had been done a few years ago, the tax revenue for several years would have been wiped out, and the entire country would have been in ruins.

If it weren't for his hard work and innovation over the years, which gave Da Gan a rich fortune, he would really be autistic.

"Is it really so bad to leave Qin Mo?" Li Shilong sighed, and he even began to doubt his original decision, "Or is he really not suitable?"

As time passed, Li Shilong felt more and more powerless. If Li Yue was still like this, he could only find another way.

Qin Mo has no objections, he knows it very well.

But now, there is a gap between Li Yue and Qin Mo.

There is no one to deal with, there is no one available in the court, Qin Mo is the only one, what should we do?

Li Shilong looked at the dome, becoming more and more autistic!

At this time, Li Yue returned to the East Palace angrily and locked himself in the study without seeing anyone.

I heard various sounds coming from inside, and it took a while for the sounds to stop.

The two sisters Xu Jing heard the sound and rushed over. When there was no movement inside, they shouted: "Your Highness, can we come in?"

"Come in!" came the hoarse voice.

The two sisters pushed the door open and saw Li Yue sitting on the ground, his right hand bleeding!

(End of this chapter)

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