big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1362 The solution to Qin Mo!

Chapter 1362 The solution to Qin Mo!
"Your Highness!" Xu Mi was shocked and walked over quickly.

"Come quickly, His Highness is injured. Bandage His Highness."

The two sisters helped Li Yue up. After Li Yue sat down, he said, "Don't make a fuss. I just accidentally broke the vase and hurt my hand.

If my mother-in-law knew that I was injured, she would come over to see me again! "

Xu Jing glanced at Xu Mi and quickly treated Li Yue's wound, "Sister, it's true that I didn't even know that there was such a big movement and I didn't know to come over and take a look!"

Xu Jing's fluttering words made Li Yue frown.

Xu Mi also interjected: "But I can't blame my sister. I've been sick for how many days and I haven't gotten better yet. What's wrong with my body? If I wait until His Highness goes up, how can I show my respect to the world?"

"Okay, you two, don't mention that bitch!" Li Yue said impatiently.

Seeing that the eye drops were successful, Xu Jing also quickly changed her words, "Okay, we won't mention her anymore. What troubles did His Highness encounter? Bu Fan, tell us. If it's a political matter, Your Highness doesn't need to say anything. If it's just an annoying thing, say Maybe, we can relieve His Highness’ worries!”

Hearing this, Li Yue also showed a smile on his face, "I feel much better now that you two are such lovely people. You can't solve this matter!"

"If we can't solve it, it must be a major matter for the family and the country, so I won't bother to ask about it." Xu Mi rolled his eyes, "Why don't your highness ask my father?"

"Speaking of which, my father has been imprisoned in Dali Temple for almost half a year. I don't know when he will be released!" Xu Jing sat on Li Yue's lap and hooked her white and tender arms around Li Yue's neck. Not long after giving birth, the two sisters had a smell all over their bodies.

Li Yue twitched the corner of his mouth and prevaricated: "The Western Region is not peaceful right now, my father is not in a good mood, and it is difficult for me to plead for mercy. Wait a minute!"

Xu Jingzong is getting more and more sick now, and his body is covered with things, just like toads, and it makes him sick to look at it.

It is said that the whole body still smells bad.

It's been a long time since he went over to see him.

However, Xu Jing also reminded him that he could ask Xu Jingzong what he meant.

Thinking of this, he said something to the two sisters, then left the East Palace and came to Dali Temple.

Looking at Xu Jingzong who was lying on the bed and wailing continuously, Li Yue said: "Yanzu, I am here to see you!"

Hearing the sound, Xu Jingzong looked over and was immediately overjoyed. He quickly got up from the bed and said, "Your Highness, you finally came to see me!"

He was really miserable these days. At first he thought he was just a soldier, but after the imperial doctor came to consult him several times, he also found out what was wrong with him.

Flower willow!

He has an incurable disease, Hualiu Disease!
He has always been clean and self-sufficient. The only time he was thrown into a brothel by the Qin people was because those cheap maids must have been unclean.

Although he took medicine, it could only relieve his sadness. Lying on the bed without seeing the sun, he was getting thinner and thinner.

Especially the rash and itching all over his body made him want to scratch all his skin!

Looking at Xu Jingzong, Li Yue subconsciously took a step back, suppressing his nausea and said: "Yanzu, if you wait a little longer, I will be able to rescue you!"

After some pleasantries, and after Xu Jingzong calmed down, Li Yue explained the situation outside, "The Yan tribe, blind Su Yun was defeated, died on the battlefield, and 10,000+ elite troops were destroyed.

My father asked me to write a letter to Qin Mo. Do you think I should write to Qin Mo, or should I let Cheng Junwang or the Longxi County Duke take charge? "

Xu Jingzong also took a breath, "General Su died in battle, and the 10,000+ army was destroyed?"

"Yes!" Li Yue nodded helplessly.

"Trouble!" Xu Jingzong frowned deeply, "There are currently no generals in the court, Duke Zhu Guo is ill again, and other guards cannot be easily transferred.

Either it's too far away, or it doesn't have enough prestige and ability.

Cheng Sanaxe, Zhang Jing is in the Western Regions, Prince Cheng is in Tianxiang, but Prince Heng is feasible.

However, whether he wants to go or not is still a question.

It would be okay if King Heng wins, but what if he loses?

Daqian has strong national strength and can withstand a second defeat.But His Majesty will not allow it.

Once they lose, the Northwest slaves will have the qualification to be on an equal footing with Dagan. The next one to suffer will be either Tianxiang or Nanfan.

You even have to be wary of military officials.

There are many factors to consider.

Most of those capable royal family members went to Wazhou to guard it, or they were from Tianxiang Kingdom and Gaoli.

It is unrealistic to bring them back.

As for Qin Mo's strategy in Lingnan and Nanyang, Yizhou and the Nanyang countries have been well managed in the past two years. Although it is slow, the pace is very steady.

In three to five years, the Nanyang countries will inevitably be included in Daqian.

I don't question Qin Mo's ability, but it is precisely because Qin Mo's ability is too outstanding and his achievements are too high.

If he were to take charge, it would not be as simple as having great achievements and shocking the master! "

Having said this, Xu Jingzong paused and continued: "I am afraid that the prince of the Qin family will be mentioned to a higher level, a prince of the opposite sex, or even a prince!"

Li Yue's scalp went numb, "I don't want him to be pushed to the forefront!"

Xu Jingzong thought for a while, "If Qin Mo goes on an expedition and returns victorious, it will be impossible for His Highness to deal with Qin Mo within ten years.

At that time, Qin Mo was only in his 30s, and His Majesty was getting old. It was still unclear whether he could suppress Qin Mo.

As for whether Qin Mo and His Highness have grown up together and have lacked respect since childhood, His Highness Bichen understands whether they can suppress it. "

"Is there no way to have both?"


Xu Jingzong said: "Choose a small country in Nanyang and make it a fiefdom of Qin Mo. Give it a country and personal guards, limit the number of people in its territory, and deny it the opportunity to develop.

In the future, the world will be unified, and everyone will have to rely on Da Gan to make a living. At that time, even if Qin Mo has the power to reach heaven, he can only listen honestly.

Providing a country with a vassal territory and a king with a different surname is the highest honor, and he is worthy of Qin Mo in both emotion and reason.

Nor will he be stigmatized as a hero-killer.

People's ambitions are infinite. Once Qin Mo becomes king and has his own territory, he will definitely find ways to develop his own power.

If you don't listen to the court, there are many ways to punish you.

Qin Mo prides himself on being pure, kind and loyal, so it would be fine if he pretends to be so for the rest of his life.

If he is just pretending, within ten years, we can capture him and expose his disguise in front of the world! "

After hearing this, Li Yue was overjoyed and said, "This is a good idea!"

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

In this way, instead of killing, he can also set restrictions on Qin Mo in a fair and just manner.

Once Qin Mo disobeys, just as Xu Jingzong said, there are many ways to punish him.

When the time comes, all he needs is an order to allow Qin Mo and his family to live in the capital.

This will force Qin Mo to a dead end.

If he is obedient, Li Yue will ensure that he is prosperous and wealthy.

Let him do whatever he wants.

If he disobeys and the righteous army goes south, he will die!
(End of this chapter)

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