big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1363 What Dou Xuanling means!

Chapter 1363 What Dou Xuanling means!
"To be alone with the Yan clan is like having an arm!" Li Yue said.

Xu Jingzong also smiled and stroked his beard, "Your Highness, the most important thing right now is to win this battle, let's push back the rest!
Qin Mo is a smart man. He knows that his achievements are so great that he has no reward, so he will definitely be worried.

His Highness wrote to him to beg him, which would surely make him anxious.

It's okay if you go, but if you don't go, it will be a mouthful.

How will the world view him? "

Li Yue nodded, and the anxiety in his heart faded a lot.

Xu Jingzong is right, it is useless to try to win temporarily.

"I understand!" As he said this, Li Yue raised his hand to Xu Jingzong.

Xu Jingzong thought to himself, if he offers his own advice, he should be able to go out soon, right?

Li Yue will definitely mention him in front of His Majesty.

"Yan Clan, please stay here in peace, Gu is leaving first!"

"My humble servant sends His Highness a respectful fare!"

After leaving Dali Temple, Li Yue felt that the sky was blue.

He returned to the East Palace and hurriedly wrote a letter, asking someone to rush it to Lingnan [-] miles away.

With the current transportation convenience, it will be delivered to Qin Mo within seven days.

That night, Li Xin came to Dou Mansion.

Dou Xuanling went out to greet him personally.

"Mr. Dou, I'm sorry for disturbing you!" Li Xindao said, "I'm here mainly for negotiation!"

Dou Xuanling made a gesture of invitation, "I also planned to come to ask for advice on how to reform the county man, but I didn't expect you to come first!"

The two entered the house. There were quite a few people in the house, but they looked lifeless. Li Xin sighed: "No matter how big or luxurious the house is, it feels empty without the children around!"

"Yes, when people get old, they can't stay idle. I originally planned to retire and go back to my hometown, but when I think of my naughty grandsons following my rebellious son to Lingnan, I feel empty.

I originally planned to go to Lingnan to educate those children, but when I thought about it carefully, with Qin Mo there, it seemed a bit redundant for me to go! "Dou Xuanling laughed and said.

"Lingnan is a good place. In just a few years, its development is no worse than that in the north. Especially the prosperity of those port cities is unimaginable.

Jing Yun is a man with great skills. If he continues to manage Lingnan for ten years, the prosperity may surpass that of the north! "Li Xindao.

Dou Xuanling nodded silently and said, "That boy looks naive, but he has a beautiful heart hidden in his heart."

"Come on, let's stop praising him and let's talk about how to negotiate!" Li Xindao.

Entering the study room, Dou Xuanling skillfully made tea. He got the tea tray from Qin Mo with great effort.

Whether it's a teacup or tea, that's what he loves most.

Li Xin looked at the bookshelf behind him, "Mr. Dou, are you reading new books recently?"

"As people get older, they won't be able to understand the world unless they learn something new!" Dou Xuanling said with a smile.

"That's right, you could understand the world by reading books in the past, but now it's no use just reading books, you have to travel thousands of miles!" Li Xindao: "But the new learning is really good, it doesn't exclude it, it's more like bringing other theories with you. Let’s let the flowers bloom together!”

Dou Xuanling nodded. It is true that Xinxue is very tolerant.

Although complex, the purpose of each subject is very clear.

"It's a pity that there can only be one overlord in this world. What do you think, Mr. Dou?" Li Xin brought the topic back.

"That's right." Dou Xuanling said: "Daqian's pace is too fast, and His Majesty is a little impatient. If he had not taken Yuezhi and Dashi's idea so quickly, it would have taken 20 years to settle down.

Through economic warfare, in the next 20 years, we will surely be able to firmly strangle the lifeblood of these two countries, and then fight without losing any blood. "Your Majesty, he is afraid that his body cannot bear it, and he is also afraid that the prince is too impatient, so he wants to take advantage of it now."

To be precise, the Supreme Emperor was still alive and created a grand occasion for the Three Emperors to rule the world. "Li Xindao.

"The negotiations are fruitless." Dou Xuanling said: "Yi Zhixie has the upper hand. Unless he is beaten back and forth, he will not panic at all with tens of thousands of people in his hands.

And those people we arrested are not serious elite Northwest slaves.

Just kill him, Yi Zhixie won't feel bad.

It's just a bad reputation, but does Yi Zhixie have a good reputation in the Western Regions?

An invader doesn't need reputation at all, so he still has to use his strength to speak for himself. This time, it was just in vain!
Just delaying time! "

Li Xin looked at Dou Xuanling in surprise. He thought Dou Xuanling would tell a lot of truth, but he didn't expect that he could see it clearly than anyone else.

"You have to work hard, right?"

"Let's hold off as hard as possible and bring back as many people as possible to minimize casualties, and then wait for Qin Mo to come!" Dou Xuanling said: "In the end, Qin Mo still has to take action!"

"Others can't?"

"It's really not possible!" Dou Xuanling said: "The older generation of generals, except Zhu Guogong, is Xiaoyao County Prince. Now the former is ill and the latter is said to have traveled to Nanyang. Who knows when he will come back?

Prince Heng is fine, but Prince Cheng's injury will have a great impact on the morale of the army.

Daqian can lose many times, but this is the only battle he cannot lose.

Once you lose, you will really lose all the people’s hearts and national destiny that you have accumulated over the years!
Qin Mo has brought Da Gan to an unprecedented level, so it is best for him to come forward. "

Li Xin was drinking tea. He didn't expect that the decision he made at the beginning would eventually trick Qin Mo into it.

His strategy was right. He didn't expect that the Soviet Union would lose so completely and cheat hundreds of thousands of people.

To be fair, he was not feeling well!

Qin Mo must be very angry, right?

Li Xin thought so, put down the teacup, and said, "This is putting him on the fire. I'm afraid he will kick his ass!"

Dou Xuanling sighed, "Isn't that right? If these people don't live up to their expectations, if they can live up to their expectations, the situation won't become so embarrassing."

This means that Li Xin has become better in the past two years, otherwise Dou Xuanling would not have said such things to him, nor would he have such a casual conversation.

Qin Mo regards his children as his disciples, which shows that he doesn't care about the past grudges.

However, if Qin Mo leads an army again and wins, what will the court do to him?

He knew Qin Mo's attitude towards the court and his attitude towards the prince.

To be honest, Qin Mo can just pat his butt and leave now.

Isn't the reason why he didn't leave because he loves this country?

But there are some things he can't say.

"It's getting late. I won't reform the county boy." Dou Xuanling tipped the tea cup upside down.

Li Xin didn't stay long, stood up and said, "Then I'll leave now, junior!"

Dou Xuanling's meaning was already very clear, and he also understood what to do next.

"I send you!"

After sending Li Xin away, Dou Xuanling returned to the study and murmured: "It depends on their conscience. If they have no conscience, then..." Okay, I’m still in the recuperation period. I’ll update every day for ten days without interruption. All the manuscripts I owe after ten days will be made up. Thank you, brothers.)

(End of this chapter)

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