big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1370 When barbarism seeks transformation!

Chapter 1370 When barbarism seeks transformation!
Li Xin's hand held the pull ring, and others followed suit.

Huyan Xiaoquan's eyelids jumped. He wanted to ask the people guarding the city why they didn't search him, but it was useless to ask more questions now.

Because Li Xin's words "Qin Mo's anger" successfully attracted him"

He said angrily: "Who shot the arrow? Come forward!"

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief, and immediately their eyes fixed on a soldier.

Hu Yan Xiaoquan walked over and slapped the soldier in the face.

There was a crisp sound and the soldier was slapped to the ground.

Immediately, he kicked him on the head again, knocking him unconscious, "Damn you, you almost ruined the negotiation by yourself. Do you want to be Beinu's sinner?"

After saying that, he looked at Li Xin and said, "I have already punished those who have done wrong things. Can we sit down and talk about it?"

I think you guys have come all the way here not just for fun. "

Li Xin sneered and said: "You are not cheap or not, talk nicely but don't listen, you have to be serious!"

Hu Yan Xiaoquan took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and said: "Let me talk about it. Now we are all representing our respective countries. This is not child's play!"

Li Xin glanced at Dou Xuanling and others and put down the white phosphorus grenade in his hand, "Then let's talk, don't worry, we are also people who cherish our lives.

This weapon is just for self-protection. Even if we don't reach an agreement, it won't be used as a backstop for you.

If Yi Zhixie is not bad enough, you are not qualified! "

Hu Yan Xiaoquan was very angry, but after thinking about it, he was no longer afraid.

They came for peace talks, not to cause trouble. To put it bluntly, even if he died, it would not matter to the overall situation.

In the worst case, they will continue to fight. With tens of thousands of elites in their hands, they are not afraid at all.

Moreover, these people are either Dukes or deposed princes. They are all the mainstays of Daqian. They are indeed noble.

"Please!" Huyan Xiaoquan said.

Li Xin made an invitation gesture to Dou Xuanling and others, "Let's go!"

They still had a small victory in the first round of negotiations.

Tang Jian knew very well that negotiation was about constantly gaining the upper hand in confrontations.

After both parties took their seats, the negotiations began.

From the beginning, Huyan Xiaoquan’s purpose was clear.

For example, Daqian was asked to compensate them with gold, silver, and grain, provide them with superior seeds, and provide them with the best craftsmen and scholars.

They know that high-quality seeds mean a good harvest, and craftsmen mean that they can make excellent products.
These may seem worthless, but the people present are no longer what they used to be.


Scholars can govern the country.

Yi Zhixie had big plans. He no longer just hoped to be a grassland overlord, but also wanted to eat these two countries, control them, and create a dynasty like Daqian.

"Gold, silver and grain can be compensated, but fine seeds cannot be compensated, and craftsmen are high-level technicians, so they cannot be given away.

Even scholars can’t do it, but Buddhist monks can! " Li Xindao. "Okay, then Dagan will compensate us one billion stones of grain and one hundred million taels of silver! "Huyan Xiaoquan sneered: "Everyone knows that Daqian has had good harvests year after year, and last year's tax revenue exceeded 9000 million taels.

It’s not too much to ask for your taxes for a year, right? "

"This is impossible!" Li Xin refused without thinking.

"If you don't give me this, you won't give me that, then what are you doing?" Huyan Xiaoquan said coldly: "Aren't you going to make us happy?
Let me tell you, none of these four conditions must be missing. Apart from that, don’t call us Northwest slaves anymore. We are Northern slaves, serious Northern slaves!
It is very simple to make us cease the war. We must meet four conditions, recognize Beinu, and be on an equal footing with Daqian. From now on, Daqian will govern the east, and Beinu will govern the west, and everyone will not interfere with the river.

In addition, trade with each other, sign alliances, and no war for 30 years! "

After saying that, Huyan Xiaoquan stood up, walked over and opened the door, "I'll reply when you think about it!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that Marshal Qin Mo of our dynasty has taken command. If we don't want the lives of the people to be destroyed and the country to be destroyed, it's best to let him go and surrender." Li Xin stood up and said: "Marshal Qin Mo is not Su Yun. He has never been defeated. Bei You know better than anyone the reason why this slave is like this!"

Huyan Xiaoquan's face was expressionless, "Let's try it. If Qin Mo loses, it won't be this condition. I'm afraid Da Gan will have to surrender and surrender to survive!"

"Let's go!" Li Xin stood up and led everyone away.

Looking at the backs of Li Xin and others, a negotiating adjutant said: "General, are you just going to let them go?"

"Is it possible to kill them? Didn't you see the explosives on them? Do you want to die?" Huyan Xiaoquan glared at the man, "Besides, this is a negotiation. If the Dagan people wanted to fight, they would have fought long ago. You’re not sure, you know?”

"But he said Qin Mo was coming!" The adjutant's eyes were full of horror.

Their fear of Qin Mo was very deep. This young man was so heavy that everyone in the world could not hold their heads up. No matter Gao Li, Wodao Kingdom or Nanfan, they all bowed their heads.

He beat the Northwest slaves so much that only a few of them were left.

If Qin Mo hadn't spared their lives, Beinu would have been completely destroyed!

"So what if Qin Mo is here? Is he a god?" Huyan Xiaoquan scolded angrily: "Look at your worthless look. Qin Mo is the only one left in Daqian now. If we can defeat Qin Mo, Then we are invincible.

Sooner or later Daqian will fall at our feet. "

After saying that, he left with a cold face, but soon, the news that Qin Mo was coming with troops spread.

Many people feel particularly uneasy.

In particular, some people are veterans who escaped from Kucha.

They will never forget that night when they were beaten by 500 people!

They had never won in front of Qin Mo.

Therefore, Qin Mo is the nightmare in the hearts of all Beinu people!
When Huyan Xiaoquan returned to the room, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and quickly wrote a secret letter to be sent away.

"Qin Mo is coming. Now we are in trouble. This guy is too cunning."

At the same time, Li Xin and others left the city.

"Sure enough, it's pretty much what I guessed. They not only want technology, they also want grain, and they also want scholars to rule the world for them.

Jing Yun once said that if a nomadic nation takes the initiative to seek change and become a more advanced civilization, this will be the beginning of disaster. Dou Xuanling's eyes were full of worry, "A group of reasonable barbarians are the most terrifying thing." "

Everyone nodded. Everyone present had read a little bit of Xinxue, and there was one in Xinxue that specifically explained this aspect.

In the past, people from the Japanese island country came to get married every day and had to take away a lot of craftsmen and books. They would only think that this was a subordinate country admiring the heavenly kingdom.

But now, they all know that only fools can do such a loss-making business!
(End of this chapter)

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