big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1371 Northwest slave’s conspiracy!

Chapter 1371 Northwest slave’s conspiracy!

Li Xin said: "I always feel that there is someone behind the Northwest slaves giving them guidance!"

"I think so too." Tang Jian said: "Honglu Temple has had a lot of dealings with them over the years. Although the Northwest slaves are cunning, they are short-sighted."

Dou Xuanling sighed: "There are still capable people in the Western Regions. We cannot underestimate the people of the world. Take these four conditions as an example.

If Da Gan gives compensation, what does it mean? "

Dou Xuanling glanced at everyone and said, "Your Majesty once said that not to be a subject, not to pay tribute, not to be married is written into the ancestral motto.

Compensation doesn't mean we made a big mistake?
How can we maintain a foothold in attacking the Northwest slaves in the future?

Sending craftsmen and grain to the enemy will undoubtedly help the enemy. It is better to send them a batch of weapons.

Finally, admit the Northwest slaves, this is even more impossible!

The northwest slave traitor once stabbed Da Gan in the back. If he admitted it, where would he leave Da Gan?
These four conditions are all traps! "

Dou Xuanling's analysis is very reasonable. No matter which one, it is impossible to agree.

"What if the opponent bites him to death? Aren't we a complete failure?" Tang Jian said with a dark face.

"Then wait for Jingyun to come!" Li Xindao: "Although it seems that we are incompetent, when Qin Mo comes, the Northwest slaves will know what it means to be afraid!"

Dou Xuanling couldn't help but nodded, "Just drag it first and grind it slowly!"

Three days later, in Moyan City, Yi Zhixie received an urgent report from Huyan Xiaoquan.

Looking at the urgent letter, Yi Zhi squinted his eyes and immediately called his confidants in, "Qin Mo is in command!"

With just one sentence, the expressions of everyone present changed.

"When did this happen?"

"Qin Mo is not easy to deal with!"

"Chanyu, we have to be more careful, Qin Mo is not that idiot like Su Yun!"

Seeing that they were panicking, Yi Zhixie snorted coldly, "I just said a word, and you are in such chaos. When Qin Mo comes with his troops, are you going to kneel down on the roadside and kill them?"

Everyone was as quiet as a cicada.

He glanced at everyone coldly and understood their fear of Qin Mo. Even when he heard the news, he panicked for a moment.

But now, they have the same weapons as Da Gan, why should they lose?
Once Qin Mo is defeated, no one can hinder their rise. He will conquer Tianxiang and Nanfan, and then conquer his former homeland.

Once again, he came to the capital of Daqian.

Thinking of this, Yi Zhixie gained confidence and said coldly: "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, Da Qian has already figured it out.

That's why they sent Qin Mo here. As long as we defeat Qin Mo, no one can hinder the rise of our Beinu!
Attack Speed ​​Hu Yan Xiaoquan, if you want us to make friends, let Qin Mo come to me in person to talk to me.

We don't want any compensation. "

Everyone came back to their senses and praised Yi Zhixie one after another.

They knew in their hearts that their Shanyu's fear of Qin Mo had reached an unbearable level.

"Everyone, go down!" Yi Zhi waved his hand.

After everyone left, he couldn't help but sneered. He wanted to see if Qin Mo dared to come.

If Qin Mo doesn't come, then he has no courage.

On the seventh day, Li Xin and others went to Niduo City again, and Hu Yan Xiaoquan changed his words and said: "Let Qin Mo come and negotiate with us. As long as Qin Mo comes over, we can release him without even asking for any compensation.

But we need to sign an armistice contract, and Daqian must recognize the regime of our Northern slaves and become brothers and friends! "

A cold light flashed in Li Xin's eyes, "Shuai Qin is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, not the envoy of peace talks. I'm sorry that I cannot agree to your request!"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, those prisoners in Daqian all know that Qin Mo has come to save them. If Qin Mo doesn't come, I will tell them that Qin Mo will not save him until he dies!" Hu Yan Xiaoquan said lightly. "I"

"Okay, that's all I have to say, and this is also the sincerity of our Beinu. Compared with before, this is already very sincere.

If you can't talk about this, then go back to where you came from.

Oh, by the way, I will let a few people go back every once in a while. I'm afraid it won't be long before the news spreads all over the world. "Huyan Xiaoquan sneered, then turned and left.

Li Xin looked very ugly.

"Despicable, they want to kill Jing Yun!" Tang Jian yelled.

Dou Xuanling gritted his teeth and said: "Don't mess up your position, let's go back first!
After returning to the camp, everyone looked very ugly. Dou Xuanling said: "These slave dogs from the northwest want to kill Qin Mo, and they want his life even more!
If Qin Mo doesn't come, to say the least, it could disturb the morale of the army.

At a more serious level, it is very likely to become evidence against Qin Mo.

If the Northwest slaves make a fuss about this, Qin Mo will definitely be forced into a corner. "

There were no fools present. They all knew that this was Northwest Slave's conspiracy, and it was an unsolvable one.

If Qin Mo comes, they will kill Qin Mo at all costs.

It doesn't matter if they die, but if Qin Mo dies, Daqian will be really in trouble.

Qin Mo is more than just a coach.

Su Yun was also the head coach, but Su Yun's death did not shake the morale of the three armies.

If Qin Mo dies, it will destroy Da Gan's military morale, which is very serious.

"What should I do?" Tang Jian asked in a deep tone, "Report it or..."

The choice was before them, and Northwest Nuliang's tricks forced them to choose passively.

"Send a letter to Qin Mo first and see if Qin Mo has any good ideas. As for the court, don't send the letter yet!" Li Xin said.

Dou Xuanling nodded, "That's all we can do for now."

Negotiations are still ongoing.

At this time, the celestial phenomena.

Li Yongmeng and brothers Cheng Dabao came to the Astronomical Base of the Spy Warfare Department.

A few days ago, they received Qin Mo's letter and received help from the Espionage Department and Liumen.

But with the help of the Espionage Department and the Six Gates, they realized that there were no secrets in the Western Region.

He also knew how worthless Su’s transportation was.

Relying on the intelligence from the Espionage Department and the Six Doors, let alone winning streaks, it is absolutely impossible for them to lose so miserably.

"General Li, the layout has been completed now. All we need to do is dispatch the beheading team to assassinate him!" The person who spoke was the third team leader of the Espionage Department.

They have no names, they wear black masks all year round, and they don't even seem to use their own voices when speaking.

"Let's get started. I've been waiting for this day for a long time!" Li Yongmeng couldn't wait.

Cheng Dabao said: "Third Captain, when will Yi Zhixie die?"

"According to our information, Yi Zhixie has been vaccinated with cowpox, so it is difficult for smallpox to harm him!" said the third team leader.

Cheng Xiaobao was anxious, "What should we do?"

"We not only have smallpox, which is just one of them, we also have malaria, plague, and cholera, any one of which is enough to take half of Yizhixie's life!"

(End of this chapter)

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