big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1372 Who takes the lead?

Chapter 1372 Who takes the lead?

"Are these worse than smallpox?" Cheng Xiaobao asked with stars in his eyes.

"Not necessarily, but the treatment is very troublesome. At present, there is no particularly good treatment method." The third team leader said: "We have finalized the specific combat plan very early, and we are just waiting for the governor's nod.

But according to the governor’s secret letter, this credit will be credited to the three of them! "

"This credit belongs to you," Li Yongmeng said.

The third team leader smiled and shook his head, "We have our own merit system, and the reason why the shadow is a shadow is because he has been hiding in the darkness.

Once the shadow is exposed to the sun, it will die! "

Li Yongmeng understood that these people were different from scouts.

At least the scouts can still see the light.

These people wander in the darkness, doing the most dangerous jobs, but they cannot show their true colors.

They are the real heroes.

Li Yongmeng stood up and held his hands towards him, "Please accept Li Yongmeng's bow!"

The two brothers Cheng Dabao also followed suit, "Cheng Dabao (Cheng Xiaobao) thanked the third captain!"

The third squad leader hurriedly stepped aside, refusing to accept the gift, "I'm serious, this is our responsibility!"

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

The three of them stayed at the base, looking at the people hurrying about, feeling out of place.

"Yongfeng, I suddenly want to join the spy war department!" Cheng Dabao said.

"Then you have to agree with your father." Li Yong glanced at him sideways and said immediately: "The three of us can't get this credit in vain. I understand what the fool means. The fool doesn't need to take the credit, but these people must credit.

Our three brothers don’t feel burdened to take credit from fools, but I can’t take credit from them! "

"That's right!" Cheng Xiaobao nodded, "You can take whatever credit you want from our eldest brother, he doesn't lack for this meritorious service anyway.

But we cannot ignore the contribution of the brothers from the Espionage Department and Six Doors! "

The three of them talked to each other one by one, and finally unanimously decided to give them credit.

They don’t have to show up, they don’t have to live in the sun, but the credit must be given.

With that said, they left the Espionage Department.

As soon as they returned to the Governor's Mansion of Tianxiang, Li Cungong had someone call them over.

"I've received the news. The imperial court has asked Jing Yun to take command. You three can go directly to Jing Yun when the time comes." When Li Cungong spoke, the corners of his mouth raised slightly. When he learned that Qin Mo was coming, he felt much better.

This kid, I don’t know since when, has become the anchor in everyone’s heart.

"That goes without saying!" Li Yong said fiercely: "If you come over here, you will definitely kill Yizhi Xianzhuang without leaving any traces behind!"

"When my eldest brother comes over, I will kill the Northwest slaves to extinction!" Cheng Dabao said, gearing up.

Li Cungong said: "Don't treat Yizhixie like dirt, this bitch is well equipped now and cannot be defeated easily.

Moreover, he occupies all the countries in the Western Region and has many soldiers and generals. If there is a real fight, there is no telling whether he will win or lose! "

"I said I am the king of the county, but you underestimate my eldest brother too much!" Cheng Xiaobao said angrily: "Who is my eldest brother? He is a new generation of military god. Who in the Western Region is not afraid of him?"

"Hey, you little Cheng, you're teaching me a lesson!" Li Cungong almost spit on Cheng Xiaobao's face, "It's time for me to conquer the world. I don't know where Qin Mo is?"

"That's why my eldest brother is so good!" Cheng Xiaobao exclaimed, "Believe it or not, even if my eldest brother doesn't come here, he can deal with the slaves from the northwest!"

"Xiaobao!" Cheng Dabao glared at him.

Cheng Xiaobao quickly covered his mouth.

Li Cungong immediately narrowed his eyes, "If Qin Mo doesn't come over, can he deal with the Northwest slaves?" "No, no, Uncle Li, Xiaobao is bragging!" Cheng Dabao said.

Li Yongmeng also said: "Dad, fool is not a god. How can he defeat the Northwest slaves if he is not here?"

Li Cungong said: "No, you guys are hiding something from me, right?"

"No, no!" Cheng Xiaobao laughed dryly: "What about that, Uncle Li, I'm leaving first!"

"Dad, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving too."

"You three, stop!" Li Cungong shouted loudly.

However, the three brothers ran away immediately and could not stop him at all.

"These three bastards!" Li Cungong shook his head helplessly. If he hadn't been injured, he would have arrested one of them and questioned him.

However, since Qin Mo was in charge, he expected that the court would definitely play Qin Mo's trump card.

But if Qin Mo defeats the Northwest slaves again, it will be in trouble.

When Qin Mo left Tianxiang, he had a long chat with Qin Mo.

Qin Mo is a smart man, and smart people will never put themselves in dangerous situations.

"Qin Mo, Qin Mo, what tricks do you have in mind?" Thinking of this, Li Cungong felt extremely itchy. He was sure that Qin Mo already had a countermeasure.

Without putting yourself in danger, you can successfully break the situation!

"Come here, if Yong Yong comes back soon, capture him. If he dares to resist, break his legs!"

As he said this, he said in his heart: "These three bastards are so outrageous. I'm not an outsider. They even hid it from me. Are you still afraid of me snitching on you?"

The three brothers ran out of the Governor's Mansion. Cheng Dabao slapped Cheng Xiaobao on the butt, "Are you stupid? Can you say such things casually?"

Cheng Xiaobao knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't dare to say anything after being kicked. He just said aggrievedly: "I was also quick to speak out!"

"Okay, I've said it all!" Li Yongmeng waved his hand. He knew very well how much Cheng Xiaobao admired fools.

In fact, even he admired Qin Mo very much.

Their brothers all really treat Qin Mo as his eldest brother.

"If you don't have a handle on your mouth, I won't let you do anything in the future!" Cheng Dabao threatened.

"Isn't it okay that I was wrong?" Cheng Xiaobao slapped himself in the face.

"Hmph!" Cheng Dabao snorted coldly, "Remember, the fewer people who know about this, the better. It's not that I can't trust Prince Cheng, but I'm thinking about the idiot.

The fool's contribution was too great. If Su Yun hadn't failed to live up to his expectations, he wouldn't have been sent out.

If Su Yun wins, then Jiazi will be safe.

But right now, there are only a few top-notch people, and who else is there besides fools? "

With that said, Cheng Dabao turned to look at Li Yongmeng, "Yongmeng, I thought about it, Xiaobao and I can't get this first prize, you have to get it!"

Li Yongmeng was stunned, "Me? No, didn't we agree to split it equally?"

Cheng Dabao shook his head and said: "No, it's more useful for you to take the lead than for us three brothers to share the credit equally. As long as you get up, fool will be safe.

You are a member of the royal family, your surname is Li, and our surname is Cheng.

Only if you get up will the fool not be so passive.

If you really think about fools, you must win this first prize! "

(End of this chapter)

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