big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1373: Trick Li Xin!

Chapter 1373: Trick Li Xin!
"But I"

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with that!" Cheng Dabao waved his hand, "That's the current situation. The court wants to support someone to balance the situation. Xiaobao and I are not suitable. Only you are the most suitable.

After all, you are a member of the royal family. Only when you stand up will I be the safest.

And, I believe you! "

Facing the sincere eyes of the two brothers, Li Yongmeng didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Yongfeng, you won't let us down, right?" Cheng Xiaobao said.

Li Yongmeng said hurriedly: "Of course, I will definitely do this well!"

"That's enough!" Cheng Dabao hooked Li Yongmeng's shoulders and said with a smile: "When the plan is successful, you will take credit for them for your first contribution. This time, Xiaobao and I will not compete with you. ."

Li Yongmeng smiled bitterly, "I feel so sorry for the fool!"

"Actually, I really miss the past." Cheng Dabao said: "At that time, I didn't have to think too much. I just followed the fool and lived very happily every day.

Although Daqian was not so powerful at that time, he was not so dirty either. "

When he said this, Cheng Dabao had actually been observing Li Yongmeng's expression.

"I feel sick!" Li Yongmeng said: "But Dabao, as you said, my surname is Li!
There are some things I think about differently than you do, but there is one thing I think the same as you do.

He doesn't deserve to be in that position. "

Who is that 'he'? Li Yongmeng believes that Cheng Dabao and the others understand.

"What if he wants to hurt Jiazi?" Cheng Dabao pressed forward step by step.

"He has no chance." Li Yongmeng said with certainty.

"Remember what you said." Cheng Dabao said.

Soon, the letter was in Qin Mo's hands.

After more than 20 days of dispatching troops, Qin Mo left the country of Piao. At this rate, it would take at least more than a month to reach Qunu City.

Looking at the letter in his hand, Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh, and then threw it directly into the brazier, "What kind of thing is worthy of playing such a trick in front of me?"

"Idiot, what's wrong? Did something happen over there in the capital?" Dou Yiai said, "Let's talk about Lingnan."

"None of them." Qin Mo waved his hand, "It's a letter from Li Xin. Yi Zhixie wants me to come over for negotiation and has set a condition that as long as I go over, there will be no compensation.

The prerequisite is that I am only allowed to bring a few dozen people! "

"Just go, don't worry!" Dou Yiai said.

Gao Yao on the side couldn't help but said: "This is clearly a trap. Yi Zhixie's real goal is the young master, and he wants to kill the young master.

If there is something wrong with the young master, Da Gan will be in crisis. "

"Oh, that's it!" Dou Yiai scratched his head, "What should we do?"

"Cold salad!" Qin Mo said angrily: "Don't worry about this matter, we can march at normal speed. When we arrive at Qunu City, everything will be settled!
However, you have to send a message there in advance, otherwise, they will be easily affected! "

Qin Mo is very Buddhist, and this march is more like traveling.

When passing through Piao State, the king of Piao State came to greet him with his whole family, and Qin Mo stayed for two days.

Dou Yi loves this piece of shit and hooks up with the princess of Piao Kingdom.

No, when leaving the country, it's hard to separate.

Dou Yiai left the camp and Gao Yao said, "Master, Pei Xing should take action, right?"

"Yes!" Qin Mo nodded, "Wang Pei put a slow-acting poison in the food. This poison will not cause any harm to the human body in a short period of time, but over time, it will corrode the internal organs. After a while, Within a year or two, various problems appeared.

When the poison enters the internal organs, it will be difficult for gods to save him. "

"Damn it!" Gao Yao said angrily, "She is so brave."

"She doesn't have the courage. She got the courage from Lao Ba." Qin Mo said lightly: "I thought he wouldn't be like this, but I still underestimated human nature.

If something happens to the third sister and the others, this shit basin will be placed on my head.

How do you think I should explain it then?
Even if I have eight mouths, I can't explain it clearly.

If there were no third sister and the others, there would be more reasons to touch me.This kind of vicious plan is not his style, and his brain can't think of it.

It's Xu Jingzong's method. "

The reason why Qin Mo was so sure was because his people were in Dali Temple.

I heard it very clearly.

In the emergency report to him, even the tone was marked with vocabulary.

"Master, it's not worth it for me to do it for you. If it weren't for you, where would Da Qianyan be today?" Gao Yao said.

"Now, it's just like doing business. The bigger the business gets, sooner or later someone will jump out and seize power.

I know the temper of this bitch like Lao Ba very well. He has low self-esteem and is cowardly. I should have seen it clearly when we were in Lingnan.

It's just that I'm nostalgic.

When the White Lotus Sect invaded the Governor's Mansion, he did not hesitate to push back the people who were following him. I should have understood. "

"Then why did you push him up?"

"Because he shares adversity with me!" Qin Mo said: "Some people can share adversity, but they cannot share wealth.

However, there is not much friendship left for him.

The old friendship in my heart has almost been squandered by him. "

"Then let's just do it without stopping."

"I don't look down on you, you know!" Qin Mo stretched out, "If I wanted to take over the world, the world would already be mine.

They felt that they had suffered a loss by marrying the third sister and the others to me.

No, it was my fault!

I always have to think about my third sister and cry for them.

In my heart, this world is far less important than their happiness. "

Gao Yao looked at Qin Mo. It was not that Qin Mo was not decisive in killing, but that Qin Mo was tolerant.

He has never been a heartless person.

Li Yue is so stupid.

Even if he neglected Qin Mo and sent him to a remote place, he would not call him back for ten or eight years.

Qin Modu would only thank him for giving him peace.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I have so many disciples, don't you think so?" Qin Mo said: "Ten fifty-six, any one will do. Even if it doesn't work, I can do it, too."

"Master, actually, it's not bad to become a county boy." Gao Yao said.

Qin Mo touched his chin, "You reminded me of this."

Gao Yao was stunned, "Master, I just said it casually, but you must not take it seriously. It is impossible to clean up the stains on the county man's body.

Even if he were pushed up, no one in the world would allow it. "

"I know." Qin Mo chuckled, "This bitch unintentionally tricked me once, so I have to trick him again no matter what.

Sometimes, if you want to achieve your goals, I don’t necessarily have to show up personally.

Then let him come forward! "

How could Qin Mo, such a pure and filial person, control the government and manipulate the prince?

Then you have to let other people do this kind of thing.

"Don't he want to be promoted? What do you think about letting him become a reformed regent?"

(End of this chapter)

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