big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1374 Withdrawal!

Chapter 1374 Withdrawal!

Gao Yao's eyes widened, "Prince Regent?"

"Yes!" Qin Mo grinned, "I guess he is going crazy with joy!"

Gao Yao was not a fool. If he thought about it carefully, he would know what Qin Mo was planning. He couldn't help but admire Qin Mo's thinking and said, "What if he launches another palace coup?"

"Then he must have the courage." Qin Mo said: "Okay, let's not talk anymore, this matter is settled."

Let Li Xin be the regent, so it has nothing to do with Qin Mo.

He will eat this thing for the rest of his life.

No matter who talks about this in the future, he can pat his chest and say that he has a clear conscience.

In the blink of an eye, another seven or eight days passed.

These days are not easy for Northwest slaves.

First, smallpox began to spread among the troops stationed in the Yuezhi country.

The method of how to prevent smallpox has actually been spread to the celestial phenomenon.

However, cowpox vaccination is still not popular.

But the fear of smallpox among the slaves in the northwest was deep in their bones.

When we were on the grassland, once smallpox struck, one-tenth of a large tribe's survival was due to the wolf god's blessing.

So when smallpox was discovered, the garrison on the Yuezhi side was already panicked.

The most terrible thing is that smallpox was discovered in not just one station.

The spread of smallpox further shattered the fighting spirit of the northwest slaves.

Especially the news that Qin Mo has taken command has spread. Now that smallpox has been harmed, fighting Qin Mo is tantamount to seeking death.

As for the soldiers of Daqian, the vaccination rate for cowpox was [-]%, so they were not afraid of smallpox at all!
This day smallpox also spread to Moyan City. No one knows how smallpox broke out.

But after a large number of soldiers got acne all over their bodies, Yi Zhixie trembled in shock, "Smallpox, where did the smallpox come from?"

Before he could recover from the shock, a steady stream of urgent reports came in, "Report, there is a dangerous smallpox in Soles River City!

Report, smallpox suddenly appeared in Hanlou Prefecture, and a large number of Yuezhi soldiers were infected with smallpox!

Report, Nishe City is in danger of smallpox."

These cities are all relatively important garrison cities of the Yuezhi, and Moyan City has been surrounded by them.

In just one day, more than twenty urgent reports came in, all of which were news of a smallpox outbreak in the garrison.

Yi Zhixie quickly called the ministers over, "This stall has an outbreak of smallpox. Let me know your opinions."

Minister Lan said: "Chanyu, we have been vaccinated with cowpox and are not afraid of smallpox. Most of our elite Northern slaves have also been vaccinated with cowpox.

But the soldiers of Yuezhi and Dashi were not vaccinated with cowpox. Although our elites were not injured, smallpox broke out and the morale of the army was weakened.

I think it’s better to leave from Moyancheng first! "

Minister Bu said: "God is helping Daqian. This is not a good opportunity to fight against Daqian. Everyone in Daqian is vaccinated against cowpox and is not afraid of smallpox.

If he faced Qin Mo at this time, he would have little chance of winning! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone agreed.

Although Yi Zhixie was unwilling to give up, he also understood that what they said was right, "That said, they don't know that our elite have been vaccinated with cowpox. If Qin Mo takes the opportunity to send troops, we can catch him off guard!
Moreover, Ben Shanyu believed that the smallpox did not appear by chance, but was a despicable trick of Da Gan people!

Although smallpox is powerful, how could it spread to Yuezhi and Dashi in a short period of time?
This must be man-made!
There is a mole within us! "

The crowd was silent.

The minister of the Ashina clan (the Northwest slaves split and took away people from the Ashina clan and other tribes) said: "There must be evil spirits among the Yuezhi and Dashi people who surrendered. This is something that is difficult to prevent. We should not do it now. Magnify this matter to prevent the inner ghost from inciting military morale.

I thought that the sneak attack did not apply to Qin Mo.

Who is Qin Mo?He won't put himself at risk.

Moreover, Qin Mo never fought an uncertain battle when he became an official.

Anyone who sends out troops will surely gain something.

With these prisoners in hand, we are already in an invincible position, and a temporary concession will not hurt our muscles and bones.

And I think that if this is the conspiracy of the Dagan people, then it is also an opportunity for our Beinu! "

Yi Zhixie became interested, "Go on."

"It's very simple. Our elite Northern slaves have all been vaccinated against cowpox. Those Yuezhi and Dashi people may not have been vaccinated. Smallpox is rampant. If anyone doesn't get smallpox, then he has a greater chance of being a mole.

We can collect lists and investigate secretly. We would rather kill someone by mistake than let them go.

In this way, I'm afraid we can catch all these insiders! "

"Yes, this is a good idea!" Yi Zhi stroked his palm sideways, "However, we can retreat, but not too much. The Yueshi terrain is very good. Once this barrier is lost, it will not be beneficial to us!"

Minister Ashina said: "What Chanyu said is that Yuezhi Mountain is high and the road is dangerous. We cannot give up. It is better to retreat to Datanzhou, which is also an important city."

Everyone nodded.

Yi Zhi nodded obliquely, and immediately said: "Withdraw the troops at night, leaving 1 people behind, and the Huyan clan will be cut off!"

Everyone said yes.

It was night, and Yi Zhixie left the city in the dark.

The large army discredits the advance.

At present, those Yuezhi soldiers and Dashi soldiers who have suffered from smallpox have basically been abandoned.

Even if they were not moles, Yi Zhixie ordered them all to be killed.

At least that's the case for the surrendering soldiers in Moyan City.

The smell of blood dissipated, and countless crows hovered over Moyan City.

The corpses were piled outside the city and burned.

The burning smell can be smelled from miles away.

Yi Zhixian was in the middle of the large army, riding in the carriage made by Daqian.

Although the road is not smooth, the ride is not too uncomfortable.

The small carriage is not something Beinu can make right now.

Yi Zhi leaned against the window. A cold wind blew in. He couldn't help but close the window. Only then did the fire of the kerosene lamp subside slightly, illuminating the interior of the carriage.

"Ashina Tsugumi, tell me what reward you want!" Yi Zhi said sideways.

Ashina Tsugumi is the Ashina clan minister proposed by Bai Tian.

At present, there are not many people in the Ashina clan, and Ashina is regarded as one of the more outstanding talents.

"It is my duty to share the Chanyu's worries!" Ashina continued.

Yi Zhi squinted in admiration, "You have been by my side for the past two years, giving me advice, and that's how Bei Nu is now.

So be it, I will marry the princess to you.

After defeating Qin Mo, I will choose an important town as your territory so that your Ashina clan can thrive! "

"Thank you Shanyu!" Ashina kept thanking him, "I don't want to reward you now. When the Shanyu becomes Tianchanyu, it won't be too late to reward me!"

"Tian Shanyu?" Yi Zhixie was startled, then laughed loudly, "You kid, you can talk!"

Ashina Tsugumi is still very young, only in his early twenties. If he continues to grow, he will definitely be of great use.

"These are my words from the bottom of my heart!" Ashina lowered her head, a strange color flashed in her eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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