big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1375 Yi Zhixie died suddenly!

Chapter 1375 Yi Zhixie died suddenly!
Tian Chanyu, what a beautiful title.

Once upon a time, this was what Modu thought.

Yi Zhixie thought to himself that if he wanted to be named Tian Chanyu, he would have to annex Tianxiang and Nanfan at least.

However, it is not easy to defeat Da Gan.

The most important thing is Qin Mo.

Of course, this Ashina Tsugumi is still a man of character.

It is much more useful than those soft bones.

He was very satisfied.

"Ashina is very loyal. If Ben Chanyu becomes Heavenly Chanyu one day, then Ashina will be Ben Chanyu's most loyal servant!" Yi Zhixie praised.

Ashina hurriedly said: "Thank you Shanyu for the compliment."

"Get up, you are so outstanding, this Chanyu must reward you, you should be the right person!" Yi Zhi said diagonally.

"Wei Chen bows to thank Shanyu!"

"Get up quickly. As long as you work hard, I will never be stingy. The glory of Ashina will one day bloom again in Beinu."

Before Yi Zhixie finished speaking, he felt a pain in his neck, and vaguely, he seemed to hear the sound of a hidden weapon breaking through the air.

He suddenly looked at Ashina Tsugumi, his eyes full of horror, and he couldn't help but touch the stinging spot with his right hand.

Quickly speaking, in just two or three breaths, his vision turned black and his figure started to shake.

He wanted to call for help, but it felt like there was a lump in his throat.

Yi Zhixie tried his best to make some noise.

But the next second, his vision went dark and he lay down on the table.


Except for Ashina Tsugumi, there was no one else in the carriage.

It is a fact that the Northwest Slaves do not have any generals. It is the Northwest Slaves’ good luck that they can get to where they are today.

As soon as Qin Mo took command, all these people panicked.

They were not generals a few years ago, will they be generals a few years later?

Not so easy.

Ashina took a deep breath, carried the dead Yizhi to the side of the bed, then opened the window and said to the driver of the horse: "Slow down, Shanyu is asleep!"

Hearing this, the driver quickly slowed down.

Ashina Tsugumi knew very well that he had completed his organizational tasks and completed them successfully. At first, he did not express his opinions easily.

Instead, he waited for Yi Zhixie to be forced into a corner before he stood up. As expected, Yi Zhixie easily agreed.

Withdrawing troops at night, in the dark, laid the foundation for this assassination.

He touched Yi Zhixie's body, touched the royal seal given by Da Gan, and took away Yi Zhixie's sword.

I wanted to chop off Yi Zhixie's head with a knife, but the blood would definitely attract the attention of outsiders.

Having these two things is enough.

Ashina hurriedly got out of the car, found the contact person secretly, and disappeared into the darkness.

He knew very well that Da Gan's strength was far from being as terrifying as it appeared.

The Northwest slaves had been infiltrated by the Dagan Espionage Department a few years ago, and Yizhixie was retained just to strategically capture the Yueshi and Dashi.

This is all done very covertly.

At dawn, the motorcade arrived at Danzhou City.

Minister Xubu stood outside the carriage and said respectfully: "Chanyu, Great Tanzhou City has arrived!"

More than [-] people were waiting for Yizhixie.

There was no response for a long time.

Minister Lan whispered, "Are you too tired and fell asleep?" Minister Subu nodded, then knocked on the carriage door and louder, "Chanyu, Danzhou City has arrived!"

I called three times in a row, but there was no response.

At this time, Minister Subu sensed something was wrong. He glanced at Lan's people, then opened the door and bravely got into the car.

Looking at Yi Zhixie lying there, Minister Xubu called out a few more words, but there was still no response.

Lan's people walked over and gave Yi Zhixie a gentle push.

Still no response.

Pretending to be brave, he put his hand under Yi Zhixie's nose.

At that moment, Minister Lan exclaimed in fright and sat down, "No, it's bad, Shanyu, Shanyu, Shanyu, something happened!"

One word stirred up a thousand waves.

The news of Yi Zhixie's sudden death spread quickly, and at that moment, the army felt as if it had been struck by lightning.

Everyone is confused.

How is this possible? Shanyu has always been in good health and was in his 40s at that time. How could it be possible that he died suddenly?

All the ministers gathered together, and when the army entered the city, they knelt beside the carriage.

At dawn, the first ray of sunlight shone on Yi Zhixie's body.

Yi Zhixiao closed her eyes tightly and her face turned pale, but there were corpse spots on her face, so she had obviously been dead for a while.

Everyone knelt down and howled.

The northwest slaves now lost their Shanyu, just like the wolf pack lost their wolf king.

How to defend against a strong enemy?
Now that smallpox is raging, everyone feels unparalleled pressure.

Just when everyone was mourning, one of the people from the Sub family said: "Only Ashinaji got on Shanyu's carriage last night. Hurry, go and call Ashinaji over."

Everyone also came to their senses, "Where did Ashina die?"

Everyone's eyes scanned the crowd, but Ashina Tsugumi was not found.

I looked around, but there was no sign of him.

At this moment, even if they were mentally retarded, they all understood that Yi Zhixie's death was inextricably linked to Ashina Ji.

"Ah, damn Ashina traitor, I have told you a long time ago that the Ashina family cannot be trusted easily!" Subu was furious, "Go and arrest all the Ashina family members. I will cut them off one by one." Get off all their flesh!"

However, it was already too late. The core figures of the Ashina clan had long since disappeared, leaving only a few soldiers and generals.

Lan's whole body was trembling uncontrollably, "The inner ghost is not Yueshi and Dashiren, the inner ghost is beside us. Ashina assassinated Shanyu and escaped without a trace.

But we didn't find out. Obviously, they had been planning this a long time ago. "

Once the panic spreads, it is difficult to contain it.

On this day, Yi Zhi died and the slaves in the northwest were leaderless.

But fortunately, Yizhixie has four sons and two daughters, so she only needs to support King Zuoxian, but the Northwest slaves cannot disperse.

After finally calming down everyone's emotions and escorting Yi Zhixie's body out of Datanzhou City, a worse news came.

All the Huyan generals who guarded Moyan City were assassinated, and the guards in other cities also died and fell ill.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands were holding their throats.

It's hard for them to breathe.

Even when you sleep at night, you have to be guarded by dozens of people.

When eating or drinking, people must taste it first, and only dare to eat after making sure it is correct.

However, the pain came silently.

They first developed a fever without warning, then experienced pain all over their body, continued to vomit, had difficulty breathing, and some even experienced necrosis of their limbs.

In just a few days, nearly half of the northwest slave soldiers were infected with this terrible disease.

The elite of the Northwest slaves were beaten to the point of failure by this disease!
(End of this chapter)

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