big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1376 The victory is beyond the distance!

Chapter 1376 Decisive victory thousands of miles away!

The disease was neither smallpox nor any disease they were familiar with.

But it was far more terrifying than smallpox.

But the bad news didn't stop there. News came from Dashi Capital City that all the heirs left by Yi Zhixie fell ill and died.

Cutting off the water with a knife, directly severing Yizhixie's roots.

After the people of the Sub family heard the news, they said in despair: "Beinu, there is no hope!"

What is despair?

This is despair!
Although no one said it, they all knew in their hearts that this must be Qin Mo's revenge.

Qin Mo was so cruel that he broke the spines and knees of others before they even came over.

Cut off their way forward.

They seemed to see a demon coming towards them.

A big hand has already squeezed over.

However, there is no way to save the day.

"Chanyu, we shouldn't be greedy!" The people of the Lan family regretted: "If we don't provoke Qin Mo, there will be such a disaster. Qin Mo wants to exterminate us!"

At this time, Li Xin and others had retreated to a relatively safe position.

The Espionage Department sent a notice to retreat, and within a few days, the news came that Yi Zhi had passed away.

What followed was a large-scale outbreak of smallpox. A large number of northwest slave soldiers contracted smallpox, and then the guards in the city were assassinated and beheaded.

Among the urgent reports, the person who cannot be ignored the most is Li Yongmeng.

Li Xin looked at the latest emergency report, and then circulated it to others, "Yizhixie's seed is extinct!"

Dou Xuanling stroked his beard and said: "The northwest slaves are not enough trouble!"

Tang Jian was even more overjoyed, "Great, now the Northwest slaves can't jump anymore, how about we send troops to pick up what's already there?"

"No, if this disease is just smallpox, forget it. We, the generals, are not afraid of smallpox.

At present, a large number of slave soldiers in the northwest are dying, and the corpses are piling up like mountains. We are afraid that there will be a plague, so we must be more cautious. "Li Xindao.

"Plague? How could there be a plague in this cold weather?" Tang Jian said.

"Without the plague, would there be no other diseases?" Li Xindao: "Now that Li Yongmeng has cut off the roots of the Northwest slaves, it is difficult for the Northwest slaves to become a climate.

We are not a combat team, so we should leave this matter to Duke E and the others. We just need to wait here for the good news to come! "

"What the county man said makes sense!" Dou Xuanling agreed: "The most important thing right now is to protect ourselves. The emergency report said, let us strengthen protection, wear masks, wash hands frequently, and avoid large gatherings of people.

Once someone is found to have vomiting and high fever, they must be isolated.

This is no joke. Medical newspapers have made it very clear that there are many ways to spread the disease. As long as we protect ourselves, it will be the greatest victory! "

Tang Jian sighed, although credit is important, life is more important!
"Okay, I wanted to do my little bit for the country, but I can only consider the overall situation first!" Tang Jian said regretfully.

No one revealed his intentions, and after a short meeting, everyone left.

Li Xin found Dou Xuanling and said, "If Li Yongmeng had such ability, Su Yun would have won long ago!"

Dou Xuanling lowered her voice and said: "Seeing through without telling the truth is the best way to deal with it. It's no wonder that this kid has not been seen for so long.

I estimate that by the time he gets here, the war will be over.

In this case, the credit does not fall on him.

Moreover, marching thousands of miles from Lingnan does take a lot of time.

No one can blame him.

smart! "Dou Xuanling now understands Qin Mo's plan and can't help but applaud Qin Mo.

This bastard always behaves unexpectedly.

Win the battle thousands of miles away.

What kind of means is this?
Just by talking, Northwest slaves fell into a huge crisis, and this crisis is still expanding.

I'm afraid that if they don't even need to send out large numbers of soldiers, they themselves will be completely destroyed by internal strife.

It won't work if people don't admire it.

"I'm just sighing!" Li Xindao: "It's really amazing. In fact, his understanding of war can be seen from his strategy against Nanfan. It is not just about launching a war by sending troops.

After seeing this urgent report, I even wanted to worship him! "

"You can worship in your heart!" Dou Xuanling reminded: "But never worship him in front of everyone!"

"I understand!" Li Xin smiled, "I feel a lot lighter on my shoulders, and all the pressure is gone."

"This is the best result!" Dou Xuanling said: "I estimate that in the next few hundred years, there will never be anyone like Qin Mo again. Being born in the same era as him is both lucky and unfortunate.

However, I can't help but be glad that Qin Mo is not an enemy.

If we were enemies, do you think we could still survive?

I'm afraid I don't know how I will die. "

Li Xinshen thought so. He used to hate Qin Mo, but later he admired and respected him.

But now there is another fear.

This fear went deep into his heart, and just thinking about the consequences of going against Qin Mo, he felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet.

"Why should I be afraid? My children are all his disciples, and I am still his brother-in-law. He has never had any rebellious intentions. I just need to maintain this relationship, that's enough!" Li Xin thought.

"Get some rest early. Although we can't send troops, we must take good protection and guard the main roads to prevent the sick Northwest slave soldiers from rushing over. This is how we are loyal to our country!" Dou Xuanling said with a smile.

At this time, the news also reached Cheng Sanaxe.

Gongsun Min glanced at Li Ankang and felt a storm in his heart.

"Is the northwest slave so paralyzed?" He couldn't believe his eyes, but urgent reports came into the city one after another, all of which revealed the truth.

"Damn Li Yongmeng, he's really fierce!" Cheng Sanxu yelled, "You damn thing, you're so good, I didn't even drink a sip of the soup.

He just poisoned these people, how could he be so despicable? "

He was cursing, but his eyes were full of smiles.

He knew very well that if Li Yongmeng had such a stupid brain, would he be captured if he had such ability?

Qin Mo must be behind all this.

"Bitch, because you saved my son, I will fulfill your wish, so that this great power will not fall on you!" Cheng Sanxu thought in his heart, and couldn't help but add, "bastard Dude, you are so damn powerful. A tiger father has no dog son. I must admit that you are a good person.

The decisive victory from thousands of miles away is almost the same as the sword fairy in the storybook! "

Zhang Jing saw the truth behind the emergency report at just one glance, and secretly sighed in his heart, "In the past 500 years, and in the next 500 years, there will be no such person!"

He actually understands Su Yun quite well.

Although Qin Mo had defeated the minority with more, he still had to send troops anyway.

He doesn't even have anyone here now, so it's unclear whether he won this battle.

It really opened my eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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