big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1377 Li Yong outsmarts the Northwest slaves?

Chapter 1377 Li Yong outsmarts the Northwest slaves?

If he had this ability, he would have been guarding Tuyuhun every day and would have become one of the top figures in the army.

"Lao Cheng, now that Yi Zhi is dead and the Northwest slaves are defeated, shouldn't we send out troops? We can't leave all the credit to Li Yongmeng, right?" Zhang Jing came to support him and wanted to get more at this time. Thanks to the credit, I can stay in the capital when I return to the capital.

He is also getting older, and life on the plateau is not as comfortable as in the capital.

"What the hell, those diseases are not smallpox. Once you get infected, you won't be able to recover easily!" Cheng Sanxu said: "Just be patient and let them die on their own!"

He is not stupid, his achievements are far less important than his life.

Li Ankang also said: "General Cheng's words make sense!"

Gongsun Min didn't say a word. He had long been impressed by Qin Mo's magical methods.

Soon, the news also spread to the capital.

Snow has begun to fall in the capital in December. Although there have been a few defeats this year, the weather has been smooth. After a good harvest, the heavy snow is a sign of a good harvest in the coming year.

Li Shilong was wearing a down jacket, and it was a bit stuffy in the Tai Chi Palace. After the renovation, fire tunnels were laid underground in the Tai Chi Palace. Even with bare feet, he did not feel cold at all.

The maids were all wearing light gauze clothes. There was heavy snow outside, but it was still like summer inside.

When he walked out of the palace, a cold wind blew in his face, which made him clear-headed.

"Your Majesty, add a scarf to avoid catching cold!" Gao Shilian handed over a scarf.

Li Shilong frowned and said, "I'm so hot and sweating!"

He said this, but looking at the scarf handed to him, Li Shilong reluctantly wrapped it around his neck.

It's no better than before, and winter is a difficult season for him.

The injury to his lungs made him always feel short of breath in winter.

If you catch a cold, it will be fatal. Even sleeping is a kind of torture, and you often wake up from being suffocated.

Fortunately, the temperature in the palace was very high, which alleviated his pain.

"Your Majesty, are you going to visit the Royal Garden?" Gao Shilian asked.

"I'm not going." Li Shilong put his hands in his pockets and looked into the distance, "It's already mid-December. I'm afraid that bitch has already arrived. I don't know how the war is going, whether he's winning or losing."

Gao Shilian said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you must have confidence in the Qin Prince Consort Captain!"

Although he said this, in his heart he was unwilling for Qin Mo to take the lead.

"It's too far after all. It will take more than [-] days to send a message back from there. Management is a big problem." Li Shilong now clearly knows why Qin Mo wants to build a railway, and why he wants to extend the Li-Zhi Road across the country. laid within the range.

In the past, it would have taken at least more than 40 days to transmit information, let alone more than [-] days. The time saved could greatly enhance the court's control over the local area.

In the past, imperial power did not go to the countryside. Now, with the capital as the center, everything within a thousand miles is under control.

This kind of centralization is unparalleled before.

Gao Shilian said nothing, and he shouldn't interrupt in such a matter.

"Gao Shilian, what do you think about me dividing those children over there?" Li Shilong said.

"My slave, you dare not speak nonsense!" Gao Shilian said hurriedly, he did not dare to accept these words.

"I tell you to say what you say. It doesn't matter if you say it wrong!" Li Shilong was a little lonely. The important ministers around him complained to each other, and they asked for help. In the past, if he had a problem, he could always gather two tables of mahjong people to help him. Share worries and solve problems.

Although we can still get together now, we are no longer the same people as before.

No matter in terms of ability or knowledge, they are far inferior to that group of people.

Gao Shilian smiled bitterly, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

He thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty has made great achievements throughout the ages, and the territory of Daqian is so large that it has never been seen in the past.

The slaves have little knowledge, but they also know some of the advantages and disadvantages of enfeoffment.The good thing is that while the prince is guarding the border, he doesn't have to worry about rebellion.

But the disadvantage is that once the prince's border defense becomes large, it will be fine if the reduction of the vassal state goes smoothly, but if it does not go smoothly, it will be a disaster.

In particular, the territory of Daqian is so large that it cannot be suppressed by a dozen vassals. "

"What you said makes sense." Li Shilong nodded, convinced, "Jing Yun also told me so at the beginning, if we suppress the vassal, it will definitely become a disaster over time.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the journey is thousands of miles away. It is not easy to control it well.

It would be fine if the emperor in the future is strong, but if he is not, I am afraid that there will be many vassal kings coming to Beijing to clear the emperor's side. "

He is sad.

It is easy to fight the country, but it is difficult to keep the country.

If it were in the past, Li Yue's ability would be enough.

But now, in this huge territory, it is difficult for him to be a conservative king!
His body is getting worse every year. Two years ago, he could still leave the palace and walk around at this time.

Now I don’t even dare to leave the palace.

Gao Shilian said nothing, but felt that Qin Mo must have a way to solve this problem.

Just as I was thinking about it, an anxious voice came from outside, "Eight hundred miles urgent, good news from the Western Region!"

Li Shilong frowned, "Gao Shilian, did you hear it?"

Gao Shilian stretched his neck and heard the voice coming from not far away. His expression changed, "Your Majesty, this is good news from the Western Region!"

Li Shilong also had some expectations in his heart. He didn't even enter the Tai Chi Palace, but stared at the figures in the distance walking in.

"Eight hundred miles urgent, good news from the Western Region!"

A few people were not afraid of slippery snow and walked quickly.

They climbed the steps and looked at Li Shilong standing at the door of Tai Chi Palace. They knelt down without any hesitation, raised the news of victory above their heads, and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, the news of victory in the Western Region is a great victory!"

Hearing this, the big stone in Li Shilong's heart fell almost instantly.

Gao Shilian hurriedly took the information, checked it, and confirmed it was correct before handing it to Li Shilong.

Li Shilong wanted to pretend that he was calm, but he opened the letter very quickly.

After reading the good news, Li Shilong took a breath and said, "Yi Zhi died, all his heirs died, not even one of the ten generals of the Northwest slaves was left alive, smallpox was raging, nearly half of the Northwest slaves were sick, and there were countless casualties!"

Li Shilong couldn't help but read out the contents of the victory report, especially the last sentence in the victory report, "Qin Mo led his army before he arrived, and Li Yong's plan to defeat the northwest slaves was his first success!"

"Did Li Yongmeng plan to defeat Yizhixie? A plan to paralyze the Northwest slaves and win without a fight?"

Li Shilong was stunned, but then he smiled bitterly, "I haven't arrived yet, bitch, do you think I'm a fool?"

Gao Shilian on the side pricked up his ears, and he listened carefully.

Just thinking about it for a moment, I understood the implication of the emergency report.

That is, Qin Mo led the army while he was still on the way, and Li Yong cleverly defeated the Northwest slaves.

This credit does not belong to Qin Mo, but to Li Yongmeng.

Even if he wanted to give Qin Mo credit, there was nothing he could do.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Gao Shilian suppressed a smile, this kid, I don’t know where his brain was born, he is so smart!

(End of this chapter)

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