big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1378: Hitting the wall one after another!

Chapter 1378: Hitting the wall one after another!

Thinking of this, Gao Shilian said excitedly: "Your Majesty, God bless Daqian. The Northwest slaves are finished. Let's Daqian win!"

Li Shilong put his hands behind his back and couldn't help but sigh. Although he was happy, he always felt that something was missing.

Is it guilt?

Li Shilong thought this way, what a good child, retreating again and again, actually pushed this child to such an extent.

Li Shilong held on to the good news. At this moment, he could no longer lie to himself.

If one day Qin Mo is forced to abandon his moral character, that will be Da Gan's loss.

He couldn't help but think: "I'm right, it's just that this method is not suitable for that kid. However, looking at it this way, I am considered a fool."

"Go, call the Crown Prince and Gongsun Wuji over!" Li Shilong said, and immediately gave the scouts a reward, and then returned to Tai Chi Palace, with a look of joy on his face, "Spread the news and share it with the people." happy!"

He sat on the dragon throne, feeling so happy that he hadn't felt in a long time.

Soon, Li Yue received the news, "The Northwest slave was defeated?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Your Majesty has asked you to come over!" said the eunuch who came to deliver the message.

Li Yue pursed his lips and said nothing. Although he had been mentally prepared for it, when the news of the victory came, he still couldn't help but feel weak.

How powerful Qin Mo is, the more it proves Su Yun and his incompetence.

He walked out of the East Palace with a cold face.

It looks like no one should enter.

When they arrived at Tai Chi Palace, Gongsun Wuji and others had already arrived.

However, every expression is a little weird.

He hurriedly stepped forward to salute, with a smile on his face, "My son, I will meet my father!"

Li Shilong nodded, "A great victory in the Western Region. Li Yong outsmarted the Northwest slaves and decided the world in one battle!"

"What? Li Yong outsmarted the Northwest slaves, wasn't it Qin Mo?" Li Yue was stunned.

Gongsun Wuji handed over the good news in his hand, "It is indeed Li Yongmeng. When the good news came, Qin Mo was still on his way and had not arrived at Qunu City.

After all, there are thousands of miles to get there from Gaozhou. Even if you travel day and night, it will take more than a month. "

Li Yue took the victory report and read it carefully. When he saw it, he was dumbfounded, "Li Yongmeng is as smart as a scheming person?"

For a moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

Gongsun Wuji looked at Li Yue's expression and couldn't help but shake his head.

Too tender, really too tender.

Qin Mo's move was really unexpected.

Really wonderful.

Everyone knows that Li Yongmeng cannot have this ability.

Only Qin Mo can have such means and courage.

Strategize and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away.

Liu Yifu also had a gloomy face. He whispered a few words in Li Yue's ear. Only then did Li Yue react, "You mean, it's Qin Mo's plan?"

Liu Yifu nodded, "Although Qin Mo is in a hurry, it does not hinder the scout from delivering the message. If he travels day and night, the time can be shortened by half.

If Li Yongmeng had such ability, Su Yun would have returned to the court early, so why would he die in battle? "

Li Yue thought about it carefully, isn't it like this?
The pits he left behind were easily resolved by Qin Mo.

Since he won this battle, the credit does not fall on him.

Moreover, he also praised Li Yongmeng.

Li Yongmeng is a member of the royal family with upright roots!He listened with his ears pricked up, and he was surrounded by people who praised Li for his bravery and ingenuity.

Yu Boshi, in particular, stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince of Cheng County is unparalleled in his wits and has defeated the slaves in the northwest. He must be heavily rewarded!"

Gongsun Wuji also echoed: "Without heavy rewards, it is not enough to boost the morale of the army!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone agreed.

If Su Yun failed, then Li Yongmeng would be promoted, and with Li Yongmeng's identity, it couldn't be more appropriate.

"Prince, what do you think?" Li Shilong looked at Li Yue.

Li Yue quickly clasped his fists and said, "I think it was a crime for Li Yongmeng and Cheng Sanbao to fail in leading the army, and to make great achievements now is to atone for their sins."

This should be taken into consideration before awarding! "

As soon as these words came out, Yu Boshi frowned, "The prince's words, the humble ministers disagreed, Li Yong led the troops, Yuan Shi Su Yun made a mistake in judgment, and plunged into the trap of the northwest slaves.

At present, Li Yongmeng severely damaged the Northwest slaves with weak casualties, and even killed Yi Zhixie, killed all his descendants, and wiped out the national line of the Northwest slaves. His merits outweighed his faults.

He should be heavily rewarded to boost the morale of the army, so that he can completely annihilate the Northwest slaves in one go! "

Su Yun is already dead, so don't implicate the blame on living people.

This is what Yu Boshi thinks, or in other words, most people think so.

Even Li Shilong thought so.

Rewarding Li Yongmeng generously was to help the royal family regain lost face.

What Li Yue said seemed fair, but it was inappropriate. Even people who understand would think of Li Yongmeng's relationship with Qin Mo.

He is still the one suppressing Qin Mo.

But Li Yongmeng is a member of the royal family!

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Yue reacted immediately, feeling annoyed in his heart.

But the words have already been spoken, so there is no reason to take them back.

“Gong is merit, fault is fault, one code is another code, and it is more important to have clear rewards and punishments.

Moreover, Su Yun is dead. Although he made mistakes, he also proved himself with his loyalty.

The court can't hold him accountable anymore and kill his family, right?

If word spreads, who else will dare to serve the imperial court in the future? "Li Yue said.

This sentence drove Yu Boshi to death.

Liu Yifu also intervened at the right time: "The prince's words are reasonable. The country has national laws and the family has family rules. The prince Chengjun has made great achievements, which is expected by everyone, but the mistakes he made cannot be ignored.

Your Majesty, please take a closer look! "

Li Shilong said calmly: "The prince is right, merit will be rewarded, and fault will be punished!"

"I think that rewards and punishments will have to wait until the main army returns to the court." Gongsun Wuji said: "When the news of the great victory comes out, the three armies will definitely be inspired. I think that it is better to reward them now to boost the morale of the army.

When Prince Cheng and the Crown Prince return to Beijing in the future, they will talk about punishment, which will not only convince them but also not disturb the morale of the army! "

Li Shilong said: "But, let's postpone this matter for a while. Let's talk about compensation for those who died in this battle!"

Soon, the topic was brought over, and Li Yue stood there with a gloomy expression.

Liu Yifu reminded: "Your Highness, paying for the soldiers who died in the war is a good opportunity to win people's hearts, so we should take over the matter.

When word spreads in the future, people all over the world will definitely praise His Highness for his kindness! "

Li Yue suppressed his dissatisfaction, nodded, and stepped forward and said: "Father, I am willing to take over the matters related to the compensation of the martyrs. In the past, refugees came to Beijing and set up charitable organizations. They are quite experienced in pension matters!"

"Let the Ministry of Household Affairs get a charter." Li Shilong said: "This matter involves hundreds of thousands of people, and the pension required is an astronomical figure. I have decided to use one year's tax revenue to provide pensions for the country. Soldiers who died!"

(End of this chapter)

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