big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1379 Disappointed Li Shilong!

Chapter 1379 Disappointed Li Shilong!

This time, hundreds of thousands of people were lost. The pension previously set by Qin Mo was 500 taels. This expenditure alone exceeded 5000 million taels.

Fortunately, in recent years, we have done a great job in tax collection, and this year's tax ledger has been released.

A total of 430 taels.

This is just the tax ledger, like Gaoli, Wozhou, Nanfan, Tianxiang, and Grassland, these are all separately distinguished.

According to the Minister of War, this year’s military expenditure exceeded 800 million taels.

The Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry jointly submitted a letter stating that the expenditure exceeded 4000 million taels.

In other words, once this pension is given, it will be in vain this year.

Moreover, the pension is not a one-time buyout. The families of these martyrs must also be taken care of, and food subsidies must be provided every year during the holidays.

That's another big expense.

Li Shilong made a rough calculation and found that the expenditure would not be less than 500 million taels.

Fortunately, these places can be self-sufficient, otherwise, he would have to get money from internal funds.

Even if he took tens of millions of taels at a time, he would be in pain.

Li Yue's eyes darkened, "Yes, I understand!"

"Go down, Prince stay!"

"The minister waits to say goodbye!"

After everyone left, only the father and son were left in the huge Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shilong looked at Li Yue, "Lao Ba, come up!"

Li Yue hurried up and bowed slightly. His eyes had long lost their former sparkle, and his eyes were a little dodgey. "Father, please tell me!"

"The expenditure this time is really too great. If you include the lost military resources, the national treasury's annual income is not enough.

Fortunately, with the use of the racecourse, the operating costs of the 72 yamen in Beijing can be self-sufficient. Otherwise, this would be another expenditure of several million taels.

It took more than twenty years for Daqian to enter its prosperous era. This was the foundation that took more than twenty years to lay.

If it weren't for Li Yongmeng's cleverness, this battle would have wiped out Da Gan's several years of accumulation.

It would be difficult to think about ZTE after its prosperity and decline. "Li Shilong said.

"My son understands!" Li Yue said: "I just hate that I am not capable enough!"

Li Shilong waved his hand, "I don't mean to blame you, I just want to tell you that it is more difficult to be a successful king than to pioneer.

The territory of Daqian has almost tripled. If the battle in the Western Region is won, Yuezhi and Dashi will also join Daqian sooner or later.

Using Yueshi and Dashi as springboards, the vast Western Region will become a land of great strength sooner or later.

There are hundreds of countries there, with tens of millions of citizens, and such a large territory. Have you figured out how to manage it? "

"This" Li Yue didn't expect Li Shilong to ask this. He thought for a while and said: "Use barbarians to control barbarians and copy the celestial phenomena!"

To be honest, Li Shilong was quite disappointed when he heard this, but he did not show it, "The combined population and territory of those countries are not inferior to those of the Central Plains, and the number of troops sent to guard them is at least 40 to [-].

The annual expenditure is astronomical. If the railway is built in the future, it will cost no less than one billion.

Oh, I haven’t included Yizhou and Nanyang yet! "

Li Yue felt numb.

He really hadn't thought about these issues in detail.

"Prepare for a rainy day, first recruit troops, guard, immigrate, integrate the ethnic groups, and use barbarians to control barbarians." Li Yue went through the current methods of treating people of other ethnic groups.

This method has been verified and is very effective.

They are all proud of the Danggan people.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Li Shilong's eyes, did he just follow the script?This approach is not applicable.

There are many sects in the Western Region. If you just use this method, it will be difficult to completely rule, and it will definitely leave a legacy of disaster.

It was good that the dynasty was strong, but if something went wrong, the generals leading the troops could easily become a disaster.

Only now did he truly understand why Qin Mo had warned him not to excessively set up military envoys.

These military governors may not be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

It can only be said that Qin Mo's vision is too far.

"How about suppressing the vassal state?" Li Shilong asked.

Li Yue's hair stood on end, "Self-conferral?"

"Yes, enfeoffment!" Li Shilong said: "The only way to achieve long-term peace and stability is through this method!"

"But Father, although Da Qian has not abolished the feudal system, the vassal king is a vassal and does not have military power! If the vassal king is given military power, over time, it will probably lead to a military disaster!" Li Yue's first thought was After he takes office in the future, the possible consequences of enfeoffing and suppressing vassal states will be brought about.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away. How difficult is it to cut down the feudal vassals?
It would take half a year to pass the news back and forth, and if they were given weapons, it would be hard to say who would win or lose in a fight.

In the future, if you listen to the tune but not the announcement, how can you bear with him?

When the feudal kings unite, there is really no way they can do it.

Li Yue thought about it and analyzed the pros and cons.

Would Li Shilong not understand his thoughts?
He doesn't trust his brother at all!
They don’t even understand the concept of meat rotting in the pot.

It was difficult for him to cut down the vassal state, but would it be easier for them to send troops to the Central Plains?
In the future, railway connections and control will be improved to a higher level, such as grassland, Gaoli, Jihe, Shidan and other places, which will not be a problem.

The Japanese state is now a vassal state controlled by the royal family. As long as taxes are paid regularly and quantitatively every year, who cares?

As for Nanfan, there is no need to worry.

Tianxiang has more than [-] troops stationed in it, and is connected to Lingnan and Nanfan. As long as there are troops stationed in Lingnan and Nanfan, plus the navy, the Western Region will be within striking range.

The problem of vassal suppression that Li Yue mentioned may happen, and hundreds of thousands of troops are not vegetarians.

If Li Yue manages his strategy well, he won't have to worry about having no one available when the throne falls into the hands of his son.

It is difficult to form a vassal state after three to five years of adjustment.

Moreover, Qin Mo once said a way.

Build a auxiliary capital in the Western Region or Qunu City in Tianxiang, and send the adult prince there to experience. Anyway, the inheritance law of Daqian has been reformed.

Or choose a place to move the capital to strengthen the court's control.

"Father, you must consider this matter carefully!" Li Yue said.

"I understand!" Li Shilong nodded, "Go down and stay with the Crown Princess, and don't let her get sick easily!"

Li Yue nodded, "My son, please leave!"

After Li Yue left, a deep sigh came from the Tai Chi Palace.

Back in the East Palace, Li Yue looked ugly and didn't want to see anyone.

"My father is so confused, he actually wants to reintroduce the enfeoffment law. Once the enfeoffment is enfeoffed, a kingdom will be established with all officials.

If you raise it with the power of one land, you will definitely raise a subjugated vassal.

The Western Regions are as wealthy as the Central Plains. If they are provided with firearms, it will be even more difficult to reduce the vassal status. "Thinking of this, Li Yue felt terribly depressed.

He then thought of Li Shilong's last words, and his face became even more ugly, "Did that sick Yangzi go and say something to his father again?"

He angrily ran into Liu Ruyu's bedroom, kicked open the door, and saw the maid serving Liu Ruyu to take medicine.

The palace in the past was filled with the fragrance of women, but now it is filled with the unpleasant smell of medicine!
(End of this chapter)

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