big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1380 Power, wealth and charming eyes!

Chapter 1380 Power, wealth and charming eyes!
"Slave, please see His Highness the Crown Prince!" The maid hurriedly knelt down when she saw Li Yue.

Li Yue walked to the bed with a cold face, looked at the decoction in the maid's hand, and kicked it over. The maid was so frightened that she quickly fell to the ground, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Liu Ruyu was lying on the bed, her body was very weak, especially her eyes, which were sunken.

She just looked at Li Yue quietly without saying a word.

"Drink medicine, drink medicine, and know how to drink medicine all day long. Weren't you very happy when you went to Lingnan? You ate well and slept well every day. Why do you get sick every now and then when you return to the capital?" Li Yue waved the maid away and mocked He said: "Is it because I didn't see your brother Jingyun that you feel uncomfortable? Or are you deliberately disgusting Gu?"

"Don't you know why I'm sick?" Liu Ruyu's eyes showed a mocking look.

"Of course Gu knows that you are either lovesick or suffering from heart disease. In short, taking medicine is useless. As long as you see Qin Mo, you will be fine!" Li Yue said angrily.

"You lied about it yourself, but you actually believed it." Liu Ruyu's face was ashen, "Those two cheap maids were drugged, did you really not know?

Or are you aware of it but unwilling to take care of it?
My mother-in-law came to see me a few days ago, just to comfort me. The way I looked at her seemed a little guilty.

But it's just guilt.

After all, you are her son and the guarantee of her future prosperity and wealth.

Even if she hears some rumors, she will not act righteously. "

"You fart!" Li Yue flew into a rage and slapped Liu Ruyu on the face, "Who drugged you? Stop talking nonsense here.

When your mother and concubine come to see you, it’s okay for you to be ungrateful and still blame her.

Where is your gentle and virtuous person?
If I knew you were like this, I wouldn't have married you at all! "

Liu Ruyu didn't care about the slap, and just said: "My mother is right, men only hit women zero times and countless times.

The more incompetent a man is, the more likely he is to beat his wife.

The more capable a man is, the more he will love his wife.

If I knew your true face, what if I married Gongsun Chong?
At least you don’t have to get beaten or take poison! "

Li Yue was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, "You are seeking death!"

"You have already killed me!" Liu Ruyu said: "How can I be afraid of death? But even if I die, I will not be buried in the imperial mausoleum, let alone buried next to you."

"You want to bury Qin Mo next to him, right? Don't even think about it!" Li Yue's eyes widened.

"Haha." Liu Ruyu suddenly laughed, "When you come to my place, Brother Qin must have won the battle, right?
Let me guess, it must be a big victory, otherwise you wouldn't come here to see me. "

"You!" Li Yue clenched his fists, feeling like a knife was cutting through his heart. Looking at the woman he loved most in the past, his eyes were full of ridicule at this moment. He raised his fists, but stopped in the air.

Her body couldn't withstand his punch anymore.

If he really plays good or bad, he will be in trouble.

"It seems that I was right!" Liu Ruyu's laughter grew louder, "You said that I lie on the hospital bed every day, how do I know this?

I really have to thank the Xu sisters for coming over every now and then to talk to me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t know so many things outside. "

After saying that, Liu Ruyu paused and said with full of sarcasm: "You don't want the real sincerity, but you find it in the trash.

One day you will regret that you personally pushed away the person who is really good to you.

What you gain today will one day be lost! "

Li Yue was almost going crazy, "Bad maid, you're a wretched maid. I'm just waiting for you. I can't cure you. How can I not cure your family?"

"Then I'm really impressed!" Liu Ruyu laughed, "How about calling my mother into the palace?"

Li Yue subconsciously shrank his neck, thinking of the scene of Hu Hongyu holding a sword and killing the guards of the East Palace.If that woman loses control, she might really kill him with one strike of her sword.

Liu Ruyu looked at Li Yue with disdain in her eyes, "If you come here and don't kill me, then don't come here in the future. I'll see you disgusted!"

"You wait, you wait alone!" Li Yue left angrily, and Liu Ruyu's contemptuous laughter came from behind, which hurt him deeply.

The palace door was closed, and Liu Ruyu stared at the dome with blank eyes. Half of the reason why she was sick every day was because of her depression, and half of the reason was because of the drug administered by the Xu sisters.

Of course, she didn't really drink the medicine, and her illness was really a heart illness.

She just felt pathetic. How could the seemingly compassionate Concubine Li be an accomplice?

Every time she came over, she hesitated to speak. It seemed like she was trying to persuade her to relax, but in fact, she was putting a rope around her neck.

Especially those two cheap maids, every time they came over they would show off what rewards Concubine Li had given them.

She also saw it clearly.

There is no true love in this harem.

All they have is power and wealth.

I only blame myself for having poor judgment and mistaking the wrong person.

But it doesn't matter, she will make everything go back to its original position.

Li Shilong dragged his exhausted body to the Li Zheng Hall.

Ah Si is doing his homework here.

On the side, Empress Gongsun was embroidering red needlework. Xu was so involved that she didn't notice Li Shilong coming in.

"Didn't Jing Yun say that if you have a bad waist, you should do less female celebrity work?" Li Shilong said.

"Your Majesty, why didn't you say anything when you came?" Queen Gongsun quickly put down the red nühong in her hand and stood up.

"Come here and see you. Ah Si is doing his homework. Don't disturb him!" Li Shilong took Empress Gongsun's hand and sat next to her.

Strangely enough, he and Empress Gongsun have been working hard for two or three years, but they still haven't let Empress Gongsun take over.

Two years ago, he still had this idea, but as Empress Gongsun got older, he gave up this idea.

"Have you eaten, Your Majesty? I'm going to make some food for you?"

"No need!" Li Shilong waved his hand, "I just came over to see Ah Si. Is he okay following Shi 56 lately?"

"Well, he worked very hard. A few days ago, Jing Yun wrote a letter and assigned him a lot of homework, which was enough for him to work for half a year." When mentioning A Si, Empress Gongsun's eyes were full of doting, but she was not doting on him. There is also little time for the Zhengdian.

Most of them stayed with their brothers and sisters, and went to and from school in Qinzhuang. Except for a few people, no one knew that he was the third son of the emperor.

"I have received the news. Xiaojiu and that bastard are on an expedition!" Li Shilong said with a pained face: "Tell me, what on earth do you think about sending your daughter there? Isn't that a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?"

Empress Gongsun rolled her eyes at Li Shilong and said, "Your Majesty, can't you think in a good direction?"

"How do you want me to think in a good direction?" Li Shilong said in pain: "I have already married three daughters, a niece and a niece. That boy has a criminal record.

You can't let me marry another daughter to him, can you?

That’s too unlikeable! "

(End of this chapter)

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