big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1381 Li Shilong’s bottom line!

Chapter 1381 Li Shilong’s bottom line!

Queen Gongsun suppressed a smile.

Li Shilong looked at his wife, "Tell me, what do you think? Do you still want to marry my daughter to that piece of shit?"

Empress Gongsun said: "Your Majesty, you don't know what that girl is thinking? The daughters of our old Li family are more stubborn than the other, and the things they have decided cannot be changed easily."

"Then it can't be given for free, right?" Li Shilong's balls hurt terribly, "You said if this matter spreads out, do I still have the face?

Yes, that bitch is awesome, I admit it, but he is not the only man in the world! "

Queen Gongsun said: "Then may your Majesty find a man suitable for Nineteen?"

"There will always be!"

"These days when I'm in the palace, I always feel upset. Bad news comes in every now and then. Sometimes I'm so frightened that I can't sleep well.

A few days ago, I had a nightmare about something bad. After waking up from the dream, I kept my eyes open until dawn. "

"What are you dreaming about? I'll ask people from Qintian Prison to come over and interpret the dream!"

"They can't figure anything out. I just feel sad. We were all fine, so how could this happen?" Empress Gongsun's eyes suddenly turned red. "Isn't the lesson from the past not enough? Do you want brothers to fight against each other and fight against each other? ?

Erlang, why do you think this is?
Can you never get out of this circle for the rest of your life? "

Li Shilong said: "Don't think too much, this kind of thing will never happen again."

"Really?" Empress Gongsun covered her face and said, "I don't want to get involved in the affairs of the court, but there are some things that just get into my ears.

There are some things that should be my responsibility, but I haven't taken care of them for a long time. I can only send some supplements.

But can supplements nourish people's hearts? "

Li Shilong looked serious, "Ruyu's affairs are yours to take care of, and Concubine Li can't do it for you!"

"How long can Ruyu live like this?" Empress Gongsun sighed: "Zan Ying consulted Liu Ruyu and said that he had a broken heart. If he takes good care of himself, he can still live for 50 to [-] years.

But after she returned from Lingnan, she couldn't afford to fall ill again.

I heard some bad rumors, which I just find ridiculous and hateful.

Lao Ba was as cold as jade and slapped her, which was killing her.

You and I have been married for many years, but have you ever laid a finger on me?
It's funny to say that as the president of the Women's and Children's Association, I can't even protect my own daughter-in-law.

You said, if I fail, will I fail? "

Li Shilong became increasingly depressed and even angry.

Liu Ruyu is the crown princess he recognizes, and he does not recognize anyone else.

He knew about the Xu sisters, but it was hard for him to interfere.

This is the duty of Queen Gongsun.

Among them, Concubine Li had a hand in the matter, and Empress Gongsun basically didn't care about it.

Right now, if she didn't feel sorry for Liu Ruyu, she would never say these words.

"That scoundrel, did he ever know that Ruyu has been with him since he was young?" Li Shilong gritted his teeth and said, "The last time Hu Hongyu came into the palace, she beat my face until it was so hot. He just doesn't have a long memory."

Empress Gongsun sniffed, "This is too ridiculous and too confusing. After the new year, I want to go out and relax.

Whether they are good or not, I don’t want to care! "

Li Shilong took a deep breath and squeezed his wife's hand, "It's Lao Ba's fault and Li Fei's fault, I will handle it.

Leave it alone! "

Empress Gongsun hesitated to speak. Li Shilong knew her concerns and said: "He is not the emperor yet, and he cannot have the final say in this world. Even if I come down in the future, he will kneel in front of you every day to say hello."

If he doesn't even understand this, then he doesn't deserve to be the emperor.

Ten 56, which one is not excellent? "

He originally came here to relieve his boredom, but when he heard his wife's words, his anger instantly ignited him, reminding him of Li Yue's frequent misfortunes these days.

He also became more and more disappointed.

How could he safely hand over the country to him?

Moreover, he owed his wife in his heart.

Li Yue and his son were so disrespectful to Empress Gongsun, which undoubtedly crossed his bottom line.

They have no idea who approved it to be where we are today.

If Qin Mo's reform had not been approved by Empress Gongsun, there was a high probability that this reform would not have been successful.

Even after Qin Mo's reform was successful, he had to do everything possible to protect Queen Gongsun's status.

How dare he!

"Come here, tell Concubine Li that I will go to her tonight!" Li Shilong stood up and patted the back of his wife's hand, "Don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen in the future. I can allow him to be mediocre, but absolutely He is not allowed to disrespect his mother!"

After saying that, he strode away from the Li Zheng Hall.

Empress Gongsun escorted Li Shilong to the entrance of the palace. She waited until Li Shilong disappeared from sight before turning back.

Immediately he went back again and picked up the female red.

At this time, A Si came over and said, "Mother, has the father just arrived?"

"No!" Queen Gongsun smiled, "Did you hear wrongly?"

Ah Si scratched his head, "Really? Then why did I hear my father's voice!"

"You have to hurry up and complete the homework assigned by your brother-in-law. There is a victory in the Western Region, and your brother-in-law may come back soon.

If you fail in your studies and get beaten, your mother will not save you! "Empress Gongsun said lovingly.

"Don't worry, Mother, it will definitely be fine." Ah Si patted his chest and said, "When my brother-in-law comes back, I will definitely give him a surprise!"

After saying that, he felt something was wrong, and immediately screamed strangely, and said with excitement: "Mother, did my brother-in-law, teacher, win the battle?"

"Well, Yizhi is dead, and the Northwest slave won't be able to dance for a few days." Empress Gongsun smiled and said to Ah Si: "You must respect your teacher in the future. If you treat your brother-in-law badly in the future, your mother will I can’t spare you!”

Ah Si stood upright and said, "Queen mother, don't worry, I will definitely be good to my brother-in-law and teacher from now on, and I will definitely listen to his words!"

Empress Gongsun nodded, "After you finish your homework, go and have fun. Don't push yourself too hard, and balance work with rest!"

"Thank you, Queen Mother!" Ah Si was so happy that Sayazi ran away.

Feng Jin hurriedly chased after him, "Little ancestor, please slow down, I can't keep up with you!"

Seeing this scene, Empress Gongsun just smiled and embroidered stitch by stitch. A closer look revealed that it was a man's cloak. "It's just for Jing Yun when I come back before the new year, but I can also come back after the new year. The capital is not as good as this." Lingnan, spring is still cold!”

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, as if she thought of something happy.

On the other side, inside the imperial concubine's palace.

Concubine Li was also very happy when she saw Li Shilong coming, "Your Majesty, I am going to cook two dishes of your choice!"

Li Shilong waved his hand, "Stop working so hard, come here, I have something to ask you!"

Seeing Li Shilong's cold expression, Concubine Li felt her heart skip a beat!
(End of this chapter)

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