big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1382 I Want To Eat Farts!

Chapter 1382 I Want To Eat Farts!
She walked up to Li Shilong and said, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, did you encounter anything troublesome today?"

Li Shilong dispersed everyone in the imperial concubine's palace, which made Concubine Li even more uneasy.

"What's going on with the Crown Princess?" Li Shilong said coldly.

Li Fei's heart was in her throat, "The Crown Princess is fine. She is just feeling unwell. The imperial doctor said that it is most likely due to a problem that occurred during childbirth."

"The Crown Princess has given birth to a daughter and two sons. She has always been in good health. I had never heard of her being sick when I was away before. How come she keeps getting sick every now and then as soon as I enter the East Palace?" Li Shilong looked at Concubine Li.

"I don't know!" Concubine Li said hurriedly: "I also saw this matter with my eyes and was anxious in my heart. The German Duke also consulted the Crown Princess and prescribed medicine, but she still didn't feel better.

Seeing the Crown Princess getting thinner day by day, the concubine is also sad! "

"Really?" Li Shilong said, "You went to Lingnan before, and the Crown Princess didn't get sick during those one or two months.

She fell ill as soon as she came back. Why, she is not lucky enough to live in the East Palace?
Why have I heard that some people say that the Crown Princess has shallow virtues and has no luck in sitting in the East Palace? "

Hearing this, Concubine Li's back was suddenly soaked with cold sweat, "I don't know!"

"I don't know, it doesn't matter!" Li Shilong said to the outside: "Big dog, go and put all the female relatives and eunuchs in the East Palace to prison, and interrogate them one by one. If they can't be found out, they will all be beheaded, and no one will be left."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The big dog responded, then fell silent.

Concubine Li was frightened, "Your Majesty, the Crown Princess is already unwell, so indiscriminate killing may damage the Crown Princess's happiness!

Increase her karma! "

"Oh, aren't you praying for her in the palace? What's a little karma?" Li Shilong smiled lightly and said: "Besides, I, the real dragon emperor, can't protect her? Then I want to see, who dares You killed my daughter-in-law."

Li Fei's smile was frozen, and she felt her throat tightening, "Your Majesty, this."

"I also heard that the Crown Prince slapped the Crown Princess, right?" Li Shilong looked at Concubine Li.

Concubine Li's legs went weak and she knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, it's just a fight between husband and wife, why should you slap me?"

Facing Li Shilong's terrifying eyes, Li Fei held back the next words.

"Get up!" Li Shilong said: "I'm hungry and want to eat!"

Li Fei forced herself up and forced a smile, "Yes, I will serve His Majesty's meal right now!"

At this time, the East Palace was completely in chaos.

Big Dog and his men arrested all the eunuchs and maids in the East Palace.

Li Yue was furious and asked the big dog, "Bitch, who gave you the order to arrest people in Gu's East Palace?"

The big dog not only captured the eunuchs and maids around Liu Ruyu, but also all the maids and eunuchs around Li Yue's other concubines.

There were no less than 200 people kneeling outside the East Palace.

The big dog said: "The slaves are only acting under His Majesty's orders. These short-sighted slaves do not serve the Crown Princess well and have spread rumors in the East Palace. They deserve death."

If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has any questions, you can go and ask His Majesty for your regards! "

Li Yue froze on the spot, was it his father's will?

What did he mean by letting the big dogs capture the maids and eunuchs of the East Palace?
Is this dissatisfaction with what he has done these days?
Is it tapping or something?
He panicked immediately.

He didn't dare to fight with the big dog, but hurriedly summoned Liu Yifu.

Liu Yifu frowned when he learned that Li Shilong had ordered the arrest of the maids and eunuchs in the East Palace.

"Yifu, why do you think my father did this?" Li Yue asked anxiously. "The problem should be with the Crown Princess." Liu Yifu analyzed: "The big dog is the shadow next to His Majesty and will not move easily.

Wei Chen estimated that the princess must have said something! "

"That bitch!" Li Yue was furious, "Do you want to destroy Gu?"

Liu Yifu gave a wry smile. He had known for a long time that Li Yue had the intention to abolish the Crown Princess, but he was not the emperor yet. If he rashly abolished the Crown Princess, not to mention that the Emperor would not agree, even the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty would not agree. .

Moreover, behind the crown prince is the Zhu Guogong Mansion, which cannot be easily abolished.

"Your Highness, please be patient. Your Majesty probably still wants to remind the Prince." Liu Yifu said: "Wei Chen knows what His Highness means, so he can only be patient for now.

Tonight, the prince must go to the prince's palace to accompany the prince. Until this matter is over, the prince must not favor anyone else.

It's best to make the Crown Princess get better, otherwise His Majesty will never reveal this matter easily! "

Li Yue gritted his teeth and said: "I know this, this wretched maid actually asked my father to suppress me. Does he think that this will make me surrender?"

Liu Yifu hurriedly advised: "His Royal Highness, you should go to pay your respects to His Majesty now, and then go visit the Crown Princess. It's just some palace maids and eunuchs. If they die, they will die."

You must not let His Majesty be disappointed in the Crown Prince! "

Li Yue came back to his senses and nodded with a livid face.

The day he doesn't get to that position, the day he does it, he has to keep his tail between his legs.

Even if he was extremely reluctant, he could only do what Liu Yifu said at this time.

He hurried into Tai Chi Palace, only to learn that Li Shilong had gone to the Imperial Concubine Palace.

It was getting late at this time, and it was difficult for him to enter the harem, so he knelt directly outside the harem.

The biting cold wind of winter blew, and even the bones were filled with cold air.

When the news reached the imperial concubine's palace, Concubine Li was heartbroken, "Your Majesty, do you want the prince to come in?"

"Are you distressed?" Li Shilong said coldly: "Your child is a child, but other people's children are not children, right?

When he slapped the Crown Princess earlier, I didn't say anything. Not only did he not restrain himself, he even got worse.

Does he think I'm dead?
Is this what you, the mother-in-law, do?
Do you still want to give your son a princess? "

As if being struck by lightning, Concubine Li was so frightened that she knelt on the ground and said, "I don't dare!"

"Let him kneel down and he won't die for a while!" Li Shilong said angrily, without asking Concubine Li to get up. Looking at the table full of sumptuous meals, he lost all appetite.

It was getting late, and Li Yue's body was shaking more and more violently, and he could no longer feel anything in his legs.

But Li Shilong still didn't come.

When it was completely dark, Gao Shilian came over and said, "Prince, Your Majesty, please rest. Go back to the East Palace. If you don't understand where you went wrong, even if you kneel to death here, His Majesty will never see you!"

Li Yue's face was particularly ugly. He looked at Gao Shilian who turned around and hurriedly stopped him, "Gao Gong, please give me some advice!"

Gao Shilian smiled bitterly, "This slave is just a microphone. If you dare to give advice to His Highness, I just hope that His Highness will take care of yourself and don't kneel down and damage your body!"

Gao Shilian took out his hand and walked away slowly.

Want him to give pointers?
I want to eat fart!
He knew very well that Li Yue had reached the edge of the cliff, and he only needed a gentle push and he would be completely destroyed!

(End of this chapter)

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