big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1384 Guilty Order!

Chapter 1384 Guilty Order!
"Don't worry, I'll go find my mother tomorrow!" Hu Hongyu patted her daughter's back gently, "Go to sleep, my mother is here, you don't have to be afraid of anything!"

Liu Ruyu hugged her mother, dispelling the coldness in her heart, and fell asleep after a while.

At this time, Li Yue stumbled into the yard where the Xu sisters were.

The yard was empty. He opened the door, but there was no sign of the Xu sisters inside.

"Quiet, quiet." He lit the Kun candle, but the room was not popular at all.

He sat beside the bed. Even the furniture on the bed had been changed. Even the various things he had given him in the room were all gone.

Uneasy thoughts arose, and the strong uneasiness made his pupils shrink, "They, they won't"

"No, it shouldn't happen. They gave birth to my child."

"Then where did they go?"

Li Yue was extremely frightened. At this moment, the voices of patrolling soldiers were heard outside. Suddenly, a voice came, "Is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince inside?"

Li Yue was like an angry cat, his throat was a little tight, and he stared at the door.

Immediately after, a guard poked his head in, immediately smiled, and hurriedly saluted, "In this humble position, please see Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

Li Yue took a deep breath and tried to maintain his dignity, "Well, I have a question, where is the Xu family's concubine?"

The guard looked a little strange and said, "The Queen has ordered them to go to Ganye Temple to pray for the Crown Princess.

I'm afraid when the princess's health improves, they can return to the palace! "

Li Yue clenched his fists tightly, "Okay, I know, let's go on patrol!"

"Yes!" The man did not dare to say more and quickly led the team out of the room.

When the patrolling soldiers walked away, Li Yue sat down on the bed. He couldn't help but laugh at himself. He was not a prince at all.

He knew very well that the Xu sisters had no chance of entering the palace.

Unless he can get up there.

He sat in the room, his eyes bloodshot.

It wasn't until the sky turned white that he made some movement.

"I want to be the emperor, and only by becoming the emperor can I win!" Perhaps Li Yue was extremely frightened. At this moment, he actually felt that he was particularly excited.

He dared to think about those things that he once didn't dare to think about!

"You can't die anyway, eldest brother, fourth brother, which one of them is dead? The odds are [-]-[-]. If you win, you will be more than ten thousand people. If you lose, you will become a reformed marquis at worst.

Worth a try! "Li Yue clenched his fists.

He strode out of the courtyard and summoned the officials from the East Palace.

At this moment, Li Yue's hair was disheveled and he looked haggard, but he was talking very excitedly, and everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

"Your Highness, what are you doing?"

"Yifu, give me a sinner's edict!" Li Yue said.

"What?" Liu Yifu was shocked, "Why did your highness sin against his own edict?"

Li Yue said with a smile: "We lost the war and Su Yun died in the battle. It was Gu's fault. The Crown Princess has been ill for a long time and the concubine of the Xu family has gone to Ganye Temple to help the Crown Princess.

Gu thought to himself that it was the soldiers who died in the battle who did not spare Gu.

So, alone is guilty! "

As soon as these words came out, the subordinate officials in the East Palace were dumbfounded.

It is not uncommon for an emperor to issue an edict to punish himself.

For example, Li Shilong had issued countless edicts to punish others.

Just like eating and drinking water.

He also wrote down the mistakes made by Emperor Zhou Yang and posted them in his palace. Every time he made a mistake, he issued a personal edict.But the effect is excellent.

That is to say, the imperial court has become rich and prosperous in recent years, but Li Shilong could not find any suitable opportunity to issue an edict against himself.

It's okay to issue an edict to sin against oneself. What really scares Liu Yifu is that the Xu sisters went to Ganye Temple to pray for the Crown Princess.

Is Ganye Temple a place of prayer for the Eight Sutras?
That's a fatal place.

How many people can come out after entering?

"Your Highness, did you ask Xu's concubine to go?"

Li Yue said with a smile: "It's the Queen Mother, but I feel that the Queen Mother did the right thing. The Crown Princess has been ill for a long time, and as sisters, they should be like this!"

Why couldn't Liu Yifu hear the complaints and dissatisfaction in Li Yue's words, "Yes, I will go and draft the edict now, but not on your Majesty's side."

"You don't need to let your father know, just send it out directly and then publish it in the newspaper so that the world can see Gu's fault!" Li Yue said.

"Yes, Wei Chen understands!" Liu Yifu nodded.

The other officials in the East Palace looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Li Yue named a few of his confidants, pulled them to the side hall, and said: "The Emperor's 80th birthday will be in the next year, and my father attaches great importance to it.

What gifts do you think an orphan should prepare? "

Everyone immediately thought about it.

Gave a lot of opinions.

Li Yue said with a smile: "My father has always pursued the Three Emperors to rule the world. Now the war in the Western Region is about to end. Yi Zhi died and all the elite slaves in the northwest were lost.

If I guessed correctly, they would rush to sacrifice prisoners before the Emperor’s birthday to celebrate his birthday!
Therefore, this gift is not easy to choose.

The Emperor was also in poor health. The German Duke said that the Emperor had run out of gas, so he wanted to help the Emperor to realize his wish! "

Several people heard it in confusion.

This is about sacrificing prisoners, it is about the three emperors ruling the world, and it is about helping the Supreme Emperor realize his wish. Why can't they understand?

Although many people are saying that the Three Emperors rule the world, if His Majesty doesn't nod, who dares to say it openly?
At this time, a look of astonishment appeared on one person's face.

Just when the man's face showed a look of astonishment, Li Yue pulled out the Seven-Star Longyuan and said, "This is the sword of the king given to me by the emperor's grandfather in the past.

Grandpa Huang said, I hope I will not let this sword down.

We must work hard to realize the grand occasion of the Three Emperors ruling the world!

In addition to this Seven-Star Longyuan, Grandpa Huang also gave me an edict. Do you want to read this edict? "

Li Yue stared at them with a half-smiling expression, clutching the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword tightly, murderous intent quietly emerging.

None of these people are fools. For Li Yue's suggestion, even if they are fools, they should understand.

A man glanced outside from the corner of his eye, his figure shaking.

"Wei Chen wants to see it!" One of them knelt on the ground.

The smile on Li Yue's face became even wider. He was the prince after all, and after so many years of management, the power in his hands was no worse than that of Li Xin in the past.

And he is not Li Xin, and Qin Mo is not here now, and Tianming has quietly stood by his side.

Immediately afterwards, several other people also knelt down, "Wei Chen wants to see it!"

"Okay, you can see it if you want. I'll show it to you later later!" Li Yue nodded, "After my birthday, I will ask you to worship the prime minister. If you violate it, you will die!"

A corner of the document was chopped off between the swords that were as sharp as clay.

Everyone looked stern, but Liu Yifu, who was drafting the edict of sinners on the side, had a calm expression, "Your Highness, the edict of sinners has been drafted, please take a look at it!"

Li Yue sheathed his sword, took the sinner's edict and read it, "This is not profound enough. I want to humble Gu Zhi into the dust, and attribute all the thousands of faults to me alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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