big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1385 I won’t do this prince!

Chapter 1385 I won’t do this prince!

Liu Yifu nodded and re-drafted the criminal edict.

He knew very well what Li Yue was going to do. If Li Yue didn't go up, he would be dead.

Qin Mo will not let him go easily.

Just look at Xu Jingzong and you will know that it was just one person from the Qin family who destroyed Xu Jingzong without Qin Mo taking action.

Can Xu Jingzong still escape from the prison?
He has no chance.

If the Xu sisters were still around, he might still see the light of day again.

But now, he can only wait for death in prison.

Soon, the sinner's edict was drawn up. He could be as humble as he wanted, and Li Yue was simply written into the dust.

Li Yue was very happy. He first copied a copy himself and sent it to Tai Chi Palace, and then sent it to the newspaper office to be widely published.

After doing this, he washed up, left the palace and went to Qintian Prison, where he knelt in the Ziweixingmen monastery and burned incense to repent.

Li Shilong frowned as he listened to Big Dog's report, and then looked at Sin Ji Zhao.

This sinful edict made him a little anxious.

How stupid!
"Why did he, a prince, write an edict to blame himself? Does he think he is me?" Li Shilong paced in the palace, turned around again, the anger in his eyes was terrifying, "Or is he blaming me, so he wrote it like this on purpose? Humble?
I worked hard to push him up and clear everything for him. How many people have I wronged?

Is he still here to shame me?

He thought he would be happy just because he took the blame?
Stupid, stupid!
Are all the officials in the East Palace idiots?

This sinner has been issued with an edict, but he doesn’t know how to give him some advice? "

"I tried to persuade him, but he said he couldn't be persuaded!" said the big dog.

Gao Shilian on the side said nothing. To be honest, Li Yue was quite smart, but it was not suitable for him to write this edict. His Majesty was still here. What qualifications did he have to write the edict?

It seems that he has swallowed all the grievances by himself, but in fact he is still fighting against Li Shilong in silent protest.

Play childish temper.

Does he fit?
Did he think he was Qin Mo and had great achievements?

When you feel wronged and act petty, everyone has to coax you?

The most stupid thing is that Li Shilong tried so hard to push him up, and he made a self-incriminating edict and took all the blame on himself. Isn't this a lie?

The defeat of Lingnan is still fresh in my mind. Isn't this a trap for myself?

Li Shilong did like sinner edicts, but his sinner edicts were all innocuous things, used to build his reputation.

This guy is good, he really takes the blame.

Those subordinate officials in the East Palace are all pigs. If Li Yue wants to be smart, he should put the blame on Xu Jingzong and the Xu sisters.

Anyway, it’s not like he’s never done this before. How come he’s forgotten now that he’s the prince?
The queen had obviously reminded him, so it was a good thing for him.

Smart people don’t need to be taught, but two hundred and five can’t!
"Is that scoundrel in the East Palace?"

"I left the palace and went to the Taoist temple of Qintian Prison to confess!" Big Dog said awkwardly.

He was really embarrassed. Li Yue's coquettish behavior almost made him unable to deal with it.

This is an edict from sinners, and I am going to Ziwei Star Gate to repent. Is it repentance or eye drops?

It almost left him speechless.

Li Shilong was stunned for a moment, then laughed angrily, "Going to Qin Tian Prison? There are no Taoist temples and Buddhist halls in the palace? He wants to run out and embarrass himself?

My face has been completely humiliated by him. Hurry, get someone to call him back. I can't afford to humiliate that person! "There are thousands of Taoist temples in the world. Where can he go but to Qin Tian Prison?"

Besides, Yuan Tiangang went to live in the Imperial Tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. There was no point in going there.

Why didn't he kneel in front of the Northern Zhou Dynasty's imperial mausoleum and repent?

Li Shilong was furious.

He regretted it, he really regretted it.

"Gao Shilian, go and call that bastard back. If he doesn't come back, he won't have to go back to the palace in the future. If he is not convinced, I will definitely not allow him to issue a sinner's edict and resign as the crown prince in front of everyone." Keep him.

Tell him exactly what you said! "

Gao Shilian stood up quickly. He knew that the opportunity to give him a push had come, "Your Majesty, the prince just feels sorry for the soldiers who died in the battle and prayed for them. He has no other meaning. You can't say this about deposing the prince. If it spreads, it will Unrest in Chao Gang! "

"Go if you are told. I still need a reminder like you, a piece of shit?" Li Shilong was furious, "Tell that scoundrel that I am more than just his son. If he is serious, he will not let me do it again and again." disappointment.

If he has no intention, I am not afraid. No matter how turbulent the Chao Gang is, how can it be turbulent? "

Daqian is no longer the same as before. Now the whole world is surrendered and there is no opponent.

The new law established the court's ability to withstand pressure.

Deposing a prince is not as difficult as it used to be.

In the past, it was about establishing direct descendants and establishing elders and virtuous people, but now it is about establishing virtuous and capable people.

Whoever succeeds will succeed. If you want to hold on to the position of the prince until you die, there is no way!
Gao Shilian knelt on the ground and kept pleading. Li Shilong went up and kicked him, "Get out of here, you are making noise, I will chop you down!"

Gao Shilian was knocked down, but he had no choice but to get up and walk out, "I will call the prince back now and admit my mistake to your majesty."

The big dog looked at Gao Shilian coldly. He didn't believe that the old silver coin would be so kind as to persuade the prince to come back and admit his mistake.

Regarding his relationship with Qin Mo, he could tell with his toes that this old guy would definitely cause trouble.

But Li Yue is not the hero. He was offended yesterday. He must either find a way to kill him or not offend him.

"Die, die, being suppressed by Qin Mo is better than dying with a fool!" Big Dog thought.

Soon, Gao Shilian came to Qintian Prison and said, "Your Highness, Your Highness."

Li Yue was sitting on the futon at the moment. The guard guarding the door was his confidant. When he heard Gao Shilian's voice, he opened his eyes and asked, "Who is here?"

"Prince, it's Gao Shilian who's here!"

"Oh, he's actually here. He should be here to persuade me to go back and admit my mistake!" Li Yue smiled, "Let him in!"

The palace door opened and Gao Shilian hurried in, "Your Highness, please go back to the palace. Your Majesty saw the imperial edict and was so angry that he couldn't even stand!"

Li Yue saw Gao Shilian's anxious face, "Father has been disappointed in me for a long time, so what if I can't return to the palace?

All the maids and eunuchs in the East Palace died, and my woman also entered Ganye Temple.

The huge East Palace is empty, and I am alone when I go back. What should I do when I go back? "

"Prince, please stop being stubborn."

"It's not that I'm stubborn, I've figured it out a long time ago." Li Yue took a package wrapped in a yellow scarf in front of him and placed it in front of Gao Shilian. "Gao Gong, this is my prince's treasure seal. There will be more during the period." The imperial edict when I ascended the throne in the past."

He took off the prince's uniform, took off the jade crown, placed it in front of Gao Shilian, and said very calmly: "I have no virtue and incompetence, and I am not qualified for the position of prince. Please tell my father, Gao Gong, This prince, I won’t do it anymore!”

Gao Shilian looked at Li Yue blankly.

This is wrong, this is completely different from what he thought!
(End of this chapter)

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