big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1386 I miss my son-in-law!

Chapter 1386 I miss my son-in-law!

"Prince, you."

"Gao Gong, go back, I have decided to join Taoism." Li Yue said.

Gao Shilian knelt in front of Li Yue and kept persuading him, his thoughts were completely confused.

But no matter what he said, Li Yue just remained silent.

Even if he relayed Li Shilong's words, Li Yue was not afraid at all. He just pushed the package in front of him and said, "It doesn't matter. Father wants to depose the prince. I will cooperate. I will go there when the court meets, in front of all the civil and military officials." Please resign and go back, Mr. Gao!"

Li Yue turned around and looked at Sanqing.

The guard beside Li Yue said: "Mr. Gao, His Highness has made up his mind. There is no need to say anything."

Gao Shilian's face was uncertain, he picked up the clothes and packages on the ground and walked out.

The door rumbled and quickly closed.

After walking out of the Qintian Prison, Gao Shilian suddenly came to his senses, "Gao, it's really Gao. If he puts himself to death and lives, he is forcing His Majesty to make a choice.

If your majesty intends to abolish the establishment, then the courtiers must agree.

He has already made a mistake. Instead of waiting to abolish the establishment, it is better to retreat instead of making progress. "

But he always felt that this was not Li Yue's temperament. It was impossible for a person who started from humble beginnings to reach the present step by step to be so willing.

Li Xin can't understand it, and Li Zhi can't understand it either.

It doesn't make sense for him to understand.

He could abandon Qin Mo, so how could he abandon the throne?
Gao Shilian got on the carriage and was in a daze for a long time. Suddenly an idea flashed through his mind. The moment the idea came up, he was shocked, "No way?"

"No shit, we get it, what a bastard with sinister intentions!" Gao Shilian snorted coldly.

He finally understood why Li Yue sinned against his own edict and came to Qintian Prison to join Taoism.

He was not angry with the emperor, but wanted to throw dirty water on Qin Mo.

Who doesn't know that Qin Mo is the headmaster of Ziwei Star Sect?
He came to Qin Tian Prison with the intention of being submissive.

What does this make outsiders think?
There are already rumors everywhere. If Li Yue resigns at this time, all the fingers will be pointed at Qin Mo.

This is to kidnap Qin Mo and force the emperor to make a choice.

It can be seen that he cannot let go of the throne.

He is at the bottom of his boat.

Not only is he burning the boat, maybe he will follow Li Xin's old path.

Thinking of this, he could no longer sit still and urged the groom to speed up.

Regardless of whether he was overly worried or not, he had to remind Qin Mo.

There is always no big mistake in being careful!

Returning to Tai Chi Palace, Gao Shilian put the package and clothes on the document, knelt on the ground and relayed Li Yue's words without adding any exaggeration. He knew very well that there was a big dog beside him.

If the emperor loses his temper afterwards and asks about today's events, he will be dead.

Li Shilong slapped the document angrily, "Okay, okay, good boy, this is a trick for me to retreat in order to advance. This is forcing me to abolish him and leave all the troubles to me.

He sinned against himself, but he completely ignored himself. "

But after being angry, Li Shilong had two options before him, "Abolish the prince or not!"

After deposing the prince, all kinds of troubles came one after another. He had to support him again, and he was a suitable candidate.

But these two boys had said that they did not want to be emperor. When they asked about politics in front of everyone, they said it themselves.

Others are too small.

No prestige.

The most important thing is that Li Yuan's health is getting worse day by day, all thanks to Zan Ying's superb medical skills.

He always kept in mind the great achievements of the Three Emperors in governing the world.

Moreover, the old man will be 80 years old soon. It is not a good sign to abandon the prince at this stall.The officials will not allow it.

So after all considerations, he remained silent. The constraints from all sides forced him to think twice.

"When your wings become stronger, you will be able to play tricks!" Li Shilong said after a long silence.

It would be nice if he was like Qin Mo. Qin Mo also had a lot of thoughts, but always made him realize it later. Even after he woke up, he only felt admired and didn't feel like he was being played.

If he had Qin Mo's ability, he would give in now and take Li Yuan all over the world to relax.

Sick bodies are still dragged there to maintain this huge empire.

Zan Ying said that the reason why his health deteriorated was all related to him being overworked.

If he doesn't take a good rest, the situation will only get worse.

He misses Qin Mo so much now. He has countless things to say to Qin Mo and countless grievances he wants to tell Qin Mo.

Qin Mo will definitely comfort him and find a way to solve these troubles for him.

He would also argue with Qin Mo, drink Daqianchun, and talk about everything.

When that kid sees that his health is getting worse, he will definitely scold him, scold him, tell him that he doesn't care about his body, and then take care of him.

"Gao Shilian, study ink!" Li Shilong walked to the document.

Gao Shilian silently studied ink.

Although he had a pen, Li Shilong still liked to write with a brush. His hand was stained with ink and hung in the air for a long time, and he didn't know how to write.

The last time I wrote to Qin Mo seemed to be half a year ago.

"Bitch, when will you come back?
The Supreme Emperor misses you. You are such a cruel bitch. You send letters to the Supreme Emperor every now and then, and you don’t even know how to write me a letter to say hello.

Do you still have my father-in-law in your eyes?
Did you go to Lingnan to play wild?
Just like your father, you have been traveling to Nanyang for so long, but you still don’t know how to bring me a letter or some souvenirs.

Both of you are heartless. "

After writing this, Li Shilong couldn't help but snorted, and then wrote: "Your mother also talks about you every day, saying that when you come back, she will go to Lingnan to visit.

You bastard, remember to bring my daughter and my good grandchildren back to me.

You have to bring your whole family back before the Emperor's eightieth birthday.

Since Yi Zhixie is dead, don't hang around in the Western Region.

There are Li Cungong and his son, and Cheng Sanxu and his son. It doesn't matter whether you are there or not.

Come back quickly.

Ah Si is still waiting for you to come back and take exams for teaching!

Also, I'm waiting for you to come back and drink. "

Li Shilong felt a little embarrassed when he read the letter. Gao Shilian on the side saw it and knew in his heart that the emperor missed his son-in-law.

If anyone in the world understands him best, it must be Qin Mo.

That child is the best child in the world.

"Tell me, if you bitch sees this letter from me, will you be able to come back before the end of the year?" Li Shilong asked.

Gao Shilian said deliberately: "Did your Majesty write a letter to ask Qin's consort, Captain, to come back early?"

He couldn't immediately follow the emperor's words. Wouldn't it be clear to the emperor that he had read the letter secretly?
Li Shilong glanced sideways at Gao Shilian and snorted: "You old dog, are you still pretending?"

Gao Shilian laughed dryly, then leaned over and took a look. That's how life is, sometimes that layer of window paper is very important.

You understand, and so do I, but until you reveal it, it’s still a secret.

He just glanced briefly, then looked away and said: "Your Majesty, I am not going to accept your order. It will probably be Chinese New Year soon when the letter is delivered to the Prince Consort.

If the Prince Consort comes back immediately after receiving the letter, he should be able to come back after the new year! "

(End of this chapter)

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