big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1387 Bullshit filial piety!

Chapter 1387 Bullshit filial piety!

Li Shilong nodded, knowing that Qin Mo would not come back years ago.

"Eight hundred miles to send it over urgently!" Li Shilong said.

The big dog came out of the queue, knelt on the ground, took the letter with both hands, and hurriedly left Tai Chi Palace.

At this moment, a large number of civil and military personnel came outside the palace.

Wen is Gongsun Wuji, Wu is Li Daoyuan.

They rushed to the palace with anxious expressions. It didn't look like they had made an appointment together, but they seemed to have met halfway.

Soon the group arrived outside Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shilong is thinking about what to do next, and he must not let Li Yue enter the Tao.

Now that things have happened, he has already aborted two sons. Will he want to abort a third son?

Is this throne so cunning?
On the one hand, it is the country, the country, and on the other hand, it is the emotion of being a father.

Bad memories from the past emerged, making Li Shilong a little unsure.

It would be fine if he was in good health, but now his health is getting worse day by day.

"Your Majesty, Duke Zhao, Prince Heng and others are here to meet you!" The guards came in to announce, interrupting Li Shilong's thoughts.

At that moment, all his entanglements disappeared, and his eyes became cold again, "What are they doing here? Let them in!"

Soon, everyone filed in.

While Li Shilong was washing, there were actually 30 people.

After the ceremony, Li Shilong asked: "What are you doing here? Is there anything you want to start?"

Gongsun Wuji glanced at Li Daoyuan, stepped forward and said, "May I ask Your Majesty, why did the prince sin against himself? It's just a matter of sinning against himself. Why do you have to publish it all over the world?"

"Su Yun's defeat was not a crime of war, and it was not the prince's fault. Such a serious crime was just to make His Royal Highness the prince's virtuous name fall into dust!" Li Daoyuan frowned.

"Publish it all over the world?" Li Shilong asked: "When did I publish it all over the world?"

“The latest issue of the Beijing News published His Royal Highness the Crown Prince’s Edict on Sin, and there are no less than [-] copies of this issue.

In addition, more than [-] newspapers in the capital have published the same content. It won't be long before this edict of sin will spread.

At this time, many people had gathered outside the palace to petition.

Your Highness the Crown Prince has made no big mistake, so why should you sin against yourself?
There is even a word in the journal about the prince resigning and joining Taoism.

I dare to ask Your Majesty, but you want to depose the crown prince for no reason?

That would lead to turmoil in the country and the country!
Your Majesty, please take a closer look! " Gongsun Wuji said.

Everyone agreed, "Your Majesty, please take a closer look!"

Li Shilong reacted suddenly.

That scoundrel had his edict published across the country, and even included the words "please resign" in the content.

Whether it's the common people or the underskirts, how do they know what's going on?
He said that Li Yue was being naughty, and all he needed to do so was to ruin everything with just a nod of his own.

He said that he was not playing tricks, but he pushed himself to the point of being helpless.

This soft knife made him feel really uncomfortable.

He is not like Li Xin and Li Zhi, who can resist without restraint.

For a moment, he was angry and helpless, "Where's the newspaper? Bring it!"

Gongsun Wuji presented the newspaper, and Gao Shilian hurriedly handed it over. When Li Shilong saw it, he slapped the document angrily, "Evil son, I just scolded him a few words, and he got angry with me, took off his clothes and gave up his seal, and threw his head Entered the gym.

Is he threatening me?
As an old man, can’t I still accuse him or punish him? "

The incident happened so suddenly that even Gongsun Wuji didn't understand the context of the matter, but Bao Lixin was definitely right at the moment.

"It is natural for me to scold and beat my son. However, Your Majesty, in recent days, His Highness the Crown Prince has endured unimaginable pressure." Gongsun Wuji considered it and said: "Although if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight, but when manpower is limited, .In that position, every move will be infinitely magnified.

With hundreds of officials supervising and the people watching, the ministers asked themselves if they had such a good attitude.

However, His Highness's edict of sin is not a big deal, but it appears to be sincere.

It's just that the word "please resign" should never be mentioned.

If the prince is mediocre and does nothing and is unpopular with the people, then that's it.

But His Highness the Prince is deeply loved by the people. Among the liberated people in the three Lingnan provinces, which one is not grateful to His Highness the Prince?
If there is a misunderstanding, just talk it out in person. Don't bet on your anger! "

Li Yue has been making frequent mistakes in recent days, but he cannot withstand the support from the public.

No matter whether it was the victims who came to Beijing in the disaster years in the past, or the prestige accumulated when the aristocratic families were eliminated and the three Lingnan roads were liberated in the military disaster years, Li Yue would not be allowed to resign in such an unclear manner.

The edict of sinner is nothing, how many emperors have not issued the edict of sinner?
Li Shilong was so angry that he understood that this was the evil man's method.

I want to see for myself how much he is loved by civil and military officials and the people.

From a father's perspective, he actually appreciates this kind of anger.

Although using the wrong method.

But from the emperor's perspective, this is provocation and unrepentance.

He doesn't even know what he did wrong.

He has no idea what he should do and what he should not do as a child!

"He is just a prince, not an emperor!" Li Shilong said coldly: "You came here today to ask me to take off this dragon robe and let him come up, right?"

Hearing this, everyone felt a chill running down their spines.

Gongsun Wuji's heart skipped a beat, could he say such serious things?
What mistake did the prince make?

"I dare not!"

The people bowed down.

"Isn't that what you mean?" Li Shilong said calmly: "Okay, I will satisfy you and call that evil son here. I will give in now. Anyway, he is deeply supported by all parties.

I am approaching retirement age every two years. It doesn’t matter if it’s two years earlier or two years later! "

Everyone was too frightened to speak.

There was deathly silence in Tai Chi Palace.

"Why, I promised you, why didn't you say anything?" Li Shilong stood up, walked down, and glanced at them. He knew that even if he explained that Li Yue issued the Edict of Sin himself, they would not I won’t believe it.

They would only think that they were the ones who let Li Yue take the blame.

After all, Su Yun was defeated, and he, the emperor, had an unshirkable responsibility.

In the eyes of outsiders, Li Yue's edict of sin was an act of filial piety.

But Li Shilong felt as if he had eaten a cockroach in his mouth, which was extremely disgusting.

He doesn't want this bullshit filial piety.

"It will be the Eightieth Birthday of the Supreme Emperor soon. It doesn't matter if I retire. Isn't the grand event of the Three Emperors governing the world what you and I are pursuing?

Get up and go bring the prince into the palace. I'll be waiting here! "Li Shilong said.

Everyone is numb.

Those cold words were filled with murderous intent.

Who dares to answer the call?
Gongsun Wuji gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty, I have absolutely no intention of doing this, but the people outside are running to tell each other and gathering outside.

Just tell them that the prince will not resign and everyone will disperse!
Don’t lose the support of the people! "

(End of this chapter)

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