big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1388 Jiang is still old and spicy!

Chapter 1388 Jiang is still old and spicy!
As soon as Gongsun Wuji finished speaking, a voice came from outside.

After listening carefully, it turned out to be the voice coming from outside Chengtian Gate.

Li Shilong sneered, "The prince has grown up, and an edict to punish oneself will make me very busy."

He is the emperor and the Khan of Heaven, and he can never be coerced.

"Gao Shilian, go and tell the people that what he said in the edict is true. The prince is ashamed of me and the expectations of the people of the world. I have punished him to go to the Ancestral Temple to plead guilty to his ancestors.

My heart aches, I have no way to teach my son, and I have no face to meet the people.

Take the edict on sin that I just wrote and read it! "

"Your Majesty, no!" Gao Shilian knelt on the ground and kept pleading.

But he was happy in his heart.

By doing this, the prince has revealed the trump card in his hand. It is impossible for a smart person to reveal all the trump cards.

Therefore, he can conclude that Li Yue still has a backup plan.

But he was still too young. Li Shilong's move was extremely sophisticated. He was writing a self-incriminating edict. To outsiders, it looked like the father and son were jointly pleading guilty.

Li Yue's ruthless moves were directly resolved invisible.

But this is not the end, Li Shilong said: "I will issue an edict to the whole country. From today on, I will fast for three days, repent in the Ancestral Temple, and pray for the people who died in the war!"

"Your Majesty has a body of ten thousand gold, you must not fast!" Gongsun Wuji secretly took a breath, it was too cruel.

If Li Shilong does this, who will care about the prince?

The emperor sinned against his own edict and even fasted for three days to repent in the Ancestral Temple.

It seems that the prince's request is not unacceptable.

Moreover, this resignation is similar to the edict of sinner. The emperor did not issue an edict, so does he just resign if he says he wants to resign?

Li Daoyuan was also anxious, "Your Majesty, please let me accept it on Your Majesty's behalf!"

"Okay, you all go down. I will go to the Ancestral Temple to repent in a moment. Please don't bother me in the palace for these three days!" Li Shilong waved his hand.

Gongsun Wuji and others looked at each other in confusion, but Yu Boshi in the crowd remained silent from beginning to end.

It was only after hearing Li Shilong's words that he cupped his hands and said, "My lord, please retire!"

Others followed suit and resigned.

In the blink of an eye, everyone who was still so angry just now was gone.

Li Shilong sat on the dragon chair again, tapped his fingers on the document, and looked at Gao Shilian, "Why don't you go quickly?"

Gao Shilian sighed and kowtowed before leaving.

Soon, he came to the Chengtian Gate, and with the help of a loudspeaker, he read the Sinner's Edict and relayed Li Shilong's words.

Immediately, the people outside who didn't know the truth knelt down and cried.

Only then did they understand that the prince's edict of sin was with His Majesty.

How lucky they are to live under the rule of two generations of such virtuous kings.

"Everyone, please retreat. Don't disturb His Majesty in offering sacrifices to our ancestors!" Gao Shilian said.

The people who arrived kowtowed three times in the direction of the palace, then stood up and left.

Looking at the people who came after him, he hurriedly told the story.

An hour later, the news spread that Li Shilong had sinned and fasted for three days.

The fact that His Majesty and the Crown Prince confessed together did not cause any disturbance, but instead became a good talk.

After returning home, Gongsun Wuji was like a silly roe deer, constantly searching for clues.

As a result, he really found out some clues.

The Xu sisters went to Ganye Temple to pray for the Crown Princess. Hu Hongyu entered the East Palace at night, and His Majesty killed the maids and eunuchs of the East Palace in anger.

"I'm afraid this matter has something to do with the Crown Princess!" Gongsun Wuji thought.

However, key evidence was still missing. He had some guesses in his mind, but he didn't dare to settle on it.

But what he can be sure of is that Li Shilong didn't know about Li Yue's sinner edict.Otherwise, he wouldn't be so angry.

This father and son are not simply angry.

"Is there really anything going on?" Gongsun Wuji was startled by his own thoughts.

"No, everything has a trace. Although it is difficult to change the prince, if he is determined, he can replace him at any time.

These two princes are approaching their age, and they are both pioneers in the eyes of the people and scholars.

Just wait and see! " Gongsun Wuji thought so.

After the news reached Duke Zhu's mansion, Liu Rudao said: "It would be better if we really kill this piece of shit!"

"Why are you so anxious?" Liu Chenghu glanced sideways at him, "If we don't kill that beast now, what will happen to your sister?
He's backed himself into a corner, and I don't think he's willing to give up his power.

If he was really willing to give up, why would he do this?
How did he get up? You don't know?

Qin Mo is far away from him now. Without Qin Mo's support, if he falls, his end will definitely be much worse than that of Li Xin.

Therefore, this evil obstacle has a back-up plan! "

"Dad, what do you mean?"

"That's right!" Liu Chenghu said: "It's just as you think, the traces are too heavy. If he throws all the charges on Xu Jingzong and his daughter, it means that he is truly submissive.

Who is Your Majesty?

How could he not protect his son?

This scandal must be stopped.

As long as the blame is left to Xu Jingzong, how can it be said that it is not the father and son who have the final say?

If someone takes the blame, how can they both blame themselves?

This is not a small mistake, but a major mistake that affects the lives of 10,000+ people.

The emperor cherishes the feathers so much, isn't he angry to death?
Therefore, I can predict that the evil obstacle has been placed in front of the emperor.

The emperor punished himself with an edict, but also dealt with it after the fact.

But the matter has come to this, and it is impossible to remove that evil barrier.

The emperor's health is not good. If you be careful in the future, if you don't make a mistake, you can kill him.

But I think that evil will not do this.

Since he had made his attitude clear, how could he admit his mistake so easily? "

Liu Chenghu's analysis was clear and logical.

Liu Rujian clenched his fists, "Then we must bring Ruyu back as soon as possible!"

"This matter is just a guess. That evil obstacle is not as good as Li Xin's unique status, nor as smart as the King of Thailand.

So no matter what, we must be careful.

If that evil obstacle goes up, our Liu family will have hard times. Liu Chenghu asked himself that he was very accurate in reading people, but now he wished he had made a mistake.

"I really can't wait to see that bitch!"

"Just wait." Liu Chenghu said: "Our Liu family and that evil obstacle have no room for relaxation.

I have been loyal all my life and have become a famous official, but I still have to die.

That evil barrier is not qualified! "

On the other side, in Qintian Prison, Li Yue also received the news.

He was stunned, and couldn't help but sneer, "It's really amazing, but it doesn't matter, I don't care whether he is the prince or not.

If you have the ability, you can destroy me.

If you don't have the ability, then it will be my turn. "

He thought so in his heart, and looked at the clay statue of the Three Pure Ones, with a somewhat complicated mood, "The bullshit Three Emperors governing the world are all fake and imaginary. Only what you can hold in your hand is real!"

(End of this chapter)

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