big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1389 Li Cungong in the honeypot!

Chapter 1389 Li Cungong in the honeypot!
When Qin Mo came to Qunu City, the battle against the Northwest Slaves had reached its final stage.

When the army entered the city, merchants doing business in Qunv City, or residents who bought property and lived in Qunv City, also lined the streets to greet them.

Li Cungong stood at the gate of the city. For some reason, when he saw Qin Mo, he felt relieved.

"Welcome Commander Qin to Qunu City!" Everyone shouted. Compared to Li Cungong, Qin Mo, the pioneer, was more popular.

Qin Mo got off his horse and raised his hands to everyone, "Everyone, you're welcome!"

Among this group of people were people from the Tianxiang Kingdom. After the Tianxiang Kingdom was annexed by Daqian, Qin Mo was named the King of the Suppressing Religion in the local mythology of the Tianxiang Kingdom.

Its status ranks among the top three in the entire sect.

The dharma body of the Heavenly King of Zhenjiao has four heads and eight arms, with the sky above his head and the hell below. There are many people who believe in it.

These people from Tianxiang Kingdom knelt on the roadside and worshiped Qin Mo.

As soon as Qin Mo came, the Northwest slaves were defeated. In their eyes, this was a miracle performed by the king of heaven.

He didn't even need to come here in person, and the Northwest slaves were defeated like a mountain.

Qin Mo looked a little puzzled as he watched them lying on the ground and worshiping.

He thought to himself that these people in Tianxiang country are quite servile.

"Jingyun, we haven't seen each other for two years!" Li Cungong strode forward, hugged Qin Mo, patted his shoulder, and cursed, "You kid is not interesting enough. It's good to be free in Lingnan every day." Don’t even think about me!”

Qin Mo hugged his waist and lifted him up, "My Prince Cheng, I miss you so much. I haven't seen you in two years. Why are you getting older?"

Li Cungong's eyes almost vomited out, "You kid, please be gentle, we are old and can't withstand your strength!"

Qin Mo put him down happily and hooked Li Cungong's shoulders, "Don't I miss you?"

"Bah, why don't you think I know how to write a letter to me?" Li Cungong snorted, but he was happy in his heart. This kid is still as crooked as before.

It's good. People who are sophisticated but not worldly are pure.

Qin Mo is still the same Qin Mo, and he likes it!

"Where are they bravely?" Qin Mo asked.

"Forget it, let's go to Dashi to finish it off." Li Cungong curled his lips, "Speaking of it, I'm totally embarrassed!"

"What?" Qin Mo said: "Your son is so fierce, and you are not happy?"

"I'm so happy, I almost died, but my son killed Yi Zhixie with three strikes, five divided by two, where can I put my dignity as an father?" Li Cungong said in a sullen voice.

Qin Mo chuckled, "You are going to die, your son and Fengshen. As a father, you are really ignorant."

"You bitch, your mouth is still so poisonous!"

"Old dog, stop showing off to me!"

The two stared at each other, then burst out laughing.

"Let's go into the city. We must get drunk today!" Li Cungong took him and walked towards the city. "You also want to take a look at how I manage the celestial phenomena!"

"It's just so so!" Qin Mo looked at the bustling street and said in frustration.

"So-so?" Li Cungong snorted, "Did you know that the tax paid by Tianxiang Kingdom last year was 4000 million taels of silver, and nearly 3000 million stones of grain were transported!"

"Is it a lot?" Qin Mo glanced sideways at him and whispered: "Honestly, how much did you eat?"

Li Cungong suddenly became nervous, "I have breath in my sleeves!" "If you can, shake your sleeves!" Qin Mo smiled, "Whoever came to Tianxiang Kingdom did not fall into a honey pot and just wipe the mouth of the honey pot casually , I’m exhausted!”

"You kid, don't be a good boy. I've given you a lot of good things in the past two years!" Li Cungong cursed in a suppressed voice: "You have eaten all those thick ivory tusks, right?"

Qin Mo smiled bitterly, "I just asked casually, are you so angry? But you have to take it easy. Even though there are many princesses in Tianxiang Kingdom, you have to take it easy!"

The Tianxiang Kingdom was unified by Da Qian, but the kings of those small countries were still there. After all, they had to rely on them to maintain their rule.

This old Bi waited for two years to acquire ten princesses, which is outrageous.

Li Cungong's old face turned red, "You know, I don't have much to pursue when I'm old. I always want to be free when I get old!"

"I don't even want to expose you!" Qin Mo knew Li Cungong very well. To put it bluntly, he didn't do it for the capital to see, but he was leaving a reason for impeachment.

The two of them just walked and talked all the way, talking endlessly.

Li Cungong felt that the gap between people was too great.

Li Yongmeng couldn't even talk to him for more than a few words, and he just seemed to be using the filial piety fist of fatherly kindness and sonship.

When chatting with Qin Mo, he always feels like chatting with a close friend.

"Jingyun, I don't know what I'm doing!" Li Cungong sighed, "I've made too much money, I feel nervous even when I sleep!"

As Qin Mo said, he is currently soaking in a honeypot.

Don't forget, he has other businesses.

The net income from the business with Qin Mo is now at least 5 taels per year.

Although there is inflation now, this is still net income after tax.

Adding in those who are not exposed to the light, this number will increase three or four times.

"You're so scared, look at your worthless look, what's wrong with making some money? I shed my blood for Da Gan, this is what we deserve!"

"Hey, that makes sense. I have to restrain myself!" Li Cungong sighed.

Entering the Governor's Mansion, the luxury is simply overwhelming.

Hundreds of hot Brahmin aristocratic women came to greet him.

Dou Yiai's eyes straightened.

Gao Yaoqi is bitter.

Xiaojiu's eyes widened. He, Uncle Wang, didn't look like a good person!
Is there anyone who tests his brother-in-law like this?
"I'll enjoy it!" Qin Mo gave a thumbs up.

"It's just so so. After eating and drinking, we go to the back to soak in the hot springs. I built a hot spring mountain. Let's soak in it from the top of the mountain all the way down." He whispered in Qin Mo's ear: "Don't worry, it's just We two men are serving Brahmin nobles, they are very clean, and we were only called here in the past two months."

Qin Mo turned to look at Xiao Jiu, saw her frowning, and laughed dryly, "Isn't this bad?"

"Are you still pretending to me?" Li Cungong said: "When I came to take over, you were not like this. I was just reenacting that scene."

"Okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obey!"

At the beginning of the banquet, Qin Mo and Li Cungong had a great time eating, but when they were halfway through drinking, they left.

Not long after, we arrived at Li Cungong's hot spring mountain. It was completely built artificially. The so-called hot springs were artificially fired. There were dozens of springs flowing from top to bottom.

Beside every spring, there were three or two Brahmin nobles wearing the latest styles!
(End of this chapter)

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