big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1390 Why bother!

Chapter 1390 Why bother!

"Isn't it exciting?" Li Cungong turned to look at Qin Mo and found that Qin Mo was already smooth and smooth, "Damn, you are really good!"

"The temperature of this hot spring is too high, it's hot!" Qin Mo smiled, looked back a little guilty, and then swaggered into a hot spring. He had not enjoyed the service of a Brahmin noblewoman for a long time. .

The two of them soaked for more than an hour, mainly because Li Cungong was old and felt exhausted after soaking for a long time.

Qin Mo had no choice but to go there. One of them was Wen Pao and the other was Wu Pao, so they were exhausted and panicked.

Then the two came to the greenhouse and enjoyed singing and dancing through the glass.

"Are you comfortable?"

Qin Mo lay lazily on the bed, "More tiring than marching!"

"I appreciate your love this time, but I know my son well, and I know even more how capable he is.

You pulled him up so high, what if he falls? "

Li Cungong looked worried, "I'm old and can't follow him all my life."

"It's not me?" Qin Mo said: "What are you worried about? I can still leave my brother alone?"

"Don't fool me!" Li Cungong said: "We have always been steadfast allies!"

"Don't worry, as long as I have something to eat, he will have something to drink!" Qin Mo said: "Besides, after this battle is over, bravery should be practiced. Looking at the world, where are the opponents?
You're afraid of a disaster! "

"Yes!" Li Cungong nodded, squinting his eyes and said, "With your words, I feel relieved. Don't lie to me, otherwise, I will definitely not be able to spare you!"

"There's something in your words. How about me?"

"No, I'm threatening you to get your attention!"

Qin Mo made a sound, and then said: "However, after taking over Yuezhi and Dashi, the territory is too big to control. I estimate that [-]% of it will be suppressed.

Do you have any idea? "

"Even if we try to suppress the vassal, we can't conquer it, do you understand?" Li Cungong said helplessly: "With such a large territory, even if there are hundreds of more princes, they can't defeat it.

There are so many princes, but there are not so many soldiers for them.

This is the first time I hate such a large territory so much. It takes me several months to go back home! "

"Are you interested in becoming a vassal king?" Qin Mo asked.

"Although being a vassal king is free and easy, it is still not as good as being at home!" Li Cungong shook his head. He had enjoyed enough here. If he continued to enjoy it, his bones would be cracked by these women.

"No ambition!" Qin Mo said.

"Life is more important!" Li Cungong said: "As I get older, I have lost sight of many things."

"The Yuezhi can be included in Dagan, but it is not easy for Dashi because their sect's problems require more time to manage.

My suggestion is to spend ten to 20 years digesting it.

These years are enough for us to support a crown prince who is pro-Dagan, and then slowly join Dagan.

Slow is a little slow, but steady.

And you always have to find something to do in the future to give others some room for improvement, right? "Qin Mo said.

"That's fine!" Li Cungong nodded. In fact, he didn't want Li Yongmeng to make too much credit. After all, Li Yongmeng would definitely inherit the throne of his family, and it would be bad if his merits overshadowed his master's.

"Okay!" Qin Mo smiled, ten or twenty years were enough for the development of the Ming Dynasty.

Qin Mo slept in the greenhouse until evening before leaving.

Xiaojiu was sitting in the room, fuming. When he saw Qin Mo, he leaned over like a cat and sniffed Qin Mo's body, "It stinks!"

"Nonsense, it smells delicious!" Qin Mo knocked her little head.

"Uncle Wang is not a good person, don't get along with him in the future!" Xiaojiu's cheeks were bulging. These days, she is like a housekeeper, taking care of Qin Mo's food, clothing, housing and transportation, "You, you have to think about it. Sister, Sixth Sister, Seventh Sister, they are still waiting for you at home. You, you, you are wandering around outside. They know how uncomfortable it is!
Can't you bear it? "

“You don’t understand, it’s not good for your health if you endure it for a long time!”

"Who says I don't understand!" Xiao Jiu raised his head and said, "Don't treat me like a child. I learned physiological knowledge from General Dou Mei. You men are just impulsive!"

"Your brother-in-law is also an ordinary man, not a god!" Qin Mo said: "It would be better to see your brother-in-law's true face as soon as possible, so as not to make you think nonsense every day!"

After all, he has watched him grow up, and he has already picked up enough of Lao Liu's sheep. If he picks up another one, he will really be angry to death!
Therefore, after careful consideration, Qin Mo still felt that he could not go too far.

Xiaojiu pouted, her eyes turned red. She turned around, tears falling to the ground, and her shoulders couldn't help shaking.

Qin Mo's head was getting bigger. Just when he was about to speak, he heard Xiaojiu sobbing: "Brother-in-law, do you dislike me for being ugly?"

"What's wrong with your brain? When did I say you were ugly?"

"Then you think I'm unfeminine!"

"You girl, what are you pretending to be?" Qin Mo said: "You have met too few people and experienced too little.

It is true that I can accept it with a smile, but for you, it is unfair.

I have so many wives, but I can give you very little. "

Qin Mo originally wanted to deal with it coldly, but after thinking about it, he felt that it couldn't be done.

This girl actually has a strong desire for control. If this continues, something will happen.

This is not something that happens a few years later.

But Qin Mo is really too satisfied with the status quo. His wife is very beautiful and very good to him.

But after Fang Shun, the idea of ​​marrying wives and concubines really faded away.

Maybe his old dream has come true, or maybe as he gets older, he thinks more about it.

In the beginning, he turned a blind eye.

But now, no.

All these good things cannot be left to him alone.

Xiaojiu is not sensible, he cannot be ignorant.

"I do not mind!"

"Nonsense, of course you are saying that now, but even the third sister, crying to them, will feel that I don't accompany them too much.

Although they never say it.

I have about ten wives, and if I include my concubines, it will be even more.

Those who have been with me may not be able to sleep next to me all year round. Why bother? "Qin Mo said: "You are a big girl, you should understand what I mean. If you say this to me, I will definitely consider it seriously. "

Xiaojiu looked at Qin Mo and wiped his tears, "Don't say it, even if I am 28 or 38 years old, I will still say that.

I just haven't turned into what you like yet. If you give me time, I will definitely turn into what you like.

Otherwise, I will be a tiger aunt for the rest of my life, and I will admit it! "

With that said, Xiaojiu ran out of the room crying.

Gao Yao came out from the side and said, "Master, let me follow you and take a look!"

Qin Mo took out a Qin cigarette and nodded, "Why bother!"

(End of this chapter)

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