big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1391 Room 9 is empty!

Chapter 1391 Nine out of ten rooms are empty!

Xiaojiu rushed into the room, lay on the bed and cried loudly.

It was obviously fine when I arrived, but why did it change when I arrived?
She admitted that she was indeed not as tall as those witches, nor was she in good shape.

But she still has room to grow.

The queen mother didn't say anything, and the third sister didn't say anything, but he didn't want to.

After all, don't you dislike her?
The young girl who had just begun to fall in love seemed to have fallen into a dead end, and she had detoured into it.

Hearing the crying inside, Gao Yao sighed and gently opened the door.

In fact, Qin Mo has restrained himself in the past two years.

Otherwise, if Qin Mo hooked his fingers, many women would come to his door.

Those with low status are blocked out, but those with high status have a little more difficulty.

It's no wonder that Xiao Jiu was born at the wrong time. If she were eighteen or nineteen years old, Qin Mo would have agreed without hesitation.

She still knew Qin Mo very well about this. Which of the mistresses in the family didn't marry her when they grew up?

To be precise, my young master likes big ones.

And Xiaojiu happened to have no advantage in that aspect.

Hearing the movement behind him, Xiaojiu quickly suppressed his crying.


"Little Gao Gong, I'm fine. I'll be fine if I'm alone. Go tell your brother-in-law that I'm fine!" Xiao Jiu choked.

Gao Yao sat on the edge of the bed, "Princess, do you want to hear my opinion?"

Xiaojiu was a little hesitant, but thinking that Gao Yao was Qin Mo's most trusted person and understood Qin Mo better than her, he sniffed and sat up straight.

But those eyes were swollen into bubble eyes and extremely red.

Two tear tracks were clearly visible.

Sin yo.

Gao Yao handed over the handkerchief, "Princess, there is actually no need to be sad. The young master is thinking about you. If he really agrees with you today, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

You are a princess and a noble person. How could you follow the young master without knowing why?
What should the third princess, the sixth princess, the seventh princess, and Princess Qinghe tell them?

Your Majesty, Queen, what do you want me to say?

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty asked, "Do you have the Three Books and Six Etiquettes? How do you want them to explain it?" "

"I don't care about these!"

"Yes, you really don't need to care, but the young master must care!" Gao Yao said: "Don't think that the young master is heartless, he is like this because he cherishes you.

Which of the mistresses in the house is not married by a clear matchmaker?

Even if she is a concubine, she must be brought in with the permission of the young master and the prince.

If you are really good for the young master, you should seriously consider this.

Think about the consequences and pressure.

When His Majesty and Lady nod, and the three princesses and others approve, and when you stand tall and mature, and stand in front of the young master, I believe that the young master will definitely not reject you. "

Xiaojiu was just a little bit off-putting, not unreasonable.

What Gao wanted to say made sense. Only after she calmed down did she realize how naive she was.

She always thought that if she could do anything, her brother-in-law would love her as before and let her go.

But things are different when people grow up.

She wiped her tears and said with some worry: "Little Eunuch Gao, if I am like this, does my brother-in-law hate me?"

"No, the young master is a very generous person." Gao Yao said: "You have to have confidence in yourself. Think about the three princesses who desperately married the young master. Did the young master let them lose?"

Hearing this, Xiaojiu breathed a sigh of relief and his mood improved a lot, "Thank you, little Eunuch Gao, I understand!" Seeing a smile on Xiaojiu's face, Gao Yao felt bitter in his heart.

If you haven't even taken care of your own mess, what qualifications do you have to be a teacher here?

"This is what a slave should do!" Gao Yao stood up, said goodbye and left immediately.

Early the next morning, Xiaojiu got up early and prepared a sumptuous breakfast for Qin Mo. Moreover, she was dressed in a very special way.

Knocking on Qin Mo's door, she went in with a dinner plate.

Xiao Gao is waiting for Qin Mo to wash up.

"Brother-in-law~ It's time for breakfast~" A soft voice sounded.

Qin Mo was still a little confused and his eyes were groggy. When he heard the voice, he couldn't help but be shocked. He looked intently and saw a little thing standing there cutely.

Qin Mo was dumbfounded, "Who asked you to dress like this?"

Wasn't this the one he wore when he was telling stories with his third sister and the others in Lingnan?
"Sister Jingya gave it to me!" Xiaojiu said tremblingly.

She always carries this thing with her, and Li Jingya said that Qin Mo likes her outfit the best.

"Close the door now!"

Gao Yao hurriedly went over and closed the door.

"Is it freezing?" Qin Mo quickly took the cloak and wrapped her tightly.

"It's not cold, these clothes are quite thick!" Xiao Jiu said: "Brother-in-law, do you like it?"

"I like shit, don't play with her anymore!" Qin Mo's face turned dark.

Can this little rabbit wear any clothes?

Especially when Xiaojiu shook his head, the bell on his neck jingled, and his heart felt like it was on fire!
Xiaojiu pursed his lips, "Brother-in-law, are you still angry with me? I understand my mistake, and I will never make you angry again, brother-in-law~"

Her coquettish behavior made Qin Mo numb, "Okay, I've calmed down a long time ago, but don't be so mean in the future. If you get sick, I won't bother to care about you!"

Xiaojiu smiled and said, "Don't worry, brother-in-law, I'm in good health~Hahaha~"

Qin Mo was speechless and pulled her to sit by the stove. The average temperature in Qunv City was not very high this season, and it was quite cold when the cold wind blew.

The matter was revealed in this way. After Qin Mo had breakfast, he went to the military camp to order some meat.

Theoretically speaking, he is now in charge of the three armies, and Li Cungong must also be at his disposal.

But the war has ended, mainly the aftermath.

In this battle, two-thirds of the elite slaves in the northwest were tortured to death by illness, and the rest also carried germs. Out of humanitarianism, Qin Mo asked them to deal with the compatriots who died of illness.

The fierce fire burned away the bodies and the germs.

If you're lucky, you'll survive; if you're not lucky, you'll get infected and die.

They all knew their fate, but no one wanted to really die.

As for the soldiers captured by Yizhixie, they still stayed in Moyan City when Yizhixie retreated, which also gave them a chance to be rescued.

The only thing spreading in Moyan City was smallpox.

But Yi Zhixie died on the night of the retreat. With his death, the group was leaderless and there was still time to take care of the prisoners.

In conjunction with the beheading operation carried out by the Department of Espionage, all the generals in Moyan City were assassinated and beheaded.

There were casualties during the rescue process. Including the soldiers who were tortured to death by the northwest slaves, the number of victims exceeded 8000!
This is something that cannot be avoided.

Although the Spy War Department had good control, smallpox still swept through Yuezhi and Dashiduocheng.

It has been almost two months now, and everything that needs to end is over.

As for other diseases, these places are left empty.

If you dare to be an accomplice, you must be prepared to die!
(End of this chapter)

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