big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1392 Massacre of Ten Thousand People!

Chapter 1392: Millions of people massacred!

"Report, Qin Shuai, the latest information!" People from the six doors came in.

Qin Mo raised his eyes, and Gao Yao opened the information and placed it where Qin Mo could see it at a glance.

“A total of 13 Northwest slave soldiers were killed.

A total of more than 27 Northwest slaves were killed, and the Northwest slaves were exterminated.

Beheading more than [-] Yuezhi gang members out of [-].

Beheaded the Dashi Gang, more than 12 people.

In total, more than 61 people were beheaded. "Gao Yao read out the information in a low voice.

Qin Mo shouted: "Okay!"

He stood up and looked at the people in the camp: "These people killed more than 10,000 of my Daqian soldiers. Today they killed them and destroyed their country and their species. Let them understand that the power of Daqian cannot be offended!"

Everyone just felt uplifted, especially Li Cungong, who felt even more proud.

In this battle, no one in the Western Region dared to offend Daqian.

Even if you give them ten courages, they won’t dare!
"Xiao Gao, keep reading!" Qin Mo put his hands on his back and felt happy.

“In addition, nearly 8000 million taels of money and food were seized, as well as countless artillery shells and guns.

The army is now mainly responsible for occupying the two countries. The king of Yuezhi Kingdom died, leaving only Guo Zuo.

King Dashi died tragically, leaving behind one queen, three princesses, three princes, and six princesses!

Has been safely protected! "

Everyone is excited.

Qin Mo knew very well that this information concealed the death data of people in the two countries. Qin Mo knew very well that the number of deaths would not be less than 50.

In other words, this battle will involve millions of people.

Bai Qi killed 40 people in the past, but the number of people who have died because of him is probably over 200 million.

Millions of people were slaughtered.

Qin Mo sighed. Sure enough, people will always inadvertently become what they hate the most!
But for a long time to come, there will be no more wars.

"We won, we won completely!" Li Cunkong clenched his fist and said.

The joy of victory made everyone cheer.

Qin Mo said: "Send the information to the capital, and then let the newspapers publish it. Within ten days, I want every corner of the Tianxiang Kingdom to know the news!"

"Yes, Commander Qin!" Everyone held their hands.

Although Qin Mo seemed to be paddling, how many fools were there?
The driving force behind this is the person in front of me.

If Qin Mo was only powerful in the past, in this battle now, Qin Mo has become deified in their hearts.

"There is no big event today. Let's celebrate by drinking. Tell the brothers to drink with ease today!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Okay!" Everyone echoed.

In the past few days, the stone that weighed on everyone's hearts has been completely removed. From now on, on this land.

No one dares to say no to Da Gan people!
Soon, the news of the great victory spread completely, and the Dagan people in Qunv City rushed to tell each other.

And those people from the Tianxiang Kingdom knelt on the ground to express their worship.

"Noble Dagan man, descendant of the great plaything, please accept the most loyal filial piety from your servant!"

A large number of lower castes knelt outside the governor's house and worshiped.

After Qin Mo left, pilgrims came here every year to worship from thousands of miles away.

It can be said that the strategy set by Qin Mo was very practical and Li Cungong executed it well.

In another ten years, the Dagan people will completely replace the Brahmins, trample the Brahmins under their feet, and become the supreme controller.

However, Qin Mo didn't have time to accept their worship, but instead received businessmen from the Qin Chamber of Commerce.

"Zheng Chengyi meets Qin Shuai!"

Qin Mo looked at the young man in front of him, "Are you Zheng Fengnian's son?

"Back to Marshal Qin, that's right!" Zheng Chengyi was also a little excited when he saw Qin Mo. In other words, there was no one in Qin Shang who was not excited.

"Haha, is your dad okay in Nanyang?"

"Okay!" Zheng Cheng nodded. He knew very well who he worked for, "I just mention you all the time!"

"Come on, everyone, sit down, don't be so formal, everyone is on your own!" Qin Mo said with a smile.Everyone sat down, but everyone felt nervous. Many of them had dealt with Qin Mo, but as Qin Mo's military exploits accumulated and his prestige increased, even if Qin Mo smiled, they didn't dare to look at him.

"Thanks to everyone for taking care of me these years, but Nanyang must be managed well. This is the task entrusted to me by His Majesty!"

"Don't worry, Marshal Qin, everything is under control!" Zheng Chengyi said: "Currently, about 1 to [-] people board the ship every day. In the future, Nanyang will become one of the overseas granaries!"

Qin Mo nodded. This number is quite good. In one year, it will be 300 million people.

In less than two years, the entire Nanyang will be evacuated.

As for how to deal with the Nanyang countries, he has not yet decided.

"You're doing great. Have you been to the west?"

Zheng Cheng nodded, "I've been there, everything is fine, and I even met your father!"

"That's good!" Qin Mo smiled, "I have something to do with calling you here this time. The war is now calmed down, and there are many countries in the Western Region. You need to do business with them. They love the slave business.

Do business with them, but we only want healthy and strong female slaves!

There is another continent in the southwest, and most of them are Kunlun slaves. There are stations on it, so you can find your own people.

There are rich resources there, and most of the places are black soil and rare minerals, so go and develop them."

Zheng Chengyi listened very carefully. He was afraid that he would not be able to remember it, so he took out his notebook and wrote it down.

Qin Mo calculated that in the past few days, at least more than five million people have been moved away from Gaoli, Wozhou, Central Plains, Nanfan, Western Regions and other countries.

Seventy percent of them are women and children, and thirty percent are young adults.

Coupled with the local indigenous people and those who have been relocated in the past few years, the income may exceed eight figures before this year's New Year.

"I only want 2000 million people, isn't that too much?" Qin Mo thought.

With these people, no one in Ming Dynasty needs to be afraid.

After explaining the matter, Qin Mo left Zheng Chengyi alone.

"The humble minister is here to see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" Zheng Chengyi knelt on the ground, "There are so many talented people just now, and it is difficult for the humble minister to see you politely. Please forgive me, Your Highness!"

Qin Mo coughed dryly, "When did I become the prince?"

Zheng Chengyi explained the situation again, "When His Majesty went to sea, I was on the escort ship, so I was lucky enough to witness the grand occasion of His Majesty's enthronement!"

Qin Mo smiled bitterly, "Be low-key. You don't need to call me Prince here!"

"Yes, I understand!"

In the Ming Dynasty, the Zheng family was the king of the county. It was far from being comparable to that of Da Qian. They were still grand in Ming Dynasty and did not care about kings with different surnames at all.

He directly gave the Zheng family a large piece of permanent fiefdom and a thousand houses. Now that her wife and children are in Ming Dynasty, life should not be too comfortable.

"I told you to keep a low profile!" Qin Mo reminded.

"Look at my mouth!" Zheng Chengyi patted his mouth and smiled sheepishly.

"You, the Zheng family, have been following me. Don't worry. I won't do anything to kill the donkey. The Zheng family will share the same roots with the Ming Dynasty!" Qin Mo said: "Create a different country with me. Put your name on it. Engraved in history!"

Off-topic: Let me explain the updates and new books: This book is already in the middle and late stages. The new book (Seizing the Progeny: The Crazy Prince is Actually a Peerless All-rounder) started coding in February, not this month. I was hospitalized some time ago and did a total of After more than 30 examinations, I was extremely unwell.
The reduction in updates is a helpless move, and it is really too much to bear.

Many friends told me to read more old books, but I can't eat one book until I die. If I were in good health, updating three or four times would just take a lot of time, but now my body doesn't allow me to code at high intensity for a long time. .

There is a new book period and a trial and error period for new books. If a book can be liked by everyone, it is due to luck and thousands of troops crossing it.

I cherish it more than anyone else.

Originally, I would finish writing the ending with peace of mind, and then smoothly transition to the new book, so that I would not be left in a gap for too long.

At present, the new book has missed a good opportunity because it has been discontinued for a long time. Everyone should understand how fatal it is for the new book to be discontinued for more than a few days.

I was lying in the hospital, feeling really unwilling and helpless. During this period, although the updates were slow, the old books were not updated, and they were all coded out while I was lying in the hospital bed.

It's my fault that I didn't update more. I should admit my mistake early. When I get beaten, I stand at attention. I admit it.

But you won’t curse me to death in the book review section, right?
You shouldn’t go to the new book comment section to comment, right?
You are my food and clothing parents, why should I destroy my own job?

It’s just that compared to making money, your body is most important.

The money you exchange for good health will eventually be exchanged for money.

I really don't want to worry my family anymore.

If you like the new book, read it; if you don’t, just skip it. For the old book, I will write an ending that I think is perfect.

Finally, I wish you all good health and stay away from illness.

(End of this chapter)

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