big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1394: When did the young master lie to you?

Chapter 1394: When did the young master lie to you?

The envelope was ordinary, but there was a mystery hidden inside.

The letter paper is blank. Rub your hands together and put them on the paper to reveal the contents.

Then interpret the above information based on the content.

After a long while, Gao Yao unlocked the secret letter and handed it to Qin Mo.

After Qin Mo read the letter, his eyes became extremely cold, "Burn!"

Gao Yao threw the letter into the fireplace, and in the blink of an eye, it was burned to ashes.

"Master, what should I do?"

"What can I do? Cold salad!" Qin Mo said coldly: "If I really want him to do this, then I won't do it!

Let Qin Hei handle this matter, he knows what to do! "

Gao nodded, immediately wrote a secret letter, and then had someone rush it to the capital.

Qin Mo's mood suddenly became very bad, and he was restless.

Gao Yao didn't dare to speak casually.

"Why bother?" Qin Mo said: "If you have to do this kind of thing, do you think you can hold on if you do it?

It doesn't matter if you deal with me, why should you deal with other people?
Little trash, little trash, you are so crazy! "

Now that things have come to this point, it would be a lie to say that it’s not uncomfortable.

When Lao Liu was in the game, he was willing to join the game, just to let him go up smoothly.

Even so, Lao Liu also has a bottom line, and has been carefully maintaining this bottom line.

Although he felt aggrieved in his heart, he didn't feel anything. A son-in-law had never kissed a son before.

It's normal to keep one hand.

This guy is different, he wants to die.

The old brotherhood was worthless in his eyes.

"I should let you die in Lingnan, you bastard!"

"Brothers and brothers don't want it, you don't cherish your wife when you have her, you beast!"

"It's my fault, I made a bad start and made you think you won't die if you do this!"

"Who do you think you are? Is your mother the queen? Are you the legitimate son?"

Qin Mo scolded him as he walked: "Pig Brain, calling you a pig brain is just flattering you. Li Xin killed his father, you actually want to kill everyone."

Before, I knew how to cover up and grant authority to others, but now I am showing off my cards directly.

What bullshit Buddha Mother, you are the real Buddha Mother.

It hurts so much to kill me! "

Qin Mo rarely stumbles, especially after suffering a few losses, he goes to the extreme.

Unexpectedly, this time he still suffered a big loss.

Not that that little piece of trash actually came to fruition.

But after all the beauty is revealed, underneath is the naked ugliness.

too disgusting!

Qin Mo felt his stomach churn.

Gao Yao had never seen Qin Mo lose his temper before, and his eyes turned red for a moment, "Master, don't be angry, it's not worth it for this kind of person!"

"It's not worth it!" Qin Mo looked at her with red eyes, "But I feel uncomfortable in my heart. I have been mentally prepared for it.

What do you think I'm fantasizing about?

Do you know what it feels like to be stabbed by one of your own? "

Gao Yao remained silent, Qin Mo waved his hand, "I still thought I could stay in Dagan for two more years, and there is nothing to stay at now.

I just like the people here!

Xiao Gao, you go down first and leave me alone for a while! "

Gao Yao was very worried about Qin Mo, but he didn't dare to stay here any longer, "Master, I'm just outside. Just call me and I'll come in!"

Qin Mo nodded, and when Gao was about to go out, Qin Mo kicked off his shoes, got into the mattress, and wrapped himself tightly.He had a headache and felt weak all over.

He has to sleep in a dark place.

When he woke up, he drank heavily, ate meat from a large bowl, and called seven or eight Brahmin noble women to come over and sing and dance.

People, don’t be hard on yourself, just be happy and that’s it!

Qin Mo slept until dusk.

After I woke up, my headache was gone and the depression in my heart was gone.

I just kept having nightmares when I fell asleep, and I was restless.

"Xiao Gao, I want to eat and get more elbows!" With that said, Qin Mo picked up his cloak and walked to the hot spring room, where seven or eight first-class Brahmin noblewomen came in to wait on him.

After taking a shower, Qin Mo's stomach was already empty, and his steaming elbow was placed in front of him, with warm rice wine next to it.

Qin Mo rubbed his hands and started to eat happily, "Refreshing!"

Seeing the smile on Qin Mo's face again, Gao Yao knew that the young master no longer cared about this matter.

"Come on, Xiao Gao, eat something with me!" Qin Mo picked up a big elbow and handed it over.

Gao Yao didn't show any pretense. He sat opposite Qin Mo and accompanied Qin Mo as he ate meat and drank from a large bowl. "Master, no matter what the future holds, Xiao Gao will stay with you, life and death!"

"I realize that I am so stupid. I feel sad for someone who doesn't deserve it, but I ignore the people around me." Qin Mo sighed: "It's better for you, Xiao Gao. I, Qin Mo, will have you as my brother in this life. Baymax!"

As he spoke, he raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"It's an honor for Xiao Gao to be able to serve the young master!" Gao Yao raised his glass.

"We'll go back to Ming Dynasty tomorrow and make you a chief eunuch, Dangdang, and let you be the grandfather of all the little eunuchs!"

Gao Yao smiled bitterly in his heart, she didn't want to be a big eunuch, nor did she want to be the little eunuch's grandfather.

She just wanted to stay with Qin Mo every step of the way.

"No, I just want to be with the young master!"

"Promising!" Qin Mo said: "You can help the young master cultivate more loyal people. Those brats in the family will have to be followed when they grow up."

"That will distract my energy, so I can't serve the young master better!"

Qin Mo smiled and shook his head, "What you said makes sense, I won't force you!"

Gao Yao smiled innocently, she had three things she was most afraid of.

First, Qin Mo gets her a wife.

Second, Qin Mo gave her an adopted child!
Third, leave Qin Mo!

She could tolerate the first two, but definitely not the third.

Leaving Qin Mo, it is better to let her die.

The two drank fine wine and ate meat until late at night.

The alcohol content of the rice wine was not high, but he couldn't bear the large amount. Gao Yao kept reminding himself not to drink too much, but Qin Mo got drunk and kept asking her to drink.

That stamina is simply more exaggerated than burning a knife.

Qin Mo burped from wine. Seeing Gao Yao's cheeks and even his ears were red, he couldn't help but put his arm around her shoulders, "Xiao Gao, I wish you were a woman!"

Gao Yao was startled, but at this moment he was drunk and his reaction was very slow. Being hooked by Qin Mo, his head was even more dizzy, "Young, young master, if, if Xiao Gao is a woman, what will you do?"

"Hey, if you were really a woman, the young master would marry you, but unfortunately you are not!" Qin Mo said, "You are so considerate!"

Gao Yao's heart beat faster and his face turned redder. At this time, the remaining reason told her to help Qin Mo rest.

But somehow, she raised her head and asked, "Really?"

Qin Mo met her eyes and moved his eyes downward, looking at the warm red lips and pink neck, and a scent of fragrance penetrated his nose.

At that moment, a strange thought arose.

He had suppressed this thought earlier.

But at this moment, it was like a scourge, out of control.


Qin Mo swallowed hard, "Of course, when did the young master lie to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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