big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1395 is a dream, it must be a dream!

Chapter 1395 is a dream, it must be a dream!
Gao Yaosheng looked like a woman. After traveling with him for so many years, her skin was no longer rough.

On the contrary, as time goes by, it becomes more and more feminine.

Especially that voice, if you had closed your eyes, you would have thought you were being followed by a little royal lady!
Qin Mo's breath sprayed on Gao Yao's face, and Gao Yao's mouth felt dry, especially when Qin Mo's words fell into his ears.

The joy almost filled my chest.

It made her want to scream with joy.

But Qin Mo was drunk at this time, so did he count?
Forget it, she was drunk too, and she might not remember this when she woke up.

She boldly grabbed Qin Mo's shoulder and said, "If I were a woman, I would marry the young master and give birth to a bunch of young masters for the rest of my life!"

As she spoke, she took off her headscarf and pulled off the hairpin.

The long hair was slightly curled and was immediately spread out by Gao Yao.

A feminine scent spreads out. It's not the smell of perfume, but it smells better than perfume.

Qin Mo's head became even more dizzy. The soft light of the biogas lamp shone on Gao Yao's face, making him lose consciousness for a moment.

"What's wrong with me? Xiao Gao is a eunuch."

He wanted to push Gao Yao away, but he was top-heavy and threw Gao Yao to the ground.

Gao Yao exclaimed and felt even more painful.

That pitiful look made Qin Mo's whole body feel like an electric shock, and he was suddenly startled.

My stomach started to churn, and I pushed Gao Yao away and vomited wildly.


Gao Yao got up, patted Qin Mo on the back and called the Brahmin maid outside to clean up.

She wiped Qin Mo carefully, and then carried Qin Mo half-carrying him to the bed.

However, while the Brahmin maid was cleaning up, a gust of wind blew over.

Qin Mo fell down when he saw the wind and became even drunker!
Gao Yao didn't feel any better. He put Qin Mo on the bed, held the spittoon and vomited wildly.

After vomiting and cleaning up, she went over.

He thought Qin Mo was asleep, but he half-closed his eyes and grabbed him!

Just like that, Gao Yao fell down.

Before she could react, Qin Mo's hands and feet were pressing on her body.

Their eyes met, and the heavy breathing rushed directly to her face.

"Xiao Gao, sleep!"

Qin Mo smiled and pursed his lips subconsciously!

At that moment, Qin Mo was half asleep and half awake, feeling that he was dreaming!

"Dreaming, I must be dreaming!"

"Even if Xiao Gao looks like a boy or a girl, it's impossible for his mouth to be full of fragrance!"

"Well, Ruanruan, it really confirmed my guess!"

"What a sin! I can't drink this rice wine anymore. I actually dreamed about Xiao Gao!"

Gao Yao was frozen, looking at the confused Qin Mo, feeling nervous and scared.

But Qin Mo was dead, and she was so dizzy that she couldn't push him at all.

Being bullied by Qin Mo, I felt like my brain was empty and my heartbeat stopped.

She has followed Qin Mo for so long that she knows that if a man is completely drunk, it won't matter even if he falls into a pile of women.

Either Qin Mo is not drunk
It shouldn’t be!Just as she was thinking about it, she became numb.

"When will I wake up from this damn dream?"

"Hey, what a sin!"

"Fortunately, the little Gao in the dream looks like what I like!"

"It's okay, Xiao Gao, this is a dream, don't be afraid!"

"Hey, brother, feed me harder!"

Qin Mo felt that he had worked too hard and was exhausted.

A hundred times more tiring than his previous dreams.

Gao Yao was also confused, "Am I dreaming?" "Yes, it's a dream, it must be a dream!"

"Damn it, I'm drunk!"

"What if the young master is in danger?"

"Forget it, never mind, haven't you dreamed enough?"


When Qin Mo woke up, it was already the third day of sunshine.

He touched the bedside, but it was empty, and his head felt dizzy.

There is no one in the room.

"Xiao Gao, water!" Qin Mo slapped his mouth, preparing to take a nap. Anyway, today is New Year's Eve, so there is nothing to do.

But suddenly, he opened his eyes and lifted the mattress, "It's okay, it's okay, it's just a dream, it scared me to death!"

He slapped himself in annoyance, "Qin Mo, Qin Mo, you are really crazy, that's your brother!"

Just when Qin Mo was upset, the door opened and Xiaojiu came in, "Brother-in-law, wake up. I made you soup to relieve your hangover!"

Qin Mo was sober now and took the hangover soup, "Where's Xiao Gao?"

"Oh, little Eunuch Gao was too drunk. He drank hangover soup and went to bed!"

Qin Mo tried hard to remember last night. Xiao Gao also drank a lot of wine, and then he helped him to bed and he fell asleep.

"It's fine if it's a dream!" Qin Mo thought, but in the dream he was too disappointing.

"Brother-in-law, let me get you some water to wash up!" Xiaojiu rolled up her sleeves and began to work. She had already summed up her experience in serving Qin Mo.

For example, when to wake Qin Mo up, and how long to wait for Qin Mo to wash up, there are certain rules.

Qin Mo was very angry when he woke up.

After Qin Mo finished drinking the hangover soup and took a rest for a while, she went over and wiped Qin Mo's face. After wiping his face, she held a toothbrush and warm water in her hand, "Open your mouth, ah."

"Ah!" Qin Mo opened his mouth, his eyes still blank, and just listened to Xiaojiu's arrangements.

After washing up, Qin Mo dressed neatly, and then a group of soldiers came over to wish Qin Mo a good year.

After paying homage to the early years, we had lunch together and then dispersed.

During this period, Xiao Gao didn't wake up.

"This little pickpocket really can't drink enough!" Qin Mo thought, but for some reason, he always felt that yesterday's dream was too clear.

Not only are the details clear, there is even residual warmth left in the hand.

It's just that the eldest brother doesn't quite live up to his expectations, which is very annoying.

"Brother-in-law, why are you so dazed today?" Xiaojiu frowned.

"Ah, is there any?" Qin Mo came back to his senses, "Maybe I drank too much yesterday and I still have a migraine!"

"I'll call the doctor!" Hearing that Qin Mo was uncomfortable, Xiaojiu stood up in a hurry.

"It's okay, just take it slow and you'll be fine!" Qin Mo waved his hand, "I'll go soak in a hot spring and sweat a little, then I'll be fine!"

"Brother-in-law, I'm going too!"

"Well, let's come together!" Qin Mo didn't stop him, but if Xiaojiu was here, it must be Wenpao!

The kind that is pure and cannot be more pure.

While Qin Mo was sweating, Gao Yao was lying on the bed uncomfortably, too embarrassed to get out of bed.

She had a good drinking capacity, so she packed up and fled the scene before Qin Mo woke up.

Then I kept hiding in this room, not daring to go out at all.

Still thinking of the scene when she woke up in the morning, she wished she could hide under the quilt for the rest of her life.

She uncovered the quilt and saw all the seals.

She knew Qin Mo's bad taste, so there was no empty space.

Almost to death!

Until now, her head is still dizzy, as if she is still in a dream and has not woken up!
"Ah, what should I do!"

(End of this chapter)

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