big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1402: Split the Earth and Become the King!

Chapter 1402: Split the Earth and Become the King!

When everyone entered the city, the scene was shocking.

The streets were full of people, all welcoming the victorious army back to the court.

It's just that he has seen this kind of scene too many times, and Qin Mo has become a little numb.

I feel more and more how important a good emperor is to the people in the feudal dynasty.

The people are really like grass and mustard.

He thought a lot and began to reflect.

The welcoming procession spread all the way to Chengtian Gate. All the troops dismounted and a 99-gun salute was fired from the top of the city, which was a sign of dignity.

When entering the palace, Li Shilong even ordered them not to remove their armor and enter the palace with swords.

Rewards are rewards, Qin Mozhong began to remove his armor, then threw his sword to Gao Yao, and walked inside with ease.

Everyone also followed Qin Mo's example.

"Commander Qin, the crown prince of Chengjun. I have an audience!" From Chengtianmen to Taiji Palace, hundreds of eunuchs spread the word, and the loud voice broke the silence of the palace.

Li Shilong put down the book in his hand, "Okay, that bitch is finally back!"

He stood up and sat down again. On both sides were waiting ministers. Now he was sitting cross-legged on the ground with a short table in front of him.

Today is the court meeting, and they came early in the morning.

After arriving, I have been waiting until now, which is nearly two hours.

Qin Mo and the others have been waiting for a while.

Gongsun Wuji got up and rubbed his sore waist and abdomen. He couldn't help but look outside the hall and saw a group of people trotting in very fast.

In the blink of an eye, they climbed the steps, and then a group of people panted and stepped into the palace gate.


Before he even entered the door, he heard Qin Mo's voice, which was hysterical, from far away.

Gongsun Wuji couldn't help but laugh, "The evil is back again!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, but for some reason, everyone felt particularly at ease when they saw this disaster.

Qin Mo ran up to him in a hurry. Everyone thought he should stop, but Qin Mo went straight up the steps with his feet like hot wheels, and knelt down in front of the dragon case, "Father, I'm coming back." Got it!"

The rest of the people knelt down, "I'd like to bow to Your Majesty!"

"Bitch, who asked you to run up here?" Li Shilong cursed.

"Running too fast, I didn't stop!" Qin Mo scratched his head.

The mouths of everyone below twitched, what do you mean by not stopping.

Forget it, he can do whatever he wants, it's not the first time anyway.

If it were anyone else, someone else would have started complaining long ago.

It doesn’t matter if it’s Qin Mo!
Seeing that Qin Mo was only wearing obscene clothes, Li Shilong scolded: "I didn't ask you to bring your armor into the palace. Look at you, what are you thinking? If you don't know, I'd think you just got out of bed!"

"Father, cool off!" Qin Mo smiled.

Li Shilong stood up, walked over, looked at Qin Mo, and couldn't help but kick his butt without using any force, and snorted, "Get up quickly, wait and see!"

"Thank you, Father!" Qin Mo stood up and walked away again.

Li Shilong was also made angry and funny by the live treasure, but he was happy in his heart. As soon as this dog came back, all his worries were gone.

"Let's all get back together!" Li Shilong withdrew his gaze and looked at Li Yongmeng and others.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Everyone stood up.

Then comes the reward based on merit.Gao Shilian held the imperial edict in his hand and recited it. The first people to be rewarded were Cheng Sanfu and Zhang Jing, followed by Cheng Dabao and others.

First, he was awarded civil and military official titles, and Cheng Dabao was appointed as the new twelve generals.

These new twelve generals are Li Shilong's new talents. Different from the 24 heroes of Qiankun Pavilion, those who can be included among them are the leaders of the new generation of military generals.

In addition, there are still the new twelve civil servants, and the target is still the 24 heroes of Qiankun Pavilion.

Cheng Dabao received many false titles, and finally he was granted the title of Wei Wei Shaoqing. Don't underestimate this Wei Wei Shaoqing. He was a member of the fourth rank and a serious minister of the emperor.

In addition, he also obtained the official position of doctor of the Royal Military Academy.

This is a civil and military person who has blossomed, and is going to be cultivated by the imperial court.

After gaining qualifications, it is not a problem to become the six ministers within 15 years.

Because Li Shilong removed the phase, the authority of the six departments was strengthened, from the third rank to the second rank.

A second-grade official is basically the pinnacle of official power.

And Cheng Xiaobao was not bad either. He made a hereditary and irreplaceable marquis and divided his family directly.

As for Li Yongmeng, he was originally the eldest son of Prince Chengjun. He was destined to inherit the throne in the future and be listed as the first of the new twelve generals. In the future, his second son would be a hereditary marquis.

This was also a good start by Qin Mo, otherwise he wouldn't know how to reward him.

Finally, it is the official position of real power, succeeding Xue Gui, as the commander-in-chief of the Beihai Navy, in charge of the [-]-strong Beihai Navy!
Take charge of everything in Annan County.

Li Yongmeng stepped forward and said, "I thank you for your grace!"

After Li Yongmeng thanked him, Gao Shilian looked at Qin Mo and said, "I am Qin Mo, the crown prince of Xiaoyao County, the governor of Nanyang, who manages Nanyang and is in charge of Lingnan affairs.

Following the imperial decree, he conquered the Western Regions and returned with a great victory. Now he is posthumously naming his biological mother, Princess Qin's wife.

Now, half of the land east of the Gaoli Peninsula will be allocated to Prince Xiaoyao as a feudal land. Ten thousand households will be moved to fill the feudal land. It will forever be the screen of Dagandong Town and share the same fate with the country!
Since it is a feudal country, it can have a new system. The Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Personnel, and the Ministry of War are ordered to negotiate the new law of Xiaoyao Kingdom! "

Half of the officials were ignorant and divided half of the land on the Gaoli Peninsula to the Qin family as feudal land.

God, what a big piece of land that is.

That half of the country used to host Wanji and Huangluo.

Moreover, that piece of land is now used as a transfer station on the sea and is extremely prosperous.

It is very important to be connected to Jiheshidan in the north and Wazhou in the east.

It’s okay if there are too many kings with different surnames, and they are also kings with different surnames who have feudal kingdoms.

While everyone was stunned, Gao Shilian recited again, "Xiaoyao Kingdom can have thirty thousand soldiers to subdue the country!"

Darling, you can still have [-] troops, which is amazing!
Even Qin Mo was a little confused. When did Lao Liu become so generous?

Although he didn't like that shabby place.

Moreover, the east of the Gaoli Peninsula is an isolated land with barren land. Although the location is very important, it is controlled by others and surrounded from all sides.

The Bohai Navy and the Wozhou Navy have a combined strength of 30 million.

Don't dare to move at all!
Even so, the Qin family is still the first king with a different surname to have a feudal kingdom and a military town!
But starting a thousand years ago, kings with different surnames had only one fate, death!
Qin Mo looked at Lao Liu with complicated eyes, was he planning to touch him?

No, it shouldn't be. A few years ago, Lao Liu said that he would capture Gao Li and give him a fiefdom.

Now it is indeed true.

Li Shilong saw Qin Mo in a daze, "Why, are you not satisfied with my reward?"

Qin Mo came back to his senses, "No, I can't be satisfied anymore, but Father, I can't ask for this reward, and this return to Beijing is not just to celebrate the old man's birthday.

I also want to resign on behalf of my father! "

(End of this chapter)

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