big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1403 Reverse black and white!

Chapter 1403 Reverse black and white!
Everyone exclaimed, but Gongsun Wuji and others couldn't help but nod.

That's the smart thing to do.

A king with a different surname, a feudal country, and a guard of soldiers. Isn't this seeking death?

Li Shilong frowned, "I won't allow it. I said that you should keep the fiefdom given to you by the Qin family and Da Qian.

In the future, I will always be the governor of Gaoli.

If you talk about resigning again, I will suspect that you have ulterior motives. "

Qin Mo knelt on the ground, "Father is so kind to me, and my son-in-law is grateful for his kindness, but he must not start it. The king with a different surname is the same as Jiedushi. Once he starts it, there will be no end.

Dagan Land is vast and rich in resources. Although there are many corners and edges, none of them is superfluous.

In a highly centralized unified dynasty, there should be no vassal subjugation, so the son-in-law cannot accept him.

It is true that I nod and accept it today, and I will honor my ancestors.

The impact on future generations is huge.

The world can be like this, and I, Qin Mo, can pat my chest and say that this is all due to my hard work.

Therefore, I am even more reluctant to destroy this unity.

The Gaoli Peninsula can only be the peninsula of Daqian, not the land of my Qin family.

Therefore, please take back your life, father! "

These words were sincere and came from the heart, which moved Li Shilong even more.

What a good child, the first consideration is the imperial court and the impact on future generations.

This reminded him of his indulgence in the past few days, and he felt even more ashamed and ashamed.

Involuntarily, I blamed myself even more.

All the veterans kept nodding. Qin Mo retreated bravely, which was the way forward.

When these words spread, it further showed that the Qin family was a virtuous person and loved the imperial court.

"I've already said what I said. Are you asking me to take it back? Are you going to slap me in the face?"

"What did your father say just now? My son-in-law didn't hear it!" Qin Mo turned to look at the others, "Did you hear it?"

"No, I didn't hear anything!" Li Shuangan was the first to answer.

Then everyone shook their heads and said, "I didn't hear you!"

The scene was as if everyone had rehearsed it together.

Seeing this scene, Gao Shilian smiled, good boy, so smart.

Li Shilong was both angry and funny at the same time, "You bitch, are you treating me like a three-year-old?"

"Father, it's okay, I don't want to go to Gaoli's miserable place. It's so poor and the place is as big as a palm. It might be flooded by the waves one day.

After I went there, I didn’t even have any acquaintances. Wouldn’t that make me bored to death?

It's so boring, you might as well reward my father with dozens of rich nuns.

As for me, forget it, I didn’t make any achievements this time, all the achievements were made bravely.

When I arrived at Tianxiang, Yi Zhixie was so tired that the war was over long ago.

I just went over to wrap things up, coordinate the casualties, and deploy troops to guard the city.

Is this considered credit?
Therefore, my son-in-law thought that it would be better to reward the martyrs who died in this battle and their families.

Anyway, I have no shame in taking the credit from these soldiers, so why don’t I get poked in the spine every day?
Father, you know me. I want face, so don’t force it on me!

Oh, by the way, the ashes of 10,000+ soldiers have been brought back.

I suggest building a martyrs' ancestral hall in the new city so that they can enjoy the incense forever and let the people of Daqian have lasting memories!

What do you think? "

Li Shilong laughed angrily, what do you mean by forcing it on him?A king with a different surname and a fiefdom are so worthless in his eyes?

"You have finished what I said, can I say no?" Li Shilong said angrily.

Qin Mo was happy and said loudly: "Father, the Holy Ming!"

Everyone also shouted loudly: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Li Yue, on the other hand, pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Is this Qin Mo's influence?

In front of his father, he would always confuse right and wrong, and he would respond to a hundred responses in one sentence.

He didn't feel anything before, but now all he felt was a bone-chilling coldness.

Qin Mo's power was so great that the entire court belonged to him.

If Qin Mo is not eliminated, it will cause serious trouble.

"You bitch, stop flattering me!" Li Shilong snorted and immediately sat on the Dragon Chair, "order Liu Wanche to build the Daqian Heroes' Shrine!"

Liu Wanche hurriedly came out of the queue and said, "Weak ministers accept the order!"

"By the way, have Su Yun's bones been brought back?" Li Shilong asked.

"No!" Qin Mo shook his head, "Yi Zhixie chopped up Su Yun's body and fed it to the dogs, leaving only a skull, which he also used to make a wine glass.

Those skulls couldn't make up the bones of a corpse, it was really too miserable.

So, I took it upon myself to choose a geomantic treasure place in Tianxiang and give him a grand burial.

After all, they are heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country and must be treated well. "

When Li Shilong heard this, he didn't say much.

Originally he wanted to put the blame on him, but now that Su's fate was so tragic and Qin Mo was buried generously, it would be unjustifiable for him to do this.

"Forget it!" Li Shilong sighed, "Su Yun made a mistake in this battle, but his bravery is commendable. Let's pursue him as a loyal marquis.

The Martyrs' Shrine will honor him with a statue and a spiritual throne. "

"My son-in-law thanks my father on behalf of Su Yun!" Qin Mo smiled and thought to himself, "Su Yun, Su Yun, it's your luck to meet your brother, otherwise, you will be infamy for thousands of years.

However, you and I admire your bloody nature. Death is like a lamp going out, so I won’t care about you. You don’t need to thank me, let alone give me dreams! "

Gongsun Min and Li Ankang looked at each other, and their admiration for Qin Mo could not be greater.

What kind of mind can be like this?
At this time, Li Ankang no longer regarded Qin Mo as his idol, but as his lifelong pursuit.

To put it bluntly, he would be happy even if His Majesty asked him to stand guard in Qin Mo's mansion at this time.

"Everyone, take your seats, let's have a banquet!" Li Shilong was also in a good mood.

Immediately everyone took their seats, and hundreds of palace maids entered carrying delicacies.

Li Shilong drank Da Qian Chun. Although it was bland, he was used to the taste.

After the banquet was over, Li Shilong stopped Qin Mo alone and said, "Don't leave. Your father is traveling in Nanyang and Jingyang and the others have not come back. They are staying in the palace tonight!"

Everyone was shocked, but then they thought it was nothing.

Two years ago, Qin Mo went even further. He lived in Da'an Palace every day, even if he said it, it was useless.

Everyone pretended they didn't see or hear anything and just left.

"Jingyun, you might as well stay in the East Palace tonight. It's been a long time since we brothers held a candlelight night talk!" Li Yue also stood firm and did not leave.

Live in the East Palace?
Isn't that just looking for trouble?
The previous matter with Liu Ruyu hasn't ended yet. I'm afraid this bitch wants to continue causing trouble.

If something happened to him in the East Palace, he would be unable to deal with it for a while.

"Father, no, I have to go see the old people at home and the uncles in the clan. I still have a few meals to eat!" Qin Mo said: "I'll see my mother and the old man in a while. I will go home, and in a few days, I will go to Lingnan!"

(End of this chapter)

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