big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1404 You are tougher than me!

Chapter 1404 You are tougher than me!
"Why are you going to Lingnan?" Li Shilong frowned, "The Emperor's birthday is coming soon, aren't you tired of running back and forth?

If you are afraid that Jingyang and the others are in danger on their way, I will send my personal guards to bring them back! "

"That's not the case!" Qin Mo sighed, took out a letter from his arms and handed it over, "Father, I actually want to leave tomorrow!"

After Li Shilong read the letter, his expression changed, "A new disease? It's not smallpox, or any other disease currently known?"

"Yes, everyone in Pei Xing's family died. Chai Rong said that the whole Pei family has been sealed off, and all my family members are sick. Although they managed to survive, no one had any problems.

But I am worried that if the epidemic spreads, it will be troublesome.

I have to rush back to eliminate the source and ensure that the disease does not spread.

But Chai Rong has done a good job, and the epidemic should not be spread outside! "

After a few years of hard work, Li Shilong would really be unbearable if there was another big epidemic. Especially when the Emperor's [-]th birthday is approaching, it would be even more ominous.

"The news hasn't spread yet?" Li Shilong asked.

"No, apart from telling the prince, my father is the only person who knows about it. I definitely can't spread the word. If the people know about it, they will definitely panic."

"You did a good job!" Li Shilong originally wanted to keep Qin Mo, but at the moment, he could only let Qin Mo handle business. Moreover, he was also worried about his daughter and grandsons. "Come back as soon as possible. I'll be waiting in the capital. you!"

"Yes, father!" Qin Mo nodded, said another word to Li Yue, and then went to the Li Zheng Palace.

"Father, how about just forgetting about Qin Mo's reward?" Li Yue said: "If this word spreads, will outsiders think that we don't distinguish rewards and punishments?"

"It's not that you don't want to be the prince anymore, why are you still so concerned about it?" Li Shilong said sarcastically.

Li Yue's face felt hot. Before today, he had always been in the gymnasium of the East Palace. He never left or stepped out of the door, as if he wanted to confirm that he was deposed.

But Li Shilong didn't care at all. Three days after he confessed his crime in the Ancestral Temple, he summoned Shi56 into the palace and asked them to deal with the affairs of the prince's east palace. They were called to cooperate with the prince!
However, the two boys didn't even stay for half a day and ran away.

Qin Mo didn't even dare to greet him when he returned to Beijing.

Although memorials were sent to the East Palace every day, they were all insignificant and trivial matters.

"My son is worrying too much!" Li Yue said.

"Humph, short-sighted!" Li Shilong had lost his patience at this time and scolded mercilessly: "Jingyun has wronged himself for the sake of Daqian's future, for the sake of unity, and for my peace of mind.

What about you?

Although he is the prince, he still refuses to lay his proud head.

In your heart, face is more important than the country and the country!

You have a stiffer neck than me and you are more stubborn than me.

You're fine, that's great!
If you cannot understand how to use people and cannot learn to control power, even if you do become an emperor, you will still be an ineffective emperor! "

Li Shilong flicked his sleeves and left without looking back.

How disappointed he was.

He didn't listen at all to what Qin Mo said.

In the past, Qin Mo commented on Jiedushi, but now his statement has been completely confirmed.

All he had in his heart was happiness and appreciation for Qin Mo.

Now that Qin Mo is exempted from the fiefdom, it is also to ensure the unity and authority of the country. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that he has been wronged.

He said this himself. If people later want to set a precedent, they will have to make greater contributions than Qin Mo.In this way, a king with a different surname is actually nothing. He has no fiefdom and no military power, but he just has a higher official position.

As long as the power is in hand, it is not a threat.

For this reason, his son-in-law's pain was not in vain.

Li Yue is still worrying about those nonsense. This is no longer stupid, but he has fallen into a daze.

If you can't get out, you will be a loser for the rest of your life!
When Qin Mo comes back, when the Supreme Emperor celebrates his birthday, he will give Li Yue another chance.

If it still doesn't work, he won't try again.

Thinking of this, Li Shilong's heart gradually hardened.

At this time, Qin Mo came to the Li Zheng Hall.

"Mother, mother!" Qin Mo quickly ran into the palace, knelt down with a shovel, and there were three more marks on the ground, "My son-in-law, see my mother!"

Queen Gongsun was also very happy when she saw Qin Mo, "Oh, I've been looking forward to your coming back for a long time. Get up quickly and let my mother take a good look!"

She hurried over to help Qin Mo, and then kept looking at Qin Mo. While looking at him, she said to Feng Jin: "Quick, go and call A Si from the backyard!"

Feng Jin also smiled when he saw Qin Mo, "Oh, the 24th prince has been looking forward to the return of Captain Qin's consort every day, and now he finally got it!"

"Old Feng, you are young again!" Qin Mo dug around his body and took out an ivory tablet, "This is the longevity tablet enshrined in the largest temple in Tianxiangqunv City. I brought it especially to you!"

Feng Jin glanced at Empress Gongsun, and waited for Empress Gongsun to smile and nod before she was flattered and said, "How about you give the gift to the empress first?"

"The big gift is outside and will be delivered in a moment. I can't hang all the gifts on me!" Qin Mo said with a smile: "Your ivory tablet is nothing. I got a monk's relic for my mother. There are 36 of them!"

Empress Gongsun believed in Buddhism, and the relics were an absolute treasure to believers.

Feng Jin secretly gave Qin Mo a thumbs up, and immediately accepted the amulet happily, "Of course you can't just take the relic of the eminent monk with you, you have to be invited into the palace!"

After saying that, he went to the backyard to call A Si.

Queen Gongsun held Qin Mo's hand, and the smile on her face never stopped, "I knew that with you taking action, the war in the Western Regions would be won."

"This time it's all thanks to Yongfeng and the others. I didn't do anything substantial." Qin Mo said.

"You don't know that after the imperial edict was issued, the people of the capital became peaceful. You are now the people's reassurance." Empress Gongsun pulled Qin Mo and talked about what happened these days.

As he talked, he talked about Li Yue, "You have come back just in time. I want to persuade the prince and don't let him go further down the wrong path.

I also tried to persuade him several times, but he couldn't be persuaded at all.

It makes people dissatisfied.

If this continues, I’m afraid your father’s side will be affected.”

Empress Gongsun didn't say the next words, but Qin Mo heard it, "Queen mother, don't worry, I will talk to him sometime."

"That's good, the palace is not at peace these days. Because of the prince's affairs and the crown princess's affairs, the two cheap maids, the Xu brothers and sisters, secretly drugged the princess to make her sick, with ulterior motives.

In order to protect the Crown Princess, I have sent them to Ganye Temple.

But because of this, the prince hates me and has not come to pay my respects for several days. "

Empress Gongsun sighed and said, "You can't abandon a wife of wretched men. Why doesn't he understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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