big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1405: Old man, my chapter is here!

Chapter 1405: Old man, I’m back!

How could Qin Mo not know about this?

"Mother, I will have a good chat with him!" Qin Mo said, "But whether he can listen to it or not is up to him."

Qin Mo didn't want to talk about this matter. With Li Yue's attitude, he was a shitty emperor and gave him face.

Just as he was talking, A Si's voice came, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, teacher"

From a distance, he saw Ah Si running towards him. His face was full of excitement and joy. He ran all the way to Qin Mo and hugged him, just like Nineteen when he was a child.

Qin Mo picked him up and said, "Good boy, you're getting fat again. You can't eat more, or you'll be overweight!"

"The food in the school cafeteria is so delicious, I can't help but eat more!" Ah Si said a little embarrassed.

Ah Si is now seven years old and will soon be eight. Time flies, and Qin Mo has taken another step forward on the road to becoming a third generation.

At the age of 26 and seven, he will soon be middle-aged!
Queen Gongsun was also happy when she saw how close the two of them were, "You, you will be pestering your brother-in-law soon!"

"Mother, can I go to my brother-in-law's house tonight? I have many questions to ask my brother-in-law!"

Empress Gongsun glanced at Qin Mo's slightly tired expression and said, "Your brother-in-law is tired from traveling and traveling. Don't bother him these two days. There will be plenty of time in the future, so why rush!"

Ah Si said a dull 'Oh'.

Qin Mo put him down and rubbed his head, "I'm too busy these days. I'll have a lot of time in the future, so don't say I'm too strict with you!"

"Absolutely not!" Under the influence of Queen Gongsun, he relied heavily on Qin Mo, approaching blind trust.

After testing Ah Si in the Li Zheng Hall, Qin Mo said goodbye and left, heading towards Da'an Palace instead.

When Wei Zhong saw Qin Mo, he couldn't help but tremble, his eyes turned red, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Qin Prince Consort, you are back!"

Qin Mo nodded and couldn't help but patted Wei Zhong on the shoulder, "Old Wei, you have worked hard these days. Look, I have turned you into a thin old man!"

Hearing this, Wei Zhong felt that all the grievances and fatigue in his heart were gone, and he wet his tears with his clothes, "Serving the Supreme Emperor is the fault of the old slave. It's a pity that the old slave is incompetent and failed to take good care of the Supreme Emperor. Lieutenant, it’s not good that they are all old slaves.”

"You don't want to either." Qin Mo patted his back gently, as if coaxing a child. He respected these old people in the palace from the bottom of his heart.

Gao Shilian, Feng Jin and Wei Zhong all regard him as their nephew.

Although the latter two never said anything about it, there was no need to question the love and care they showed in every move.

After all, eunuchs are also human beings, and Wei Zhong is a dying old man at this time.

When he came, his legs and feet were weak.

At first glance, it seems that it is a fault that has been endured.

"What about the old man?"

"Lying on the bed!" Wei Zhong said: "Now the Supreme Emperor can't even do the most basic things of getting dressed and going to the toilet. He lies in bed all day long, either in a daze or screaming, like a newborn baby.

It's only when you fall asleep that it becomes quieter.

However, he only slept for a short time, and often woke up after a few hours of sleep. However, in the past few days, thanks to the reformed county boy, he came over every now and then to take care of the Supreme Emperor, or came to stay overnight.

Otherwise, this old slave’s old bones would have been gone long ago! "

"He comes here often?" Qin Mo was a little surprised.

"Yes, I come here every now and then. I also bought the book "Da Qian's Silly Son-in-law" which was also rewritten by a county boy and is being continued. It's quite good.

Every time I come here, the changed county boy will read the latest chapter to the emperor. Every time he listens to the changed county boy's story, the emperor is very quiet. Occasionally, he will have a sudden inspiration and call you by your name! "

Wei Zhong sighed: "Now, the Supreme Emperor doesn't know anyone, and the only one who can still call out his name is you!" Hearing this, Qin Mowo felt uncomfortable in his heart. The old man has to be strong all his life, and he will suffer in his old age.

But even if he forgot everyone, he was not forgotten.

He suppressed the sadness in his heart, but Wei Zhong was still talking, as if he wanted to tell Qin Mo all the grievances he had suffered these days.

Qin Mo listened carefully. He knew very well that if the old man was gone, he would never see the old man again.

Seeing him once is one less time. It will be difficult to see him in the future.

"Old Wei, if one day you leave the palace and can live your own life, what will you do?" Qin Mo asked.

Wei Zhong was stunned, "We don't have that chance, the Supreme Emperor."

"What if there is a chance?" Qin Mo said.

Wei Zhong fell into deep thought, "I never thought that I was a servant of the Li Mansion in my early years. At first, I was still a young master, then I became a master, and finally I became the emperor.

Old slave, I have served the Supreme Emperor all my life.

I have never thought about what life would be like if I left.

I can’t imagine what the situation is like. Being helpless and childless, what is the difference between being a rootless duckweed?
Might as well die! "

Wei Zhong devoted his whole life to Li Yuan, and he could not imagine the days when Li Yuan was not around.

He was also mentally prepared.

People are going to die anyway.

What difference does it make if you die two years earlier or two years later?
A rootless duckweed like him can only find his home if he stays with his master!

"You never thought about letting others take care of you?"

"There are so many of them. All the sons and grandsons who follow the Supreme Emperor are working hard to serve him!" Wei Zhong showed off with a smile, like a proud old naughty boy.

Qin Mo nodded, "I understand, if you figure it out, I will take care of you in your old age!"

There were faint tears in Wei Zhong's eyes. He watched Qin Mo walk in and murmured: "Captain Qin's consort, this old slave has a life, how can he afford it!"

Qin Mo's steps were very slow, but when he saw Li Yuan, who was lying on the bed and looked thin and out of shape, he felt indescribably uncomfortable.

He stood still, a little unable to move forward, and even a little unsure how to face it.

That cute little old man, why is this happening?

He took a deep breath, put on a smile that was uglier than crying, and sat on the edge of the bed, "Old man, I'm back!"

He held his withered palm, which was particularly painful. His hand was so cold that it was like holding a piece of dry firewood.

But the old man didn't have any peculiar smell and was dressed decently, which showed how carefully Wei Zhong took care of him.

The little old man stared at Qin Mo with his bubbly eyes, full of doubts and a little fear.

He opened his mouth and screamed, as if asking, "Who is your kid?"

"I, Jingyun, your grandson-in-law is back!"

Qin Mo sniffed, "Old man, do you still remember me?"

The little old man stared at Qin Mo intently, as if thinking. A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but the surprise quickly disappeared, replaced by confusion and emptiness.

(End of this chapter)

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