big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1407 A different ending of the novel!

Chapter 1407: A different ending to the novel!

Qin Mo held the box and said: "Don't move the other things yet, keep them, the old man will need them in the future!"

Wei Zhong smiled bitterly and nodded silently, "Sure!"

It was almost evening when we left the palace.

There was no one in the house, but someone came from Qinzhuang and asked when Qin Mo would be there.

Qin Mo locked himself in the study and did not allow anyone to come near.

Then I opened the box. There were many things in the box, including sunglasses, magnifying glasses, reading glasses, telescopes, small steam engine models, airplane models, pipes, and walnuts.
These are the old man's favorite gadgets in the past, and most of them were given to him by Qin Mo.

There is also a pile of manuscripts inside, which are from "Da Qian Han Son-in-law", but they are different from the manuscripts that Li Xin later wrote.

He flipped through it, and there were dozens of chapters, and the last scene happened to be the [-]th chapter. The handwriting became more and more sloppy. Compared with the previous chapters, the handwriting was much worse, but it did not affect reading.

This is the old man's manuscript.

He took a deep breath and looked at it from the beginning seriously.

He watched from day to night, and after reading the last chapter, Qin Mo took a long breath, "Is it a happy ending but a sad ending?

Old man, have you seen the results a long time ago? "

He was silent for a long time and carefully put away the manuscript paper. If these dozens of manuscripts were circulated, I don't know how much trouble it would cause.

He rubbed his swollen head and looked at the pile of things and the manuscript. He knew exactly what Li Yuan wanted to say to him.

Li Yuan is such a good elder.

He put them back into the box.

Then he said to Xiao Gao: "Tell them to Lingnan that I won't go back. Ask someone to escort them back to Beijing, but they must not be taken lightly. If something goes wrong, they must evacuate immediately."

Qin Mo was in a bad mood. At this time, Gao Yao didn't ask too many questions.

After Gao Yao went down, Qin Mo looked at the beams and said, "This is my home. Why can't I feel relaxed anymore?"

He thought of Fang Xuan.

Where did this woman go? Should she show up after all this time?
His thoughts were a little confused, and then he wrote and drew in the study, and issued many orders.

The next day, Qin Mo rarely got up early and headed to Qinzhuang.

Although Qinzhuang is in the capital, it is an independent place with a prosperity that does not belong here.

There is retro, there is technology, and the era is seriously divided.

Steam locomotives roared from above, and the underground lane was bright even without the biogas lamps turned on.

Above, there are countless light-transmitting mirrors.

It can transmit light and evenly illuminate sunlight.

This can be regarded as solving the problem of insufficient biogas.

After dark, there is no operation here. If it is rainy, turning on the biogas lamp can save a lot of energy.

Passers-by are in a hurry and of different races.

Qin Zhuang has already produced rubber, but rubber is also called black gold. It is still a rare thing and very expensive, and Qin Mo intends to control it.

What he saw and heard along the way made Qin Mo feel like he was returning to his previous life.

If it weren't for the fact that most of them were wearing long robes and the men had beards or turbans, Qin Mo would have thought that this was a newly built ancient city somewhere, or a film and television city.

Come to the Qin tribe.

At this time, the Qin tribe can be called the best tribe in the world.

The Qin clan has grown from 4000 people in the past to more than [-] to [-] people. Children are banging on the ground, and every child is rewarded.

There are also dedicated people to take care of you.Of course, the real Qin people only account for half.

However, these Qin people are so powerful that they have become the mainstay not only in official circles, but also in business.

Scientific research and agriculture dominate, and they also control public opinion.

Qin Mo was frightened when he saw it.

"Youmo, you're back!" Qin Xianggui held a cane and walked slowly.

But the little old man was in good spirits and spoke with great energy. He was so excited when he looked at Qin Mo. If Qin Mo hadn't been quick, he would have knelt down at that time.

"Clan leader, long time no see!" Qin Mo quickly handed over his hand.

"Everyone has been waiting for you for a long time!" Qin Xianggui held Qin Mo's hand excitedly, "Hey, if you come back a year or two later, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you!"

Qin Mo hurriedly helped him, "Clan leader, why are you on crutches?"

"Don't mention it. The ground was slippery during the rainy season. I accidentally fell. My old bones were useless. I fell on the bed and rested for more than half a year!" Qin Xianggui said.

"No one is left at home?" Qin Mo frowned.

"Why stay? There are so many people in the clan, and there are many people to take care of me." Qin Xianggui waved his hands and said proudly: "I have heard all about it, our Qin clan can be regarded as a glorious ancestor now.

After I die and go see my ancestors, I can pat my chest and say, I passed the test! "

Qin Xianggui and Qin Xiangru are of the same generation, but they are more than ten years older than Lao Qin. The Qin people's life was not very good in the early years, and it was only after they came to the capital that life gradually got better.

This little old man has no culture, but he has the whole Qin clan in a tightrope.

No matter what kind of person you are outside, you must be honest within the clan.

The Qin clan’s clan custom was brought about by this little old man.

"You are definitely qualified!" Qin Mo smiled.

"With your words, my death is worth it. I just miss your father a little bit, and I don't know if I will have the chance to see him in this life. I really want to kneel down and kowtow to him." Qin Xianggui said with a look of regret. I don’t know if your dad looks handsome in that outfit!”

"You will definitely see my father. You must take a good rest. I will send you there when the time comes. When you get there, I will let you wear a four-clawed python robe!" Qin Mo said.

"Oh, I don't dare!" Qin Xianggui chuckled, but his eyes were full of hope. In fact, Qin Xiangru had already made him king. He felt that his life was really worth it and he had no regrets.

I just want to see the emperor of Qin before I die.

The two chatted all the way to the Qin Ancestral Hall.

Once inside, the door was closed and all the core members knelt down.

"What are you doing?" Qin Mo said quickly: "Get up, get up quickly!"

Qin Xianggui said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, we are all our own people, it doesn't matter if we kneel down, let them get used to it in advance!"

"Clan leader, it's better to keep a low profile here, the walls have ears!" Qin Mo said.

"I see that bitch dares to eat everything inside and outside. How much hardship have we, the Qin people, suffered along the way?
In the early years, I didn’t even have enough to eat!

Even the ancestral land has been invaded!
After finally taking off, let me see who dares to harm our Qin clan, I will be the first to spare him! Qin Xianggui pointed at them, "Everyone counts!" "

Everyone is not a fool. The Ming Dynasty is in the west, and the empire is as huge as the Ming Dynasty.

It was created by the Qin people.

As long as this is over, how can they lose their future?

Can working for others be the same as working for yourself?

Qin Xianggui took Qin Mo's hand and said, "I'm getting old too, and this clan leader can't do it anymore. From now on, I'll leave it to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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