big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1408: Bring glory to Ming Dynasty!

Chapter 1408: Bring glory to Ming Dynasty!
"Clan leader, I can't take this position!" Qin Mo quickly refused. If he wanted to take the position, it would be his father.

"Prince, your father is His Majesty now. Logically speaking, he should be the leader of the clan, but he has many things to do, and there are so many people in our clan, so it's a mess.

If it were your father, oh no, your Majesty would have to worry a lot if he came to be the clan leader.

So it's best if you do it. "Qin Xianggui said.

"Prince, please continue to lead me and wait!" Everyone knelt down again!
This time Qin Xianggui also knelt down.

"Hey, you guys." Qin Mo was speechless. He quickly helped Qin Xianggui and said to the others: "Okay, okay, get up, I'll take over the clan leader!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, Prince!" Everyone stood up one after another and looked at Qin Xiangru. They were all very energetic and indescribably excited.

Everyone has a feeling of being a 'hero from the dragon'.

In fact, letters have already arrived from the Ming Dynasty, and the first batch of heroes within the clan have been decided.

And the first batch of heroes also went to the Daimyo, and all of them were high-ranking officials and well-paid, but they were extremely envious.

Counting the time, the list of the second batch of heroes is coming soon. Many people have packed their packages and are ready to leave.

"Prince, please take a seat!" Qin Xianggui took Qin Mo's hand, sat in the patriarch's exclusive seat, and stood aside, "Please give me some advice from the patriarch!"

Everyone was slightly hunched over, with their hands in front of them, extremely obedient.

It was rare for them to see Qin Mo on weekdays, especially some of the young core disciples, who were extremely excited when they saw Qin Mo.

Qin Mo was also someone who had seen big scenes. He coughed dryly and said, "Okay, let me say a few words.

We have worked hard these past two years. We have done enough for the country and the people.

We were born in Daqian and grew up in Daqian. This country is kind to us.

But over the years, the things we have left behind are enough to offset this kindness.

Therefore, one day, when we leave here, we don’t need to feel any burden.

We just pursue our ideals.

The Ming Dynasty stands on the west side, with a population of tens of millions, and is in urgent need of everyone's construction.

But there is always a sequence when leaving Daqian, so please restrain your anxiety.

Follow my orders and I will evacuate everyone in an orderly manner.

In the future, I hope everyone will continue to abandon all prejudices and build Ming Dynasty!

On behalf of all of Daming, thank you all! "

Qin Mo stood up and bowed to the ground!
Everyone was flattered and even knelt on the ground. There were several older clan members who had come from the Qin clan's most difficult time.

She even burst into tears, "God is really blessing me, the Qin Clan!"

However, more people yearn for the Ming Dynasty.

They have seen a corner of the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty from the newspapers and pictures sent by the Ming Dynasty.

That's a great country.

And they will soon be the builders of this great country.

And this country has the same last name as them.

Qin Ming!

At that moment, the supreme glory came to them. Even if they were allowed to die at this moment, they would not hesitate at all!
"Long live the Ming Dynasty! A thousand lives, His Royal Highness!" Someone shouted!
Then everyone shouted.

Fortunately, this is the core place of the Qin clan, and there are people guarding it within a 500-meter radius.

Otherwise, just wait and get shot.

Qin Mo didn't feel guilty, but he always felt like a peasant uprising.

After the lecture, everyone worshiped their ancestors together, and then discussed moving the ancestral tombs to the Ming Dynasty in advance.

Qin Mo still has to make the final decision on this matter. "Leave a tomb here and send people from the clan to move the ancestral tombs. If you have enough time, move as many ancestral tombs as possible from every family!" Qin Mo said: "Other than that, let's slowly send away the wives, children, and children. "

Qin Mo gave orders in an orderly manner. Every order was written down, and then there were dedicated people in the clan to arrange it.

This is the execution ability of the Qin clan, and they will never be sloppy.

After walking out of the Qin clan's ancestral hall, Qin Mo looked at the Qin clan's rules and the list of shame on the ancestral hall.

In the past few years since these two lists appeared, there have been no more than twenty people on the list of shame.

Passing through the Qin Clan Land is Qinzhuang School.

Qin Wei still serves as the mountain chief here.

Further ahead is the Qin Clan's scientific research base. Qin, Qin Kong is over there.

The latest scientific research results come from here.

More advanced weapons and more productive breeds are the hardest bones that the Qin people have cracked.

He called the three people over.

Now after years of baptism, the three of them have long since faded away from their original youthfulness and become tenacious.

"I've met my uncle!" The three of them knelt down one after another.

"You three, are you going to meet me?" Qin Mo held up his hands.

The three of them couldn't help but laugh. They could feel the majesty on Qin Mo's body, but the majesty was not serious. The uncle was still the same uncle as before, and it did not change because of his change in status.

"Come here and sit down!" Qin Mo sat in the pavilion and poured tea for the three of them.

The three of them were a little flattered, but they still sat down opposite Qin Mo obediently.

Qin Mo looked at Qin Wei, "Have you done what you promised back then?"

Qin Wei said: "I did it, thank you uncle, being an official is not the only way out!"

Back then, he wanted to be an official, but Qin Mo didn't allow it, and instead told him to find another way.

Although there were many difficulties along the way, he also found his direction in life.

Qin Weishan Chief of the Qin Clan, known as Mr. Qin Clan, is a mountain leader in Xinxue.

If Qin Mo is a saint, he is the sub-sage!

Very high status.

"Okay, then I'm relieved!" Qin Mo nodded and looked at Qin again, "Have you realized your value?"

Qin Liao was as if he had been injected with chicken blood, "I have discovered my own way, thank you uncle!"

Back then, he was just a blacksmith, developing weapons under Qin Mo's guidance.

He has a share of the credit for this great success.

From weapons to people's livelihood, nothing can escape his shadow.

He is now also the second sub-sage of the Qin clan, and the second insurmountable mountain in Xinxue.

"Very good!" Qin Mo nodded, looked at Qin Kong, and said with a smile: "I, the Qin Clan's countless living saints, how about you?"

Qin Kong's face flushed with excitement, and he hurriedly raised his hands and said: "Uncle, I don't dare to call you a saint in front of me. If it weren't for uncle, Yan would be where Qin Kong is today.

My uncle is the real saint! "

Isn't it Qin Mo's credit for him being a farm boy to become a saint among the people?

Among their three brothers, one teaches and educates people, one does scientific research, and the other feeds the world. If it weren't for Qin Mo's guidance, would they have achieved what they have today?
Don't forget to dig wells when drinking water.

Qin Mo is the real saint!
"You three don't need to belittle yourselves. Your current achievements are indispensable for your own efforts!" Qin Mo said: "You are the pride of the Qin clan, and I am equally proud of you. Now, it is time to bring the glory to the Ming Dynasty!
Are you ready? "

(End of this chapter)

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