big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1409 The Sun and Moon Ceremony!

Chapter 1409 The Sun and Moon Ceremony!

All three of them were shocked, and then they all bowed, "Yes!"

"Okay, let's get ready, it's only been a few months!" Qin Mo was very satisfied. The three seeds he sown back then have now grown into towering trees, which can provide shelter for the Qin people and the Ming Dynasty. Take shelter from the rain.

The three of them were also excited. They didn't think there was anything wrong. At first, no one wanted to leave their hometown and go thousands of miles away to start a career.

They forced me, so my uncle had to leave a way out.

Facts have proved that my uncle was right.

Is your uncle rebellious?


They just want to live, what's the problem?
Are they only allowed to kill donkeys and not cut off their arms to survive?
Qin Wei is a reasonable person who can be trusted to take revenge when he has a grudge and complain when he has a grudge.

If Qin Mo and Qin Xiangru hadn't been suppressing him, he would have shaken his arms and fucked him.

Qin Kong, Qin Liao, needless to say, one controls the most powerful weapons in the world, and the other controls countless grains of living people.

It was they who single-handedly created Daqian’s prosperity.

Are those thousands of divine cannons fake?

not really!

"Come on, let me see how everyone has grown in these days!"

"Uncle please!" Qin Wei led the way and soon arrived at the genius class of the Qin tribe. There were a thousand people in this genius class, one-third of whom were children of the Qin tribe, and the remaining two-thirds were Smart children everywhere have one characteristic: they are all orphans.

"Uncle, these geniuses are the guarantee for the future of the Qin clan. Each one of them is a one-in-a-million genius!
Because of the issue of concealment, we cannot select talents on a large scale.

But the second batch of geniuses has already reported to Lingnan.

We'll round up five thousand of the brightest kids before we leave. "

Genius is important, young genius is even more important.

Dagan is a big country with many talents of all kinds. In the past, Dagan did not pay much attention to them, but now they are basically attracted to Qinzhuang.

Some people have already gone to Daqian, and some are loyal to Daqian. Qin Mo does not expect them all to follow him.

"In addition, the latest textbook has been compiled. Based on your original compilation, one-half of the content has been added. After graduation, you can choose to continue your studies for two years."

"Isn't this just the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Yes, it's the postgraduate entrance examination!"

Qin Wei took Qin Mo to the teaching material room.

Looking at the neatly arranged textbooks, which still smelled like ink, he picked up an advanced arithmetic book and read it, barely able to understand the formulas inside.

But I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out at all.

Then he picked up a book of Advanced Chemistry. This book was relatively thin. After all, it took less than six years from the time Qin Mo proposed the concept of chemistry to the establishment of a subject.

The first teachers were alchemy Taoist priests and some alchemists he captured from various places.

"Amazing!" Qin Mo said.

With this thing, it is only a matter of time before modern industrial innovation starts.

Mandarin remains unchanged.

Qin Wei smiled modestly, "I'm just following my uncle's orders." "You can't say that. I asked you to cultivate a genius. If you cultivate it, you can't take all the credit for it. I'm just behind the scenes. You pushed me, but you are not a direct participant, so you take all the credit!" Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, it was so easy to just touch his lips, but how difficult is it to do it to this extent?
For example, compiling textbooks requires a country's efforts. Just look at Qin Wei's white hair, and you can tell how tired he is.

In this era when you can call yourself an old man at the age of 40, Qin Wei is really great!

"In addition, according to my uncle's instructions, we have collected more than [-] books. In the next five years, we will work together to create a treasure book that covers all walks of life and all aspects!

This condenses the national destiny of the Ming Dynasty! Qin Wei said: "At present, we have compiled more than a hundred tests, totaling more than five million words!" "

Qin Mo was shocked. Isn't this the Daqian version of the 'Yongle Dadian'?
Just when he was surprised, Qin Wei took Qin Mo to a more hidden place and took out the book.

The book has a large page and thick paper. There are four small words at the bottom of the page: Sun and Moon Book!

The sun and the moon combine to form the Ming Dynasty, so it is also called the Great Ming Book!
He read a few pages and was so shocked that he couldn't speak. After mumbling for a long time, he said sincerely: "Awesome!"

Good guy, this guy did such a big thing without saying a word. Not only is he awesome, he is awesome!

Qin Wei smiled shyly. The hardships and difficulties along the way were all worth it with this compliment from his uncle.

Qin Mo looked at Qin Wei, "What official title did my father give you?"

"Back to my uncle, my grandfather made me a minister of the Ministry of Rites, and also made my father a hereditary and irreplaceable county king!"

"My dad is not picky!" Qin Mo nodded. The six divisions of the Ming Dynasty were clear. There were six elders of the Pavilion above, and education was also divided under the Ministry of Rites. It is quite good to appoint Qin Wei as the minister of the Ministry of Rites. "Waiting for the editor After the Sun and Moon Ceremony, you will become the Minister of Rites!"

"Thank you for your kindness, uncle, but my nephew only wants to teach and educate people, and does not want to be a minister!" Qin Weida said.

"Okay, I won't force you, but you still have to be the wine drinker for the Imperial Academy!" Qin Mo didn't give Qin Wei a chance to refuse, and walked away.

Qin Wei smiled bitterly and could only agree.

After visiting Qinzhuang School, Qin Mo came to Qinzhuang Object Center.

What catches the eye is still the huge artificial lake and the scattered buildings.

Qin Liao asked: "Uncle, do you want to see the latest weapons results or scientific research results?"

"Don't worry about weapons, let's take a look at the latest scientific research results!"

"Uncle, please come with me!"

Qin Liao took Qin Mo to the newly built building in the past two years. Instead of going up, he entered the third underground floor.

The orange light was bright and not dazzling. Qin Mo looked up and didn't care, but the next second, he became excited.

"Light bulb, did you successfully generate electricity?" Qin Mo was extremely excited.

"Living up to my uncle's high expectations, we actually succeeded in generating electricity a year ago, but the use of electricity at that time was still poor.

I just wanted to get familiar with the characteristics of electricity, and then compiled an internal electricity usage code! "Qin Liao took out a book that was not too thick.

Qin Mo looked at it seriously, "Okay, great. With this thing, Ming Dynasty will be completely invincible."

He looked at the lights above his head. It was not easy. He had been preparing for this for who knows how long.

Qin Liao was also very happy, and then he pushed open the heavy door on the third floor of the basement and opened the light inside, which instantly illuminated the entire basement.

There is an ultra-small thermal power generation model placed here.

In the middle is the smoke exhaust channel.

Qin Liao explained the small power generation equipment to Qin Mo in detail, and then said: "Currently, this small power generation equipment can only maintain the power consumption of the three underground floors, but the technology has been fully formed!"

(End of this chapter)

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