big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1410 Excited Qin Mo

Chapter 1410 Excited Qin Mo

"Amazing, really amazing!" Qin Mo knew very well that the emergence of steam engines and electricity would accelerate industrial and social development.

Give Ming Dynasty 30 years, maybe we can fly back in the future.

“Currently, this small thermal power generation equipment uses direct current, and the use of alternating current is almost explored.

The hydroelectric power generation mentioned by my uncle is also being explored. "

"Don't worry, it's amazing that you can achieve this step." Qin Mo knew very well how many people had worked hard to create this small thermal power generation equipment.

Take circuits as an example. If it were not for the synthesis of rubber, there would be no quality improvement.

If he remembered correctly, they were all bare wires at first, insulated with air.Then we started using paint, and then fibers (that is, silk, linen) appeared in sequence.

Later, substitutes such as rubber and resin began to be used.

Take copper wire as an example. Industrial technology is not up to standard, and it is difficult to twist out qualified wires.

"This is another great invention, boy, great job!" Qin Mo hooked Qin Lie's shoulder, his excitement was palpable.

Qin Liao was a little at a loss, "I, I followed the instructions left by my uncle, because there was a general direction from the beginning, and I just needed to keep trying and making mistakes."

"Okay, don't be modest. This thermal power generation must be brought to Ming Dynasty as soon as possible to build factories. We must make every household in the capital of Ming Dynasty have access to electricity." Qin Mo circled around the small power generation equipment again. Then he withdrew his gaze with satisfaction, "Before you leave, dismantle this power generation equipment. I will build a museum in the future to commemorate your contribution!"

Qin Liao's face turned red, "Thank you, uncle!"

"Let's go up and see your other achievements!" Qin Mo was in a very good mood. Qin Liao was really reliable in his work. He used mature supporting technology and saved a lot of troubles.

You can use it directly after you get it from Daming, which is so worry-free.

Afterwards, Qin Liao took Qin Mo to another research room. On display here was the latest steam engine. Compared with the previous two versions, it was smaller, more powerful, and equipped with circuits.

In other words, it can still be opened after dark.

"Good boy, you have learned to draw inferences from one case to another!" Qin Mo smiled from ear to ear. With this thing, his efficiency has been greatly improved.

"It's a pity that the internal combustion engine material requirements are too high. So far, hundreds of thousands of taels of silver have been spent. The general operation method is almost figured out, but the materials are not up to standard!" Qin Liao sighed: "Sixteen The prince is a genius, but he is also stumped by the materials at this time."

"Then try it slowly. You can't eat it and become a big fat man!" With steam engines and electricity, Qin Mo didn't care about internal combustion engines for a while.

There was a gap of nearly three centuries between the emergence of the steam engine and the internal combustion engine. Even with the guidance of future generations, the industrial development itself is here.

Even in Qin Mo's time, the internal combustion engine technology had been mature, but there was a gap in the use of materials. This was an indisputable fact.

Qin Liao also breathed a sigh of relief, "Uncle, please rest assured, I will definitely work hard to develop an internal combustion engine as soon as possible!"

After leaving the steam engine room, we immediately came to the gunpowder room and saw the latest gunpowder and various mind-numbing war weapons.

The Qin rifle has been updated to the fourth generation, and its appearance is more like the AK I saw in my previous life. When a bullet is dropped, an elephant will fall to the ground.

This is nothing.

What really made Qin Mo's scalp numb was the improvement of the cannon.

Different from the cumbersomeness of general cannons, the latest cannons already have the outline of later heavy artillery.

The four big rubber tires indicate that the big guy in front of you can be pulled along. It is said that it can hit the longest distance of twenty miles.

Never underestimate the human desire to kill.

Twenty miles, Qin Mo can let them run nineteen miles first!

But the biggest role of this thing should be on the coastline and fleet.

With a range of twenty miles, it can crush almost all weapons in the world.There is also a rocket launcher that is said to be able to hit three miles away. In short, it is very powerful.

Then there is the update of individual soldier equipment.

Qin Mo came out of the scientific research center, his whole body was excited.

With these technical reserves, given two years to Ming Dynasty, there will be no more opponents in the world.

Qin Liao was also very careful in his work. After a technology came out, he could send people and materials to the Ming Dynasty without delaying even a day.

"Needless to say, the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry must belong to you. You must take the top spot in the world of inquiry!"

"Uncle, I, I."

"That `s a deal!"

Qin Mo stretched himself. The six departments had centralized power. Although reforms had been made, the division of labor was still not very clear. This still needs to be changed.

Qin Mo kept this in mind and immediately asked: "What official position is your father in the Ming Dynasty?"

"Uncle, I am also a hereditary and irreplaceable county king!"

"Well!" Qin Mo touched his chin, "Let's do this. After returning to Ming Dynasty, we will set up a scientific research bank and you will be the president. I will invest a large amount of funds in this bank specifically to support the development of Gewu.

If you are in contact with this area all year round, you can promote it better. "

"Thank you, uncle!"

"Don't thank me. Every time you develop a new weapon in the future, you can get dividends from it. Ming Dynasty will not forget any hero who benefits the country!" The reason for this idea is to encourage and motivate. As long as a good Closed loop, these high-end talents have the passion to engage in research and development.

After finishing speaking, Qin Mo's eyes fell on Qin Kong, "Xiao Kongkong, it's you in the end!"

Qin Kong's face was dark and red. He had been running around in the fields all year round, which made Qin Kong black and looked like a small farmer in the fields.

"Uncle, let's go to the experimental field!"

The experimental field is some distance away from the scientific research center, so a group of people took a carriage and came here.

Moreover, the experimental field is tied to the Daqian Agricultural College, and there are many people from the Daqian Engineering Department inside.

However, Qin Kong has a high status and prestige, and has a large exclusive experimental field.

As soon as they arrived here, many children of the Qin tribe were here to study research reports and observe the growth of plants.

“At present, the detoxification technology for sweet potatoes and potatoes has matured, and the yields of sweet potatoes and potatoes have been further guaranteed.

On top of that, I'm also breeding new varieties, which takes time. "

Speaking of this, Qin Kong blushed. Compared with Qin Wei and Qin, his research results are not very great. "Currently, all my energy is focused on hybrid rice. Secondly, there is also saline-alkali land rice, but the research is very little." .

Please punish me uncle! "

Seeing Qin Kong dejected, Qin Mo frowned, "Why should I punish you? Do you know how great what you have done is?

Moreover, agriculture is not something that can be accomplished in one go.

If one cluster is enough, does it still need spring plowing and autumn harvest?

Wouldn't it be nice to just throw a handful of seeds into the ground and wait for the harvest at home?

Little Kongkong, let me tell you, you are not allowed to have such thoughts! "

(End of this chapter)

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