big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1411 Another tree house!

Chapter 1411 Return to the tree house!

"Uncle, I, I have failed to live up to your expectations!" Qin Kong said.

"Do you think that if you plant a grain yield of several thousand kilograms per acre today, you will be worthy of me?" Qin Mo asked back.

Qin Kong lowered his head and said nothing, obviously thinking so.

“I remember that a few years ago, the fields around Daqian Capital could only yield three to four hundred kilograms per acre, but now the yield per mu is more than 700 kilograms, which has almost doubled.

This extra food means that we can feed twice as many people, not counting crops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Even if we obtain potato and sweet potato grain seeds from overseas, without you developing detoxification technology and without you systematically producing crop manuals, would there be a situation where the warehouse is full of grain?
These are all things that need to be eaten. If you suddenly produce rice with a yield of several thousand kilograms per acre, I won’t dare to eat it!

In just a few years, you have accomplished such a big undertaking. To be honest, it is far beyond my imagination.

I thought at the time, if you could cultivate better grain seeds within 20 years, it would be considered fast.

But you are stronger than I thought. "

Qin Mo paused at this point, "You three are equal to my Qin clan, the Ming Dynasty's three million-strong army. With you three here, I feel at ease and I don't have to worry about people's livelihood, food, and industrial development."

He glanced at the other two.

Qin Wei and Qin Liao were both moved.

Qin Kong's eyes were a little moist, "I can't bear my uncle's praise!"

"I said if you can afford it, you can afford it!" Qin Mo patted his shoulder, "I'll give you a task. Based on the existing grain varieties, cultivate grains that are more resistant to drought and saline-alkali soil. Plant it.

When the country suddenly suffers a severe drought or faces a catastrophe, rice can grow quickly, with two or even three crops a year.

If you do this, your life will be over!
But this is a long-term task. Don’t think that it will be done in one cluster in three to five years. It’s not that beautiful.

Just like Ah Wei, until now, he has not even cultivated the first batch of complete talents.

It takes ten years to build people, and a hundred years of trees.

How can it be so easy to succeed in cultivating talents?

It took ten years of youth to endure it.

Another example is that it is small. You ask him if the research and development has reached a bottleneck now, just like the steam engine to the internal combustion engine. The model has been completed, but it still cannot be used.

That can only be achieved through continuous trial and error.

It may take three to five years, or it may take 50 years to achieve a technological breakthrough. "

Qin Wei nodded, "My uncle is talking about it. Speaking of which, none of the students I teach have graduated yet!"

Qin Liao also smiled bitterly and said: "Most of these were given by my uncle. If my uncle hadn't given us the general direction and we had to do it from scratch, I don't know how long it would have taken.

Moreover, I am afraid tens of millions of taels of silver have been burned over the years.

Now, we have indeed reached a research and development bottleneck.

Just like the airplane my uncle mentioned, the model has been out for a long time, but the internal combustion engine has not yet been seen.

Even if the internal combustion engine comes out, it will take countless debuggings to know whether the aircraft can fly.

This process cannot be achieved overnight.

I have already done it, ten years, decades of fighting every day! "

Qin Kong looked at the two of them and nodded silently.

"It's okay, kid, but don't show it in front of me!" Qin Mo hooked his shoulder and said with a smile: "I'm not in a hurry, so you don't have to be in a hurry. Just remember, you are stepping forward now." Every step you take is to lay the foundation for what comes next, and that’s enough.”

"Thank you, uncle!" Qin Kong breathed a sigh of relief.After saying goodbye to the three of them, Qin Mo came to the study house again. There were a lot of weeds next to the house he and the old man built.

Although there are people cleaning here on weekdays, they don't dare to go too deep.

Because there are too many things that Li Yuan likes inside.

The treehouses have been unoccupied for a long time and are a bit stained. "Xiao Gao, go get some paint and paint these treehouses again. There are also weeds that need to be pulled out. That little old man is a bit mysophobic!"
If you don’t have enough people, go find someone from the clan! "

With that said, Qin Mo took off his shoes and went in, then cleaned carefully.

Gao Yao called many people to pull weeds and paint. In one afternoon, the front and back of the house were neat and orderly.

Qin Mo sat down on the floor, tea was brewing on the short table next to him.

The peach blossoms in the backyard have withered and are bearing fruit.

The big tree took out its buds and leaned out.

A gust of warm wind blew away the fatigue. He had a book in his hand, which contained many things.

It writes about things that happened when he was young, very detailed, including Li Shilong, Prince Jian, and everyone around him commented on them one by one.

The book was placed neatly on the desk in the study, for fear that Qin Mo would not see it.

Then a piece of paper was pressed with a paperweight at the top, with four big words written on it: "Writing Materials!"

"Old man, you are greedy. I have already written "The Heroes of Zhou Qian" and "Daqian Shuanglong", and you still want me to write them? It's a bit shameless!"

Qin Mo said: "If I write too much about one subject, readers will get tired of it and say I have no new ideas. They are so cunning!

No, after returning to Beijing, I heard those people were scolding me! "

Qin Mo closed the book, drank tea, put the book under his arm, and hurriedly left and entered the palace as if he had made a decision.

Li Shilong was having a meal when he saw Qin Mo coming over and said quickly: "Jingyun, you came just in time. Come and have dinner with me."

"Okay!" Qin Mo didn't refuse. He sat opposite Li Shilong and served the food. It wasn't delicacies, but home-cooked dishes.

For Lao Liu's body, it would be difficult to digest if he eats too much of these things.

Qin Mo didn't mind it either, and started eating it enthusiastically.

"You bitch, can't you leave some for me?" Li Shilong couldn't help but pick up his chopsticks faster. This bitch was so fast that he didn't even intend to leave any for him.

Weng and son-in-law stared at each other as if they were competing.

Qin Mo finished the boss's bowl in less than ten bites.

"Hey, ancestor, please slow down, don't choke!" Gao Shilian quickly handed over a bowl of mung bean soup.


Qin Mo finished it in two or three mouthfuls, then fell back with satisfaction, and a long burp resounded through the Tai Chi Palace, "It's great~"

Li Shilong also ate until his stomach was full, and then he fell back with a long burp. He refused to admit defeat at all, "It's all your fault that I didn't have enough to eat!"

"There are no pastries there, they are all yours, I won't argue with you!" Qin Mo took the dental floss and started picking his teeth.

Li Shilong's face turned green. He usually only ate one bowl of food, but he just ate three large bowls for the first time, and he was already full.

"Do I still need you to give in to this piece of shit? Come on, I'll give you half of it, let's see who can eat it faster!"

(End of this chapter)

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