big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1413 Qin Mo’s secret method

Chapter 1413 Qin Mo’s secret method
The little old man has lost weight, and it doesn't seem to weigh much on his back.

The moment he stepped out of Da'an Palace, the little old man's eyes seemed to have a little more sparkle.

However, he was too tired, his head drooped on Qin Mo's shoulder, and his breathing seemed heavy and labored.

Qin Mo walked steadily, fearing that it would be too bumpy and make the little old man on his back uncomfortable.

Just go all the way north to the White Tiger Gate, where there is a railway exclusive to the palace.

There are biogas lamps along the way, so you don’t have to worry about it being too dark.

After Qin Mo got into the car and the car started to move, Li Shilong turned back.

For some reason, as soon as Li Yuan left the palace, he seemed to feel empty in his heart.

Li Shilong shook his head and said: "In my whole life, I have always been filial, but most of them have been done. He is different, he is really filial.

In the past, I always felt that his filial piety was somewhat deliberate, but I don’t feel that now.

Even if he is pretending, I can't find anything wrong with him at all.

Qin Mo, the most filial person in the world, my good son-in-law, I am not as good as you! "

Hearing this, Gao Shilian and Dagou both tacitly stopped and did not dare to follow too closely.

Instead, they left an open space. They didn't dare to listen to this.

Gao Shilian couldn't help but look at the big dog. The two looked at each other and separated unhappily.

The news that the Supreme Emperor had left the palace quickly spread within the palace.

When Empress Gongsun learned about this, she stood up suddenly and said, "Why is this child so mischievous? Your Majesty, why is he also misbehaving like this?"

But after listening carefully to the content of the imperial edict, she became quiet again and couldn't help but sigh, "Why would you take that risk, kid?

Everyone knows your heart!
Yes, he has always been like this, otherwise, I would not be so relieved and trust him. "

After thinking about it, she left the Zhengdian Hall. She should ask questions both emotionally and rationally.

In the East Palace, when Li Yue learned that Li Yuan had left, a strange look flashed in his eyes, "Isn't he afraid of death? Does he have to prove his filial piety to the world?
Damn, I'm just pretending.

No one is more cunning than you, you are more cunning than Gongsun Wuji!
What a fool, you are such a fool!

However, how could you, being so smart, do such a stupid thing? "

Li Yue was really puzzled. The emperor's capital was like that, and the soil was already buried up to his neck. Why bother?
"It seems that he really regards himself as a filial person. Do you really think that there are no traces of what he did?" Li Yue looked at Sanqing in the hall and said sarcastically: "God does evil, but you can live." , It is your own fault and you will not live!”

And the news soon spread out of the palace.

Everyone was surprised. They all knew that the Supreme Emperor was just hanging on for a living.

Everyone hoped that the Supreme Emperor would celebrate his eightieth birthday and then have a happy funeral.

But I didn't expect that Qin Mo would be so brave and take the Supreme Emperor out of the palace.

However, seeing the contents of the imperial edict, each one is a bit complicated.

"I don't understand, I really don't understand!" Gongsun Min said in Zhao Guogong's mansion: "Why would he do such a thankless thing?
Even if this is His Majesty's imperial edict, if something goes wrong, it's still hard to escape the blame. If you want to make trouble, you can still make trouble after all! "

Gongsun Wuji held a big soft elbow in his hand and ate it in an incomprehensible manner.

He didn't like elbow nagging before, but after living in Lingnan for so long, Qin Mo nudged him every day and asked him to nudge him every day. After going back and forth, he unknowingly liked the feeling of elbow nagging.

Qin Mo is so rich, but the best thing he can eat is elbow. Therefore, in Qin Mo's heart, elbow is the most delicious and the highest courtesy.

He bit off a large piece of elbow and wanted to chew it, but Qin Mo's secret method was used to cook the elbow. It was so soft and glutinous that it melted when his tongue licked it.

The fat mixed with lean meat turned into a warm current that went straight down the stomach.

Gongsun Wuji had a look of enjoyment on his face, and when he took a sip of ice-cold Daqianchun, it was so beautiful.

"Do you think he is afraid?" Gongsun Wuji put down his wine glass, "This is Qin Mo. He is such a smart person, and he always does things that are difficult to figure out. Sometimes, I think he is stupid, but After he finished it, I felt stupid, the kind of stupid person who knew no bounds.

Your father and I have been plotting my whole life to plan this world for Your Majesty.

In the end, I went astray and almost went astray.

As a result, Qin Mo did another stupid thing that I didn't understand.

I didn't really understand it before. I always felt that I was lucky and that he didn't dare to do anything to me.

It’s because they are worried about the face from above.

But I stopped thinking that way later. Qin Mo is not a coward.

How could a person be so merciful as a slaughterer?

He is extremely smart, but there are times when he is not smart, which means he has many weaknesses.

But when you want to attack his weakness, you will always feel despicable.

I feel inferior again.

Later I figured out that I was jealous of him.

He also calculated, but he never considered family ties, love, brotherhood, common people, or the weak.

You see him looking like a hedgehog, but how often have you seen him take the initiative to prick someone?

Those are blind people who want to die.

Hedgehogs are amazing.

When sleeping, wrap yourself into a ball, and the softest part will always be inward, but if you open your mouth, you will never be able to eat. "


Gongsun Min thought of that silly little thing.

Then the face turned into Qin Mo. After thinking about it carefully, he laughed out loud again, "It's a hedgehog with a fox's head!"

"This is a metaphor!" Gongsun Wuji nodded, "Those who have attained the Dao will get many help, while those who have lost the Dao will have few. Qin Mo will always stand in the light.

I admire his innocent heart, which is something I don't have.

I also admire his original intention, which really hasn’t changed from beginning to end.

A real man, a real man! "

Speaking of this, Gongsun Wuji said: "Go to the memorial tomorrow to impeach Qin Mo, and ask more people to impeach him together!"

"Yes, dad!" Gongsun Min cupped his hands and said.

"Stop being stuck, I wish you could communicate with me like Qin Mo some time!" Gongsun Wuji picked up a big elbow and threw it away.

Gongsun Min took it with both hands. He was actually a little resistant to the oil in his hands.

"Whenever you can squat at the door of our house with your elbows, watching passers-by eating elbows and drinking wine, without caring about anything, you will be." Gongsun Wuji said: "But don't force yourself , everyone said, if you imitate him, you will inevitably look completely different from him.

This bitch is, in a sense, a perfect person.

Do you know what a perfect person is? "

Gongsun Min nodded first, then shook his head.

"A perfect person is a person who should have died and been enshrined in a temple by the world, but he is still alive and well in the world. This is a perfect person!"

(End of this chapter)

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