big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1414 Bucket List!

Chapter 1414 Bucket List!

"Dad, it's brilliant!" Gongsun Min picked up the big elbow and started talking too. It was really refreshing to take this big mouthful.

"We don't have the ability, so we just have to be half-perfect people. Isn't that asking too much?" Gongsun Wuji said.

"Dad, it's a bit difficult!"

"You have to face the difficulties, you know? When Qin Mo's era passes, it will be your turn!"

"Dad, Qin Mo is the same age as me."

"So what!" Gongsun Wuji smiled, "His era will pass soon, believe me!"

After saying that, he changed the topic and said, "I don't know how your brother is doing outside. I don't know if my eldest grandson is doing well."

Immediately, the father and son started chatting about their daily life.

In the past, this was only Gongsun Chong's treatment, but now it is finally Gongsun Min's turn.

He enjoys this kind of communication very much. In fact, he doesn't care at all whether he is a perfect person or not.

He just wants to be his father's son and make up for his childhood regrets!
Seeing Gongsun Wuji spitting about the past, he thought, "My father is no longer as cold and aloof as before."

On the other side, the news also reached the Zhu Guogong Mansion.

Liu Chenghu didn't know what Qin Mo was going to do for a moment.

Liu Rudao said: "Hey, what on earth is he doing? Why is he going to the muddy water at this time?
Is it possible that he is sure to save the Supreme Emperor? "

"If he can save the Supreme Emperor, he will not be a human, but a god!" Liu Chenghu said: "Forget it, he has his own plans. Boss, you can find a time to ask him what he wants to do!"

Liu Rujian nodded, the atmosphere was a bit dull.

Liu Chenghu stood up and said: "Your mother has been in the palace for so long, and she doesn't know what she is doing. After all, she is still worried about the face of her superiors.

When I go to the palace tomorrow, I will be told that I am seriously ill and Ruyu will be asked to go home to visit relatives. "

"I know, dad!" Liu Rujian said.

Liu Rudao took out the knife, picked up a rag, and wiped it carefully. His dream of killing thousands of people has not been completed yet. I wonder if there is a chance for him to complete this dream this time!

It was getting darker and darker, and the bright moon was shining brightly.

In the courtyard of the tree house.

Qin Mo heated up someone's water, and then took Li Yuan to take a bath in the backyard. Wei Zhong stayed by the side, and Zan Ying drank alone with Ying Ying.

"Old man, are you feeling comfortable? Have you not felt this comfortable for a long time?" Qin Mo wiped him carefully with a towel, "You little old man is also an unlucky person. I told you to take good care of your health a long time ago. You are fine now." , even I don’t recognize him.

If you don’t get sick, after your birthday, I will take you to Lingnan to fish and farm. Wouldn’t that be great?
However, everyone has their own destiny. You have enjoyed things that others have not enjoyed in your life, so it is not a loss.

Don't worry, I will start writing tonight. I have already thought of the title of the book. It is called "My Grandfather is Li Yuan". What do you think?
This time, I will write a book just for you. Long Aotian's cool writing, the kind that guarantees coolness!

I just don’t know if it will sell well! "

"Captain Prince Consort of Qin, if you take action, it will definitely be a hit!" Wei Zhong said with a smile.

"That's not necessarily true. Nowadays, readers are being manipulated. But this time, I wrote it for the old man. I don't care if they like it or not!" Qin Mo curled his lips, "I'm not short of money anyway!"

Zan Ying breathed a sigh of relief, "If I get old and my grandson does this to me, I will die happily!"

"I don't know if your grandson will do this to you, but I know that you will definitely die!" Qin Mo said.

"That makes sense!" Zan Ying stood up, took off his clothes, and then sank down.

"Don't put any more water in here!" Qin Mo reminded.

"No, am I the kind of person without quality?" Zan Ying was about to let go, but Qin Mo reminded him, so he held it back.

"Old Wei, come and help!" Qin Mo said: "The old man is too weak and can't wash for too long!"

Afterwards, the three of them worked together to clean up Li Yuan, and then Qin Mo carried him into the study.

There is a strong wind at the foot of the mountain. When the wind blows, it brings the fragrance of flowers and plants into the room, which makes people feel very relaxed. "Huo, it's quite cool here. You have to cover the old man with two layers of mattresses at night. His hands and feet are cold!" Qin Mo closed a window and stayed with Li Yuan silently until he closed his eyes.

Then I closed the curtains, turned on the kerosene lamp, picked up the pen and started writing.

Write "My grandfather is Li Yuan" on a large piece of paper, Chapter 1!

Behind him, there was a bucket list.

This was what he found in a book when he was looking at the material.

There are many bucket lists written above.

For example: Leave Da'an Palace and live a free and happy life!

Another example is resolving the hatred between father and son with Li Shilong.

And let Li Shilong worship his brother.

Bring back Jing'an's mother-in-law and so on.

There are also some small wishes, which add up to more.

Upon closer inspection, there were dozens of them.

But behind this bucket list, there are still a few unfulfilled wishes.

First: I hope Jingyun can come back to see me!
Second: I hope I will still remember Jingyun when he comes back for my birthday!
Third: I want to take a bath with Jingyun in the hot spring in the tree house.

Fourth: Listen to him talk about a book!

Fifth: I’m watching him write a new book, and he’s on stage!

Sixth: I miss that little thing Tianxin!

Seventh: Don’t be stained with the blood of your loved ones anymore.

Eighth: I hope Jingyun is happy!
Ninth: I hope Jingyun can retire and live the life he wants. If Daqian disappoints him one day, I hope he can leave and leave here!

Tenth: Say to Jingyun personally: I'm sorry!
Before putting pen to paper, Qin Mo checked off his bucket list.

The old man understands better than anyone else and loves him more than anyone else.

Even though he has seen the end of the novel, he still chooses to protect him and hopes that he can live a good life!
Others are not important.

He glanced at Li Yuan, who was sleeping deeply. At this moment, his thoughts surged like a spring, and he wrote like a spirit.

The sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper was particularly powerful.

Wei Zhong was lying on the side, squinting his eyes slightly, but when he saw Qin Mo sitting there, he closed his eyes completely.

He hasn't been this relaxed for a long, long time.

If that person is Qin Mo, even if he sleeps to death, it will be fine!

That night, Qin Mo wrote ten thousand words. During this period, the old man woke up twice. After that, he couldn't stand it anymore and fell asleep for two hours.

At dawn, after the old man had been served, he began to write again.

However, Dou Xuanling and Yu Boshi came early in the morning, wanting to see Qin Mo.

Qin Mo said to Wei Zhong: "Old Wei, tell them that I am very busy and don't have time to see them. Let them play by themselves!"

"Hey, I got it!" Wei Zhong nodded. Last night was the most peaceful sleep he had in the past six months, and he felt much better.

He walked to the courtyard at the door, looked at the two people sitting there, and bowed slightly, "You two have been waiting for a long time. The Prince Consort is busy serving the Emperor and has no time to meet you two.

You two, please help yourself! "

(End of this chapter)

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