big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1415: Don’t expect one person to take advantage of such a good thing

Chapter 1415: Don’t expect one person to take advantage of such a good thing

"This bitch hasn't seen me yet!" Yu Boshi scolded, "If he doesn't see me, I won't leave today!"

Dou Xuanling said: "Come on, let's go. This guy is determined. It's useless for us to say anything!"

"Old Dou, you just don't care?"

"Can I control him?" Dou Xuanling stood up, "He must be able to think of what I can think of. Since he doesn't see us, what are we still doing here?
Let's go back and write a memorial to impeach him! "

Yu Boshi was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh, and shouted inside: "Qin Mo, you are a bitch, you don't see me, just wait, I will impeach you to death!"

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back and walked out of the yard angrily.

He was angry not because Qin Mo didn't see him, but because he was worried about Qin Mo.

There are many ways to fulfill one's filial piety. There is no need to take such a risk and send the Supreme Emperor back to Da'an Palace. If anything happens, it cannot be blamed on his head.

But if something goes wrong here, you can't tell it clearly with your mouth.

He knew the content of the imperial edict, but it could not withstand scrutiny.

"Oh, please slow down!" Dou Xuanling shouted: "Zan Ying is not afraid. What are you afraid of? I tell you, I have thought about it anyway. Even if I risk my life, I will protect him!"

"Who said I'm afraid!" Yu Boshi stamped his feet and said, "I'm angry at him for being so stupid. He escaped so many open and secret arrows, but in the end he still foolishly tried to get in. I think he's suffering from Soul Leaving Syndrome this time. .

I have to ask Your Majesty to take him to Dali Temple and let him calm down alone! "

After saying that, he looked at Dou Xuanling with a wry smile, "Why bother, why bother? That old friend has changed his mind and is no longer the old friend. If it had been before, he would have come here to take care of her."

Dou Xuanling knew that he was talking about Li Yue. If Li Yue came to take care of him together, there would be no problem.

He is a relative and a consort who wants to avoid taking credit, so why should he care for the Supreme Emperor until his death?

Where does this leave the dignity of filial sons and virtuous grandsons?
"You are not convinced, you are not willing to give in!" Dou Xuanling said: "He is holding on, this bitch is acting stupid, even His Majesty can't persuade him.

Go, go back, write a memorial.

After writing the memorial, we will camp outside. He is allowed to be a filial son and a virtuous grandson, but we are not allowed to be a virtuous minister? "

After saying this, Dou Xuanling left quickly.

Yu Boshi was stunned for a moment, then slapped his thigh, "Yes, yes, yes, how can he alone get this good thing? He thinks so well!"

The two of them ran back home, wrote a memorial, and then pulled the carriage over. It was a six-wheeled carriage with everything in it, including food and drink, and even a small bathroom.

Dou Xuanling directs Dou Yiai, "You bitch, please be slow and slow, I'm asking you to do something, you don't want to do it!"

"Dad, Xiaoba Shi is giving birth to a baby today, I promise to go there."

"Go ahead and try, I'll break your legs!" Dou Xuanling scolded: "You've been guarding me here these days. I don't see you on weekdays. What's wrong with asking you to fulfill your filial piety?
Why don't you learn from Qin Hanzi? "

"Then my big brother, I can learn anytime."

Dou Xuanling slapped her angrily, "Go dig a hole and put up the pot!"

Dou Yiai was honest, took the engineering shovel, walked to the side to dig, set up the pot, and started collecting firewood again!

Yu Boshi glanced at his son and said, "Go, help!"

Immediately, the two of them lay under the tree, holding a new book in their hands and started reading.

"It's good here, but there are always bugs floating down!" Yu Boshi said: "I remember there weren't so many fruit trees here before!" "Qin Mo and the Supreme Emperor planted them themselves!" Dou Xuanling explained, and then looked at A depressed Dou Yiai said, "Come here and put up a mosquito net, I've been bitten to death by mosquitoes!"

"Oh!" Dou Yiai reluctantly started to work.

While he was busy, the sound of horse riding came from not far away.

Dou Yiai turned around and looked over his shoulder, immediately overjoyed, "Yongyang, Dabao Xiaobao, why are you here?"

He dropped the mosquito net in his hand and rushed over.

Dou Xuanling also turned around and saw brothers Li Yongmeng and Cheng Dabao driving a six-wheeled carriage.

The window of one of the carriages opened, and Li Cungong stuck his head out, "Okay, you two old men, you don't know how to call me when you go out for a summer tour, how boring!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Sanxu's broken gong voice shouted, "I say Dou Laogou, Yu Laogou, you two move around, this land is for me!"

"Bah!" Dou Xuanling scolded: "With such a big land, there is no room for your two hundred kilograms? I occupied this land first!"

"Hahahaha." Cheng Sanxu laughed, got off the carriage, immediately opened the back door of the carriage, carried half of the mutton from the inside, and threw it to Cheng Xiaobao, "Go, grill it!"

Cheng Xiaobao took the mutton and immediately ran to the side to start a fire.

Li Cungong carried the recliner over and placed it on the other side, "Take a dip!"

Yu Boshi asked: "What are you two doing here?"

"Whatever you come here to do, we come here to do!" Li Cungong lay down, "The weather is nice, and we old guys haven't gotten together like this in years.

It's just that Lao Qin went out to have a good time, and Lao Du, it would be better if they were here! "

"I heard that you two old men wrote a memorial to impeach Jingyun? How shameless!" Cheng Sanxu scolded: "How can one memorial be enough? We have to write at least two. Our family put together seven or eight memorials, you Do you know?"

Seeing Cheng Sanxu's proud look, the three of them all felt a twinge of sadness, "Are you really going to kill him?"

"Isn't he seeking death? I just pushed him!" Cheng San sat on the stone pier beside him with a sword and a sword.

As soon as he finished speaking, two more carriages came over.

Driving the car were Liu Rujian and two brothers, Xu Lei and Xu Luo!
"Hey, Lao Liu is here too. Isn't his condition getting worse? Why is he here too?"

"Old Xu is so weak, why are you still here?"

The four of them stood up, and soon Liu Chenghu, who had all white hair, walked down shakily.

Xu Shichang on the other side really couldn't leave. He knew that his time had come, so before leaving, he asked him to do one last thing for Qin Mo.

I hope he can save his child out of love!
"I said, Lao Liu, you are like this, why are you still here?" Li Cungong said.

"Pretend, keep pretending, you are so strong that you can kill a cow, but you are still pretending here!" Cheng Sanxu snorted.

Liu Chenghu's face darkened, and he cursed angrily: "Do you know what returning to the light means? If you don't know, let's practice!"

But after he finished speaking, he coughed violently and his waist became even more bent. Liu Rujian quickly went over to help him and said hypocritically: "Uncle Cheng, please don't be angry with my father. My father is indeed not in good health!"

Xu Shichang, who was in the carriage next to him, pushed open the window with difficulty, "Everyone, please pay attention to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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