big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1428 Let him kill and stop when he has killed enough!

Chapter 1428 Let him kill and stop when he has killed enough!
He knew that Qin Mo had made his choice.

He originally wanted to spare Qin Mo's life.

But now, no need.

"Qin Mo, from now on, we will never be sworn in!" He raised his hands, as if he had been abandoned.

Qin Mo laughed and said, "Actually, you have made some progress. From a child, you have evolved from a garbage to a trash can. You put any garbage in your body.

When you allow that piece of shit to torment my family, you and I are no longer brothers.

Brothers, never betray a brother.

I am too naive, always thinking that if garbage is rimmed with gold, it will be sold at a high price.

At first glance, it looks quite dazzling, but when you look closer, it's still flying!
But I am still very grateful to His Highness the Crown Prince today.

It was a very satisfying fight for me. Da'an Palace is right behind. His Highness, now that this tragic situation has passed, I am afraid it will arouse the sympathy of countless people.

When the time comes and you accuse me of beating the prince, I will be dead! "

"No, if you save me once, I will let you go once!" Li Yue became afraid and looked at Qin Mo with a ferocious smile, "Lest you feel unconvinced.

You beat me up, and I took it. I was indeed taken care of by you before, even if I pay you back.

Just don’t regret it! "

As he said that, he slowly took out his handkerchief, wiped the nosebleed and saliva, and then walked out slowly, "Children only complain when they fight. I am an adult, and adults don't do that!"

Qin Mo knew him too well, and he would definitely not go to Da'an Palace after this excitement.

Even if someone complained later, he would not admit it.

His mind is clear now and he is no longer attached to the past.

Just a trash brother, without this one, the next one will be better!
Li Yongmeng and those people are brothers worthy of life and death.

He doesn't deserve it!
Thinking of this, he followed.

The surrounding guards and eunuchs followed him with weak feet.

Terrible, terrible.

Apart from this one, who else dares to beat up the prince!

Arriving at Tai Chi Palace, Li Yue had already restored his smile.

But the big bump on his forehead is very clear.

When others asked, Li Yue just said that he accidentally hit him and didn't explain much.

It's just that his walking posture is very twisted.

I didn't feel it when I was beaten just now, but now my whole body is sore, especially my joints.

Qin Mo hit that bitch wherever it hurt, but there was no visible injury.

Even if he complained, it would be useless.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't have to worry about anything now.

Tonight, when he reaches the top, it is also when he personally kills Qin Mo, the demon in his heart.

As long as he is not dead, he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

He will definitely kill every one of his children.

Except for Li Yulan and others, he will definitely accept all his wives with a smile, otherwise how can he relieve the hatred in his heart.

Oh, he also wanted to kill Qin Mo's nine tribes.

No, I have to kill ten clans to be satisfied.

Thinking of this, he looked at Liu Yifu.

Liu Yifu also smiled and nodded at him.

The evening dinner was still lively.

Li Yue deliberately drank a lot of wine, pretended to be drunk and left, letting Qin Mo entertain him here.

Qin Mo didn't care at all and warmly entertained the guests present.

After leaving the Tai Chi Palace, Li Yue's drunkenness was gone. Under the stimulation of alcohol, he became more energetic and courageous.

He first came to the East Palace and put on a suit of armor.

Then he asked Liu Yifu, "Is everyone here?"

"Everyone is here. You can rush in at any time. Chengtianmen has also arranged its own people, so you can march straight in!" Liu Yifu said with a hand.

Li Yue is not the fool like Li Xin.

"Where are the others, have they all been caught?"

"Just wait for the order from His Highness the Crown Prince!" Liu Yifu said. "Okay, don't let any of those people go, arrest them all!" Li Yue not only wanted to launch a palace coup, he also wanted to arrest all the family members of those ministers.

At the current night banquet, the ministers are all in the palace, and the core ministers are waiting in Da'an Palace.

Don't worry about the low-ranking officials outside the palace. As long as you catch these people and blackmail them, you can force them to make a choice.

Moreover, he also prepared a back-up plan to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Thinking of this, Li Yue's heart felt hot. He took out the Seven-Star Longyuan given to him by Li Yuan, and took out a forged edict, "The Supreme Emperor's edict states that Gu Ke will inherit the throne. This Seven-Star Longyuan is the most powerful one." Good proof!

Originally, my father had long planned to abdicate to Gu, but there was no movement.

It was because someone was instigating it, and that person was Qin Mo.

Qin Mo not only instigated the relationship between Gu and his father, but also secretly had an affair with the Northwest slaves, which led to the loss of Su Yun's 10,000+ army.

Today, Gu wants to clear the emperor's side and kill the sycophants.

Tell the sons and daughters, clean up the world today! "

He slashed the corner of the desk with his sword and suppressed his voice, but his eyes were filled with excitement.

He had already made plans before, spreading rumors among the army that Qin Mo was collaborating with the enemy, and then obtained a lot of so-called 'evidence'.

So most of these people thought Qin Mo was a sycophant.

They are all the best, the best of the best.

Qin Mo looked down upon him and called him trash.

It doesn't matter, from today on, no one will dare to call him that.

From now on, he will be the unique emperor!

Soon, the news about Li Yue spread.

In the originally bustling capital city, countless black armored soldiers suddenly appeared.

They collided in various mansions and captured the family members in the mansions.

Suddenly, the cry spread.

Accompanied by intense fire and gunshots.

The entire capital was in turmoil.

The soldiers patrolling the city hurriedly reported the news after discovering it, but these people had already rushed to the palace.

"It's a disaster!"

Only then did everyone realize what these people wanted to do.

War horses galloped in the capital.

They gathered together in twos and threes, and then headed towards the palace to kill.

The Chengtian Gate is open, but no one closes it.

There were many banquets along the way, and many people drank drunkenly. Some people did not open their eyes until they died.

Some people were drunk and stared, and when they saw a large number of people coming to kill them, they were all shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

Gunshots rang out, and countless people fell into a pool of blood.

The mysterious armored soldiers wearing masks advanced step by step, as if they were entering an uninhabited land.

Soon, the news spread to Da'an Palace. The guards knelt outside the door of Da'an Palace and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, something serious has happened. A large number of black armor soldiers appeared from nowhere outside the palace and came in from outside the palace to kill.

There are many people who are in harmony with the outside and can no longer hold on! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned pale with shock.

Da'an Palace, which was originally quiet, was now in chaos.

There was a look of horror on everyone's face.

Gongsun Wuji took a breath. At that moment, he thought of a lot.

Looking at Li Shilong again, his expression was calm, without any panic.

He knew that this matter was probably under his control.

"It doesn't matter, let him kill, and he will stop when he has killed enough!" Li Shilong waved his hand tiredly.

Others are still guessing, who is the person behind this black armor soldier?


Or Qin Mo?

(End of this chapter)

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