big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1429 A child has the heart of a tiger

Chapter 1429 A child has the heart of a tiger

"Your Majesty, don't you really need to go out and take a look?" Gongsun Wuji asked bravely.

To be honest, many people in Da'an Palace were already panicking at this time.

Li Xin looked at his father and sighed in his heart.

Counting my father, this is already the fourth time.

In just over twenty years, four palace changes were launched.

Could it be that Da Gan couldn't escape this fate?

He suddenly understood what Qin Mo said to him that day.

At that time, he was still wondering, based on his relationship with Li Yue, how could Li Yue listen to his opinion.

Now he understands.

Li Yue has no chance, Shi 56 is not willing to be the emperor, and the others are young.

My father was in poor health, and the problem was already obvious.

Qin Mo didn't want to get involved in government affairs, as if he wanted someone to take over.

This person is him!

"He wants me to be the regent?" Li Xinfan suddenly came to his senses, "But can I?"

Li Xin asked himself in his heart, if it was really as he thought, could he do it well?

Will father allow it?

He couldn't help but look at his mother and found that she also had an indifferent expression on her face. Then he glanced at A Si in her arms, and suddenly felt blessed.

He got it!
He understood what Qin Mo meant.

Qin Mo asked him to serve as regent, not because he wanted him to go up, but because he pushed Ah Si up.

If he comes to do this, the inheritance law will be broken from the source.

Tit for tat?

Li Xin smiled bitterly in his heart.

In fact, he didn't resist. After all, he was his own brother.

Moreover, he was very unworthy of his father, the emperor, and his mother.

Therefore, he gradually had the answer in his mind.

"Your Majesty, I want you to go out and take a look!" Li Xin said with cupped hands.

"Well, bring more people!" Li Shilong waved his hand without raising his eyelids, "Whoever wants to go out to see the excitement can go out!"

Besides Li Xin, who dares to follow him?

Gongsun Wuji sat in his original position and suddenly understood why Li Shilong sent away Li Yue and Qin Mo.

The killing outside must be cruel. If they go out and see the real murderer, there will be no way to end it.

If it was Qin Mo, there would definitely be a good ending.

If the truth were revealed, the consequences would be unbearable.

Li Daoyuan, Li Cungong and others were motionless and calm.

Just the messy and dense footsteps outside stimulated their nerves.

The gunshots and explosions became more intense, and the sounds got closer and closer.

But Li Shilong didn't care.

He began to reflect on himself.

At this moment, he really hated his throne.

In less than 20 years, he had four uterine changes, which stung him very much.

Sure enough, there are some things that cannot be done. Once done, it is useless to make up for it.

He was disgusted with the throne, and immediately turned to look at his sons.

Some of them didn't care at all, while others were full of fear.

At this moment, Ah Si walked up to him and hugged him, "Father, I will protect you!"

There was no fear on Ah Si's face, and he blocked his weak body in front of her.At that moment, Li Shilong's heart was touched, and he couldn't help but smile, "Aren't you afraid?"

Ah Si's eyes were a little frightened, but he seemed to have remembered something. He gritted his teeth, shook his head, and said decisively: "I'm not afraid, I want to protect my father!"

Seeing this scene, many people had smiles on their faces.

Queen Gongsun even laughed.

Li Shilong laughed loudly, hugged Ah Si in his arms, and paid no attention to the approaching explosion outside, "Okay, a child has the heart of a tiger, and he is worthy of being my son!"

Gongsun Wuji suddenly looked at his sister, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he couldn't help but secretly take a deep breath.

At that moment, he thought of many things.

But the next moment, his eyes fell on A Si.

An inexplicable surprise came to my heart.

He suppressed his heart and did not show it.

He secretly looked out the door again, thinking about the possibility of this matter.

Finally he had an answer.

"24The prince may be young, but he has a tiger in his heart. If he smells the rose carefully, his future is limitless!" Gongsun Wuji stroked his beard and praised with a smile. The nervousness and embarrassment just now disappeared.

"Yes, the 24th prince is humble, polite and filial. Even at a young age, he is not afraid of danger. He has the demeanor of your majesty!" Li Cungong continued.

I don't know if these people had discussed it or if they just wanted to divert everyone's nervousness, they all praised Ah Si one after another.

Queen Gongsun said: "Don't praise the child when he is still young. He will inevitably be proud of him in the future!"

Li Shilong said: "Good is good, bad is bad. Don't be stingy when you deserve praise."

He picked up A Si, let him sit on his lap, and asked: "A Si, I ask you, if one day I am like your Azu, what will you do?"

Ah Si said without hesitation: "My son will take care of my father, just like my brother-in-law, staying by my side with no clothes, until my father gets better!"

Gongsun Wuji nodded secretly and answered well.

Qin Mo teaches well.

Li Shilong smiled and said, "If one day, I ask you to be the emperor, what will you do?"

Ah Si let out an 'ah' sound, with a frightened look on his face, and his little face was a little nervous, "I, I, I can't do it!"

"No one is born to be an emperor. I ask you, if you are asked to do it, do you dare to do it? If you do, how will you arrange for others?" Li Shilong asked.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Da'an Palace became silent.

At this time, even the slow people realized that the leader of the rebels outside the door was Li Yue!

Otherwise, why would Li Shilong ask Ah Si like this?

Or is Li Yue and Qin Mo joining forces?

No, it's impossible. Qin Mo's whole family is here, how can he do something stupid.

The palace was eerily quiet.

Ah Si seemed to be thinking, frowning, "To be honest, I have never thought about this, I just want to assist Bage, serve the country, and ask for orders for the people.

Erchen didn't know what to do, but Erchen felt that just doing his duty would be enough.

If an emperor is worthy of heaven and earth, worthy of the people, and worthy of the court and the country, then he is a good emperor.

If you are a son of man, you should be filial to your parents and always serve them.

Just like my brother-in-law teacher.

If you are brothers, you should be united and friendly, be harmonious and considerate of your brothers.

Make arrangements for them before and after.

Whether they are ministers or minor ministers, they all have their responsibilities.

What drives their actions is not the emperor, but their responsibilities.

My brother-in-law’s teacher said that if you don’t serve the people as an official, you might as well go home and plant sweet potatoes.

Erchen thought so too. "

"Well said!" Li Shilong laughed, "If a person can fulfill the word 'duty' in his life, then his trip to this world will not be in vain!
Your brother-in-law is a good role model. Listen to him and learn from him, and you will never go astray! "

(End of this chapter)

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