big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1431 It’s time to get rid of the skin!

Chapter 1431 It’s time to get rid of the skin!
"Traitor, traitor, traitor." Li Yue cursed hysterically.

The original calmness and calmness were long forgotten at this moment.

He knew that Xu Lei and Xu Luo might be a young man, but he didn't expect that Liu Yifu, whom he trusted the most, was also the one he trusted most!

"I can't help you anymore. After Xu Jingzong went down, I praised you as the chief official of the East Palace.

As long as Gu goes up, you will be the first minister of the Great Qian, below one person and above ten thousand people. Why would you betray Gu? "

Liu Yifu shook his head, his eyes were very complicated. He was really too stupid. How many people who could come to him were not carefully selected?
The current Daqian is no longer what it used to be.

There are some things he is afraid of saying, and Li Yue will be angry to death!

For example, he was arranged by Qin Mo to make special plans to 'deal with Qin Mo'!

The reason is simple, it is a test for Li Yue.

If Li Yue could withstand the test, that would be fine.

But Li Yue couldn't do it, and he was led astray all of a sudden.

Especially Xu Jingzong, who seriously wanted to torture Qin Mo to death.

So Xu Jingzong was cold, and he came up.

Li Yue is very suspicious, but his weaknesses are also obvious.

When you have insufficient abilities and there are capable people around you, you will grab this life-saving straw.

It's not that he has a bad mind, it's just that his morality is not up to par.

Who knows how many people from Qin Mo are in the East Palace.

Even he didn't know clearly, he had to think twice before speaking.

If you follow him in the dark side, isn't that looking for death?

As for Xu Lei and Xu Luo, he is the person Qin Mo puts on the surface.

This move attracted Li Yue's attention, and he played him to death with a flip of his hand.

That's it, you still want to mess with me?
He even vaguely knew some deeper inside stories, and Xu Jingzong seemed to have a problem too!

But he wasn't sure.

In short, the routine here was too deep, and he didn't dare to think about it in detail. When he thought about it, he felt like he was walking on thin ice and his spine ran cold.

"Don't come here!" Li Yue collapsed and accepted the reality. He took off his armor and found it filled with grenades. "Whoever comes, will die!"

He really can't accept this reality. He has already come this far.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Are all those people fake?
The father is so cruel that he doesn't care if these people are killed at will?
There are many civil and military ministers among them!

Liu Yifu shook his head. Sure enough, magnanimity was something he was born with.

After all this, why is he still doing this?

There are thousands of guns pointed at him here, and one bullet can send him away.

Who to scare!

Xu Lei slowly knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Li Yue.

These three heads are in tribute to his promotion in the past.

When he promoted the two brothers, he was sincere.

The two brothers were sincere in protecting him.

After all, it's a master-servant game.

But Li Yue was wrong, wrong from the beginning, and Qin Mo gave him countless opportunities.

In the past few years, whenever he suddenly woke up one day, he would never be like this.

Qin Mo would give him a chance to start over.

Looking at the two brothers kowtow.

Li Yue cursed: "Traitors, traitors, they are all traitors!"

The two brothers ignored him and turned away.

Liu Yifu also bowed his hands towards him, and then disappeared into the darkness.

Everything around is extremely quiet.

Li Yue stood there, and a gust of wind blew away the dark clouds in the sky.

The clear moonlight fell on the ground, and there were corpses and blood stains everywhere.

He was so frightened that he neither dared to move forward nor to retreat.

At this time, he seemed to feel something and looked aside suddenly.Then he saw a dark figure walking slowly towards him in the corridor.


He held the grenade and felt a little braver.

But his head was getting more and more dizzy, and the meridians in his temples were beating and aching.

Deaf ears can gradually hear some sounds.

When the black shadow walked in, he saw clearly who it was.

"Qin Mo!" Li Yue shouted angrily.

Qin Mo put his hands in his pockets and looked at Li Yue, "Is the game fun? So many people have died, and there are more than your elder brother can make."

"Qin Mo, you are here to laugh at me, I tell you, don't even think about it, I will die with you!" He clutched the grenade and looked fierce.

Qin Mo smiled and walked over step by step.

"Don't come here."

Qin Mo slapped him on the face.

Li Yue's face couldn't help but twitch.

Qin Mo took the grenade in his hand and said, "Death together, do you have the courage? If you really do, I'd be impressed!"

Those sarcastic words fell into his ears, making Li Yue furious to the extreme.

But after the anger came to the fore, an extreme fear spread from the depths of his heart, and then took over his mind.

His eyes were filled with fear, and his body was shaking like something.

"What will happen to me?"

"Father, do you know?"

"Will father kill me?"

"I beg him, how about letting me become a reformed county boy?"

"No, no, no, I don't want to be a county boy, just demote me to a commoner!"

"Don't be like Fourth Brother and become a eunuch. It's so miserable. Even death is a luxury!"

"Qin Mo, I was wrong. For the sake of our past friendship, go to hell!"

The dagger hidden in his other hand suddenly stabbed Qin Mo.

When there is a sound!

The dagger could no longer move forward.

The expression on his face was frozen.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Qin Mo looked down at the dagger on his stomach and slapped him again with his backhand, "It's time to wipe the dough!"

Then he opened his hand and took the dagger in his hand, "You're good at acting!"

Qin Mo was not a fool, so how could he be completely unprepared?
The dagger was placed on Li Yue's neck, "Tell me, will I slit your throat?"

"How dare you...ah..."

Before Li Yue finished speaking, the dagger pierced his skin at an angle. At that moment, death lingered.

Li Yue didn't even dare to shout too loudly, "Idiot, Idiot, we are brothers, spare my life, think about Ruyu, if you want to kill me, she will definitely hate you to death!"

If you want to kill me and my children know about it, how will you get along with them in the future? "

"That's not easy, let's kill them all!"

Hearing this, Li Yue's body trembled even more.

Qin Mo smiled and said: "Idiot, I scared you. You thought I was you, so crazy!"

He knew very well who Li Yue was. A person who had died once would definitely cherish his own life more.

Even if he had the capital to die together, he didn't have the courage to step out.


But Qin Mo was not happy at all.

Some are just tired and unmotivated.

"It was my fault. You have no life as emperor. I forced you into this position!" Qin Mo said: "Today is the last time we meet, and we will never see each other again!"

He put away the dagger, kicked Li Yue until he fainted, and shouted into the darkness: "Take the skin off!"

(End of this chapter)

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