big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1432: Backlighting!

Chapter 1432: Back to the Light!

To be honest, for this kind of rubbish, if it weren't for that old relationship, Qin Mo would have been killed in a few moments.

But there was no way, he really couldn't kill him.

He couldn't do anything to Liu Ruyu, his children, or Li Shilong.

As for Li Fei, what is that?
"Damn it, if the old man knew about this, he would probably just brush it off and not even want to write about you!"

Qin Mo thought so in his heart.

In the darkness, those people silently picked up the debris on the ground.

And this big explosion was also a gift from Qin Mo to Li Yue. All the explosives he placed in the palace are here.

One wave wiped out those rebellious ones.

Those who are not dead are also useless.

However, Taiji Palace seems to be tilted a bit. Lao Liu will have to work in the future, so he may have to move to another place.

Withdrawing his gaze, Qin Mo walked slowly towards Da'an Palace.

Knocking on the door, he walked in and knelt on the ground, "Reporting to my father, the rebellion has been defeated. After investigation, these rebels are the remnants of the Northwest slaves.

After the defeat, some people escaped and took advantage of the Emperor's birthday to launch an attack.

At present, all these remnants have been killed.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince resisted bravely and suffered some minor injuries, but not serious. He is currently being bandaged! "

Li Shilong looked at Qin Mo and knew that Qin Mo still gave him face.

"Check, there must be some remnants, don't let anyone go!" Li Shilong said coldly, and then arranged many measures, but Li Yue was not mentioned throughout the process.

No one dared to ask.

Only Concubine Li's eyes were wandering, "Your Majesty, can I go see the prince?"

"You want to see the prince?" Li Shilong looked at Concubine Li, "Then go!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After Concubine Li thanked her, she hurriedly left Da'an Palace.

After leaving, Li Fei never appeared again.

Some people say that Concubine Li was killed by the remnants of the Northwest slaves who were not yet dead in the palace, while others say that Concubine Li was robbed by the remnants of the Northwest slaves.

There were a lot of things to say, but in the end they were all dissipated in various rumors, and gradually, no one was willing to mention it.

The night was too long, everyone was working hard, and no one dared to say that they were tired.

At midnight, Li Yuan, who was sleeping on the bed, suddenly woke up. He looked at everyone in Da'an Palace and shouted that he was hungry, "Is everyone here? I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

Hearing this, Li Shilong trembled and hurried over, "Yes, there is, hurry up, bring the food over here!"

Li Yuan looked at Li Shilong and said, "Erlang, feed me something. I need to be full, otherwise I will have trouble talking!"

"Hey, okay!" Li Shilong nodded.

Queen Gongsun hurriedly brought the food over.

Li Shilong took the bowl and fed Li Yuan carefully.

Looking at his energetic and energetic father, everyone knew that Li Yuan was having a comeback.

"Father, do you recognize me now?" Princess Jing'an cried.

Li Yuan squeezed his daughter's hand and said, "Of course I remember my dear Jing'an. Oh, even my really dear grandson will come."

"Ancestor of the Emperor!" Li Shuangan also had a sore nose.

"Good boy, you have done well in Nanfan. Grandpa is proud of you!" Li Yuan said with a smile.

"This is what a grandson should do!" Li Shuang'an said.Li Yuan smiled and nodded, looking over one by one, "Daughter-in-law, you have to take good care of this big family. Erlang is a man who can be messy from time to time, so you have to be more tolerant of him!"

Empress Gongsun wiped away tears: "Father, don't worry, my daughter-in-law will definitely take good care of this big family!"

"Where is my great grandson?" Li Yuan said.

Li Xin hurriedly stepped forward and choked with sobs: "Grandpa Huang, my grandson is here!"

Li Yuan squeezed his hand and said, "Although I made a big mistake, I am happy when the prodigal son comes back. Come back and stop wandering outside.

Erlang, if the child realizes that he is wrong, he will be punished, beaten, and scolded, so don’t be stubborn.

Life lasts only a few decades, don’t wait until you are gone and leave only regrets! "

"Grandpa Huang, I" Li Xin knelt on the ground and burst into tears. He was so ashamed!

Li Shilong had actually had this idea for a long time, but he never had the chance and was afraid to bring it up and everyone would object.

But now that Li Yuan has said it, he has a reason.

He knew that Li Yuan was giving him an excuse to fulfill his wish.

"Okay, dad, my son listens to you!" Li Shilong nodded heavily.

"Okay, you're good now!" Li Yuan nodded, and then continued to shift his eyes, sweeping over Li Yulan and Li Yushu, "Yulan, good boy, you were wronged when you married the Chai family, I will take care of you. Father, I apologize to you, but now that I see you happy, I feel better!"

Li Yulan couldn't stop crying, "Grandpa Huang, I, I don't hate, let alone be angry."

"Yu Shu, you still have a bit of a bad temper. You need to change it. Usually Jingyun lets you go. You are a mother now. Don't let Grandpa Huang worry about it!"

"Lizhen, among these people, I care about you the most. You have to live a good life with Jingyun. I know you are a sensible child, so I don't worry about it!"

"Xiaoxue, you should go home and see Jing'an more often. My mother is worried about my son traveling thousands of miles away. Don't let her worry about him every day!"

"Qinghe, from now on when we march and fight, don't go out and mess around!"

The girls covered their mouths and cried incomprehensibly, feeling like needles pricking their hearts.

What a kind little old man, I really wish he could always be here.

"Tianxin, my grandfather's good grandson, when my grandfather was sleeping, he dreamed that you were reading stories to him. What a wonderful story he said.

It’s just that Grandpa can’t write you stories anymore! "

"Brother Feng, good boy, you have to take good care of your younger brothers and sisters with your elder brother!"

"Huo Lin'er, don't fight with your second brother every day.

Niu Duzi, what about you? Don't use firecrackers to blow up cow dung from now on. Look at you blowing up your sister all over her body! "

The children knelt on the ground. They didn't understand what death was, but they were very sad.

Crying and shouting to pester Grandpa.

Li Yuan continued to move his eyes, and he said goodbye properly to everyone he saw.

"Great Doctor Zan, you have worked hard these days!"

"Your Majesty, this is what a humble minister should do!" Zan Ying felt chest tightness and was unable to be cured. This is probably the most painful thing for a doctor.

Li Yuan smiled and asked: "Where's Lao Ba, why didn't you come?"

"Oh, he is entertaining guests outside!" Li Shilong said, wiping away tears.

"Look at my memory!" Li Yuan smiled, looking at the darkness outside, and the smell of smoke and blood in the air, he suddenly understood.

Turning his head for the last time, he looked at Wei Zhong, who was neither happy nor sad, and said, "Old man, don't leave with me. Clean my tree house and plant more trees.

The children have a place to stay when they come back, and they have something to eat when they look up.

I will go back and sit there when I have time! "

(End of this chapter)

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