big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1433 I have no father!

Chapter 1433 I have no father!

Wei Zhong never expected that Li Yuan would say that, and he immediately knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, you are a servant and don't worry about being alone!"

"Old man, do you really want to die that much?" Li Yuan cursed, "You can handle whatever you tell me to do. If you dare not listen to me, see how I will punish you!"

Wei Zhong kept kowtowing, "Your Majesty, I beg you."

"It's no use begging me!" Li Yuan suddenly coughed violently, "You old dog, are you going to piss me off to death?"

Wei Zhong was so frightened that he was afraid that Li Yuan would pass by without a breath, so he quickly said: "I understand, I will do things well."

He knew very well that the tree house was not only the pure land in Li Yuan's heart, but also a retirement home made for him.

If Li Yuan died, he, the personal eunuch, would either be buried or guard the imperial mausoleum.

How can one live freely and freely outside the palace?

Li Yuan has arranged everything behind him.

Thinking of this, he burst into tears, "Don't worry, my slave will definitely clean the house and plant fruit trees in front and back.

When the little ancestors come back, they can have a full meal as soon as they step on their feet and raise their heads! "

"Hmph, I must be angry!" Li Yuan stopped coughing, snorted, then turned his head weakly, and finally fixed his eyes on Qin Mo, "Jingyun!"

Qin Mo forced a smile, knelt beside the bed, and held Li Yuan's wrinkled hand, "Old man, I'm here. Are you feeling better?"

"Silly boy, I can't get better!" Li Yuan saw the nervousness and fear in Qin Mo's eyes, "Don't be nervous, don't be sad, and don't be afraid. People will always have this happen to them.

Have you seen what I left for you? "

"Yeah, I saw it!" Qin Mo nodded.

"Good boy, I knew you could understand!" Li Yuan's eyes were filled with relief, "Thank you, I gave you the best old age.

I don’t have any regrets anymore.

From now on, I will no longer be able to protect you.

If Erlang bullies you, you have to run far away and don't stop.

A child who refuses to run away after being beaten is not smart.

Over the years, I know you have been wronged.

I had a dream. I dreamed that you said many, many things to me. I dreamed that you were crying in front of me.

I feel bad about this. "

"Old man, I, I am not wronged!"

Li Yuan smiled and his eyes gradually became distracted, "The happiest thing in my life is not to conquer this great empire, but to be with you in my later years.

Good boy, this life is worth it! "

Li Yuan's voice stopped suddenly, and the light in his eyes completely disappeared.

Qin Mo's heart sank completely, his body trembled uncontrollably, and he held Li Yuan's hand for a long time, unwilling to let go.

There was a dead silence around.

Zan Ying quickly went to rescue him, but everything was in vain.

Zan Ying sighed, knelt on the ground, and choked with sobs: "Your Majesty, the Supreme Emperor has passed away!"


At that moment, the sound of crying in Da'an Palace filled the space.

Everyone cried heartbreakingly.

Li Yuan's death marked the end of an old era.

And the new era has not yet arrived.

The three emperors' rule that Li Shilong expected came to a complete end.

He will never have the chance to realize this grand wish in his life.

Qin Mo suddenly felt that he was too greedy and wanted everything.

He looked at Li Yuan and climbed up from the ground, unwilling to believe it for a long time.

Thinking back on these years, every moment with the little old man turned into the best memories.

"Qin Mo was not so filial from the beginning. This filial piety is also the opportunity given by you!"

"Old man, don't worry, I will write the ending of this story!" Li Yuan left peacefully, which was probably a blessing in misfortune.

This is also what Qin Mo hopes.

He thought that he should have fulfilled his agreement with Li Yuan.

Without him, Li Yuan might have been gone long ago.

But if it weren't for Li Yuan, there wouldn't be such a 'Qin Mo' either.

"I have always thought that my biggest shortcoming is that I am easily tripped up by family ties. Only later did I realize that this is something I am willing to do.

The only thing I don't want to give up is the love in this world, it can always make up for all my heartaches! "

He sat on the steps outside the door, not crying as hysterically as they did.

The old man is not dead.

He will always live in his heart!

The book has an ending, but everyone will remember that there was a little old man who was a little stubborn and a little paranoid.

This is enough!

Qin Mo laughed and thought it was a good thing that Li Yuan didn't have to suffer from illness. It was also good that he didn't have to see such tragic things in the world.

He wanted to wrap this up, wrap it up properly.

The big bell in the palace rang, and the news spread throughout the capital.

Countless people got up at night and looked in the direction of the palace.

The big bell rings nine times, which is the death of the emperor!
"The Emperor has passed away?" This thought flashed through countless people's minds.

Countless people were kneeling in their courtyards, kowtowing towards the palace.

They spontaneously took out joss sticks and paid homage to the old man who saved the people from dire straits.

Without Li Yuan, there would be no Daqian today!
The people are nostalgic for the past. In the future, when Li Yuan is gone, the people will miss him all the time!

At this time in the palace, Li Shilong cried and fainted several times.

He was so tired and in pain.

When he woke up again, he fell to the ground, looked at his wife and children, and said sadly: "I have no father!"

"Your Majesty, you must take care of yourself!" Gongsun Wuji and others also persuaded with tears.

To be honest, it is a miracle that Li Yuan can survive until now.

The founding emperors who lived to be 80 years old can be counted on one hand. This is a joy and a loss.

"The Emperor died with a smile on his face and no regrets. This was a happy funeral!" Dou Xuanling said: "The funeral should be arranged as soon as possible!"

Li Shilong leaned weakly on his wife, and his whole body collapsed.

His father's death was more painful than he imagined.

You could scold him before, but now no one really dares to scold him.

He regretted not paying more attention to Li Yuan.

Bits and pieces of the past emerged, how could he feel sad!
But he couldn't stay like this forever. After a while, he braced himself up and said, "Today, the Supreme Emperor died at the age of eighty. I feel so sad about it.

He stayed away from the king's affairs for three months and concentrated on handling the funeral of the Supreme Emperor.

Send an order to all sides, and the whole country is in mourning! "

Hearing this, everyone knelt down.

It was getting brighter, and the ground had been paved, and even new floor tiles had been installed. However, the crooked main hall and pavilion showed the tragedy of last night.

The Taiji Palace survived, but it would be a matter of time before it collapsed. There was blood all over the floor, and even if countless buckets of water were used to wash it, it was still difficult to wash away the dark red in the cracks of the ground.

When the wind blows, the disgusting smell of blood escapes.

There was even stinking meat foam on the ground, and countless flies were chasing it.

Occasionally, you can see broken fingers, which is shocking.

Gongsun Wuji sighed: "Why bother!"

(End of this chapter)

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