big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1445 Mother-in-law lights up a cigarette!

Chapter 1445 Mother-in-law lights up a cigarette!
To be honest, he really didn't think much about Liu Ruyu.

I just treat her purely as my sister.

But looking at these two people, Qin Mo said: "Don't put too much psychological burden on you. No one can predict what will happen in the future. It's better to get over the current difficulty first."

"Yeah!" Liu Ruyu saw that Qin Mo didn't answer directly and didn't continue to press. She knew that Qin Mo had never been that kind of person, but she just made up her mind to make up for it.

Hu Hongyu sighed, "You boy, you are indeed a first-class hero in this world. If I were three to forty years younger, I might really fall in love with you!"

"Aunt Hu, if you say this, I will be shy!"

"Hmph, why didn't you say such things when you were hanging around the door of my house every day when you were a kid?" Hu Hongyu asked.

Qin Mo was embarrassed, "Isn't that a child who is ignorant!"

"Then you are sensible now, can't you give her an accurate word?" Hu Hongyu was not Liu Ruyu. She had to ask Qin Mo to speak and give her an accurate word, otherwise she would not feel at ease.

Zhu Jun's words are worth ten thousand gold.

"Aunt Hu, me"

"The suffering master is begging you, and I, the elder, am also begging you. Do you want me to hold a knife on your neck and force you?" Hu Hongyu also had a look of helplessness on her face.

"This is not a matter of asking or not asking. I have enough wives. I promised them that I will not be a womanizer in the future. Have you ever heard of anyone I married in all these years?"

Of course, those favored Brahmin maids are not counted, those are all bed-warmers.

"Oh, I asked you why you haven't agreed. It turns out that you are afraid that your wife will scold you!" Hu Hongyu said: "It doesn't matter, I am not afraid of embarrassment. When the time comes, I will kneel in front of the third princess, the sixth princess, and the seventh princess and beg them for me. My unlucky daughter has no chance!"

"Mother!" Liu Ruyu's tears fell again in frustration. Only this time did she fully understand her mother's forbearance and greatness. Compared with dying happily, it would be better to live with forbearance.

"No, no, no, no!" Qin Mo waved his hands repeatedly, "If you want to go over, they might think that I'm already having an affair with Ruyu.

By then I won’t be able to be a human anymore! "

A hint of cunning flashed in Hu Hongyu's eyes, "Then what do you think we should do? If you refuse today, we, mother and daughter, will lose the shame, and we won't have the shame to see you again in the future!"

Qin Mo looked at Hu Hongyu. This woman was scarier than a tigress. No wonder the little trash was so afraid of her.

"How about we get through this first and wait for eternal peace?" Qin Mo said: "Now that the Supreme Emperor has just been buried, and these things happened again, I am also very confused.

Give me some time to think about it! "

Hu Hongyu also knew that she was pushing too hard, so she said: "In short, I recognize you as my son-in-law, but I don't recognize anyone else.

I don’t want you to serve me tea either. You just have to nod and I’ll bring you water to wash your feet! "

Qin Mo shuddered and laughed bitterly. He picked up the cigarette and was about to smoke it. But when he saw Hu Hongyu and the other two, he didn't want them to inhale second-hand smoke, so he put it down again.

Upon seeing this, Hu Hongyu opened the cigarette case, took out a cigarette, stuffed it into Qin Mo's mouth, picked up the lighter, wiped the fire with a 'click' sound, and helped Qin Mo light it!
Qin Mo called him a good guy!
Mother-in-law lights up a cigarette!
Bah, bah, bah, he didn’t even acknowledge his mother-in-law!
"Boy Qin, I lit this cigarette and you smoked it, so the matter is settled!" Hu Hongyu said.

Qin Mo exhaled a breath of smoke. After all, he really pitied the hearts of parents in the world.

He looked at Liu Ruyu and said, "Let's forget about the past. In the future, as long as I have something to eat, you mother and son will not be hungry!"

"Thank you, Brother Qin!" Liu Ruyu said with red eyes.

Qin Mo smiled and didn't say anything, just let everything take its course.

Hu Hongyu breathed a sigh of relief, "Boy Qin, I tried some tricks, don't be unhappy!"

Qin Mo shook his head and said nothing. The carriage did not go to Qinjun Prince's Mansion, but went straight to Qinzhuang.

This is Qin Mo's base camp. He took the two of them to the Qin Ancestral Hall, where Qin Hei was already waiting.Seeing Qin Mo, he quickly said: "Uncle!"

"Are you all ready?"

"Uncle, everything is ready!" Qin Hei pointed to the carriage next to him.

Qin Mo nodded and looked at Liu Ruyu, "You go to Lingnan first and wait for me. I am responsible for everything here, including your children, your parents, and your brothers. I will definitely bring them all here!"

Liu Ruyu nodded, walked to the carriage, then turned back and hugged Qin Mo, "And you, you also need to be safe. I'll go to Lingnan to wait for you first!"

After saying that, she got into the carriage with a red face.

Qin Mo coughed dryly and touched his nose sheepishly. Looking at Qin Hei's shocked eyes, he said: "Foreigners' etiquette is always strange. It's rare and strange!"

Qin Hei also scratched his head, "Yes, yes, I see foreigners acting like this when they meet or part ways!"

"Go, protect it!" Qin Mo said.

Qin Hei hurriedly said goodbye and urged the carriage to leave.

Liu Ruyu looked at Qin Mo and her mother through the glass, leaning weakly on the soft chair, feeling a splitting headache and exhausted.

Today she is completely separated from her past, and she will never be able to go back to the past.

Not enough, going round and round it seems like we are back to the starting point.

This time, she doesn't want to live for others, she wants to live for herself and her children!

"Boy Qin, where should I go next?"

"Go back home and wait for the news, and cry harder when the time comes!" Qin Mo said.

"Don't worry, I'm not only going to cry, I'm going to make a big fuss!" Hu Hongyu said: "I'm going to scold Li Shilong severely!"

Cold sweat broke out on Qin Mo's forehead.

Hu Hongyu is already so old, but she is still so tough. I really don’t know how fierce she was when she was young. I am afraid that only Liu Chenghu can handle this kind of woman.

"Take it easy!"

"Don't worry, I know what's going on!" Hu Hongyu said.

Later, Zhu Jun asked someone to send her away.

Qin Mo came to the tree house.

This scene has begun. If it is performed well, everything will be easy. If it is not performed well, it will be troublesome.

"Old man, you won't blame me, right?"

"Anyway, don't worry, this great world will never collapse as long as I am here."

"The one who becomes the emperor must be your descendants."

"It's just that you're gone, and I can't stay much longer. There's nothing left in the capital that I can miss!"

Qin Mo murmured, sitting on the rocking chair in the yard, rocking gently, thinking of that summer, when he was sitting in the yard, spelling with the old man, and writing a book together!
There's no going back!
That afternoon, Li Shilong woke up from his bed, and a shocking news came. The guard guarding the East Palace knelt on the ground, trembling all over, "Your Majesty, your Majesty. Something happened!"

"What happened?" Li Shilong looked unhappy. Could it be that Li Yue escaped from the East Palace?
(End of this chapter)

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