big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1446: 2 false and 1 true!

Chapter 1446 Two falsehoods and one truth!
"Your Highness the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"What's wrong with him?" Li Shilong's heart raised in his throat. He had already been deceived once about Li Zhi's matter before. Could there be another trouble?

Want to fight with your own son again?
"His Royal Highness, he has passed away!" The guard knelt on the ground, trembling all over!
"You, what did you say?" Li Shilong was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Isn't he well in the East Palace?"

"Tell me quickly, what's going on!" Empress Gongsun had been taking care of Li Shilong. When she heard the guard's words, she couldn't help but be surprised.

"Back, back to your Majesty, the patrolling guards saw the door of the Taoist Temple in the East Palace wide open and found His Royal Highness lying on the ground, with the Imperial Concubine and the Crown Princess lying beside him. It is suspected that His Highness the Crown Prince killed the Imperial Concubine and the Crown Princess first, and then "self"

Li Shilong felt like he couldn't take a breath, his vision went black, and he almost fell off the bed.

"Your Majesty!" Queen Gongsun hugged him hurriedly.

"Help me up!" Li Shilong's face turned pale, "I want to go over and take a look!"

The father dies first, then the son.

Li Shilong suddenly felt that his life was too bitter.

Or maybe this is all retribution.

"Your Majesty, please don't get excited yet." Queen Gongsun was very worried when she saw her husband like this.

"I'm fine, I can still bear it!" Li Shilong waved his hand, and finally walked out without even wearing a coat, put on his shoes.

Empress Gongsun gritted her teeth and followed.

When I came to the East Palace, I looked at the three corpses on the ground. Judging from their postures, I could more or less infer the situation at that time.

Li Shilong held his hand on the door to prevent himself from falling, "I didn't ask Concubine Li to pray for the Supreme Emperor in the harem, and I was not allowed to come out at will. Why are you here?"

The big dog trembled all over and hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Slave, go and check now!"

"If we can't find it, you don't have to come back!" Li Shilong said.

"Yes, I understand!" The big dog was so anxious that he left in a hurry to investigate the matter.

"Has the news been blocked?" Li Shilong asked again.

"It's blocked!"

Li Shilong nodded. If this matter spreads, he doesn't know how much waves it will cause.

He walked into the gym and looked at the handwriting, which was undoubtedly Li Yue's notes.

There is also that not very clever poem, which made Li Shilong burst into laughter. "Haha, are you still dreaming about Spring and Autumn?"

He suddenly felt very funny, not laughing at Li Yue, but at himself.

He should have given in a long time ago, because his own thoughts caused the current situation.

Qin Mo is right, you really can't stay as emperor for too long, there will be disaster if you stay for too long!
Queen Gongsun didn't dare to get close, she only dared to watch from a distance. After just one glance, she ran to the side and vomited. The smell of blood was too strong.

"Gao Shilian!"

"The servant is here!"

"Collect the body!"

"Yes!" Gao Shilian waved his hand and quickly asked someone to collect the body.

"Don't spread this matter first. I don't want to hold two funerals in one go!" Li Shilong looked at the people present, "If a single word of what happened today is spread, no one present today will be able to escape!"

Everyone was so frightened that they knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty, the body of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince"

"Put it in an ice cellar for autopsy. The princess's body is so rotten and her identity is unclear. How can she be buried?"

"Yes, I understand!" Gao Shilian looked at Li Yue, knowing very well that His Majesty was afraid that these corpses were fake and substitutes.

Soon, the big dog also ran over and whispered beside Li Shilong: "It was found out that the eunuch and maid guarding Concubine Li were bribed. This is also the reason why the imperial concubine is dressed as a maid to serve. The one pretending to be the imperial concubine The maid has already committed suicide out of fear of crime!"

As he said that, he hurriedly knelt on the ground, "This slave deserves to die, please punish me!"

Li Shilong looked at the big dog, "Are you sure you committed suicide out of fear of crime?"

"Yes, I'm sure, slave!" The big dog's forehead was covered with sweat. He had really beeped the dog. Is this an unreasonable disaster?

If we really need to investigate this matter, he made a big mistake.As for the maid, there were some, but they definitely did not commit suicide out of fear of crime, but were killed by him.

How to investigate this matter?
It was found out that he was not doing things well.

This is no small matter. The crown prince, crown princess, and imperial concubine are all dead. Does he, the shadow of the emperor, still need to live?

So, he had to say yes!
To be honest, there was something weird about this thing, as if there was a big hand manipulating everything behind his back, and then hinting him to go in this direction.

"Keep checking!" Li Shilong said.

Both the Crown Princess and Concubine Li had varying degrees of damage on their faces, making it difficult for people to believe that they were the real ones.

Li Shilong has been fooled once and will not be fooled a second time.

When he didn't come, he felt quite sad.

But seeing the anti-poem and the corpse, he felt less sad.

He just felt that there were many conspiracies surrounding him.

"Seal the palace, no one is allowed to leave the palace, and no one is allowed to come in. Check!" Li Shilong issued the next imperial edict.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After issuing the imperial edict, Li Shilong walked out of the Taoist temple, looked at his wife who was vomiting violently, and walked over to help her calm down, "Let's go back!"

"Your Majesty, the prince, he, he..." Queen Gongsun's eyes turned red.

Li Shilong hugged her and did not tell her his inner speculation. All this would not be known until the autopsy results came out.

After being silent all the way back to the Palace of Longevity, Li Shilong was in a daze for a long time.

Until Gao Shilian came back, "Your Majesty, the autopsy has produced results!"

"Say!" Li Shilong came back to his senses.

"The Crown Princess is not herself!"

Li Shilong breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time he felt clear, "Do you know who it is?"

"Xu Jing, she is the opposite age to the Crown Princess, has a similar body shape, and even has a similar face shape!"

"Xu Jingzong's daughter?"

"Yes!" Gao Shilian said: "I sent people to Ganye Temple, and both sisters Xu Jing disappeared!

This matter is serious, and I have already ordered everyone in Ganye Temple to be controlled. I am waiting for His Majesty's punishment! "

Li Shilong nodded. Gao Shilian did the job really neatly. He was about to say this, but he didn't expect that he had already done it.

"What about the imperial concubine?"

"It's me!" Gao Shilian said.

"Where is the prince?" Li Shilong cheered up.

"Substitute!" Gao Shilian put his head on the ground, not daring to look at Li Shilong at all. "This person looks exactly like His Highness the Crown Prince, both in appearance and figure. However, I looked for the wet nurse who used to feed His Highness the Crown Prince and finally found him. These are different places!”

He took out the file from his arms and asked someone to hand it over.

When Li Shilong saw it, he couldn't help but sneer, "You're a traitor who killed his mother!"

Two falsehoods and one truth.

No one would have thought that a son would kill his mother.

Then he put two fake people in and wrote those rebellious words, making people think he was crazy.

Disguise everything so well.

But he knew very well that Nie Zhan was a person who was afraid of death at his core!

In other words, that evil creature faked his death and escaped!

(End of this chapter)

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